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  1. L

    A little Dilemma.

    First, I don't think you'd ever want to tell a woman you "just want to hook up and that's about it", unless that's the truth. But here, it sounds like you want something more out of this. Honestly, I would avoid that awkward conversation all together because once you start having to have...
  2. L

    I want to pick like how this guy picks up at a coffee shop

    I'm sorry to disagree, but it's really obvious to me that these girls are annoyed with this guy. He's not nearly as smooth as he thinks he is. The whole "can I ask you a question" line is obviously a front. The ladies made it clear initially that they didn't want him there (by saying that...
  3. L

    X-Mas present for my geeky girlfriend

    check out this website:
  4. L

    Is this girl out of my league now?

    I don't understand where the confusion came in for you. Were there prices on the menu? Was each meal $20? I just don't get where the big oversight happened. I would say the next time you want to ask her out, apologize for what happened and say you'd like to make it up to her.
  5. L

    Can anyone help find the problem?

    So it sounds like, based on that situation, that you read the girl wrong. I think you probably got a "friendly" smile rather than an "interested" smile. How do you dress? Have you thought about changing your style at all? In future situations like the one you described, I think you need to...
  6. L

    Myspace Analysis

    I like this part: "I only like brunettes. Sorry blondes, we can still be friends, but no funny business ;)"
  7. L

    Post 5 random tips.

    yes ;)
  8. L

    Email to a girl

    Yeah, it would be really weird to get an email from someone you don't know. I think you would be immediately written off.
  9. L

    'Facebook Stalking'

    I'm such a facebook stalker! But I don't add people I don't know. So I guess that would mean I only stalk my friends...hmmm. That, and people with public profiles.
  10. L

    Myspace Analysis

    lol :crackup:
  11. L

    Myspace Analysis

    I have two comments: 1. You don't look 52 2. I like that you like Rachel McAdams. It shows that you go for the classy girls, not the slutty ones.
  12. L

    Post 5 random tips.

    Can I play too? 1. Hygiene Smell good! Mmmmm....there's nothing better than a good-smelling guy, no matter what he looks like. 2. Challenge Her The Athiest who challenges my Christian point of view really brings me out of my shell. I like that he's got a viewpoint and stands up for it...
  13. L

    SHE asks ME out, then back-pedals.

    I don't think you should take this personally, after all, you don't even really like her, right? It sounds to me like she's being really sincere, I think she might be feeling like it's too soon for her to start dating again, but she enjoys your company and doesn't want to loose you as a friend...
  14. L

    The Three Vital Tips for Keeping A Quality Girlfriend

    wow, props. this is good.
  15. L

    uh, weird classroom # close

    well in that case, I would definitely give her a call, ask her for coffee or something like that. the worst that can happen is she'll say no!
  16. L

    uh, weird classroom # close

    You're right, this is a little bit of a weird situation. Looking at it from my personal experience, I've given my # to guys because I really did want help in the class or to split the work or whatever. And I'm friendly and laugh easily. So that could be how she's feeling. Do you know if she...
  17. L

    HOT names...

    Lexie ....:whistle: actually, that's not even my real name, so I wouldn't be too offended if no one agreed. :)
  18. L

    I'm Training a Girl (picture)

    Please don't tell me you think she looks "slightly chubby" in that first pic....
  19. L

    Post your field experimentation ideas here, and I'll do them.

    This is a great thread! Honestly, I find it attractive that you're even willing to try some of these, so I'm not surprised they're working for you. Confidence is sexy.
  20. L

    Just an FTF or Potential Girlfriend?

    Don't try to figure it out, ask her. Guys spend too much time analyzing things...cut to the chase and be straight forward.