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  1. L

    I just got into a MAJOR fight with my girlfriend. Should I apologize?

    Not to sound too female, but you started it. It doesn't matter who said what afterwards, because anything else was just her way of trying to refute your chauvinist point of view. She felt like you attacked her, and so she retaliated, it's that simple. I say, if you want to stay in this...
  2. L

    Do i really look that bad??

    You look good to me! Don't let what one girl said get to you. You do NOT need plastic surgery, that's ridiculous. You've got a lot going for you, you have a great smile and you look really sincere.
  3. L

    Does EVERY pretty girl have a boyfriend?

    A lot of girls feel the same way...why are all the pretty (ok, hot) boys taken? It's just a matter of opening up to other people and getting a little outside your comfort zone.
  4. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I'm not being mean...I'm just not going to sit by and listen while someone insults me.
  5. L

    Am I being lied to?!?!?!?

    You're definitely being lied to, it's a classic case of her wanting you now that you're gone. My guess is, she's hoping you'll get jealous about the fact that some other guy got to sleep with her and beg her to take you back. I agree with Sunny, make up your own girl!
  6. L

    Whats the deal with studying with chick?

    Studying does not automatically put you in the "friend zone". If anything, it gives you an 'in', a way to get to know her better and talk with her one on one. If she's asking you to study, that's a good thing...a very good thing.
  7. L

    How to flip this around at a girl?

    Either 1: she's trying to subtly tell you to back off, in which case you shouldn't worry about saying anything back and just leave her alone cause it's only going to get worse or 2. She's flirting with you. Flirt back. The 'what's up' makes it sound more like're in luck.
  8. L

    A variety of simple ways to make yourself much more attractive.

    I said it in another thread and I'll say it again, smell good! A great-smelling guy is infinitely more attractive than a non (or bad) - smelling guy. And I like #5, smart = sexy
  9. L

    just curious!!!

    She's definitely interested!
  10. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Wow, my sincere thanks for the explanation. You manage to sum up in one sentence what jon could not do in paragraphs (that is, if her bothered to use them) ;)
  11. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I answered your question very clearly and succinctly. The answer was yes, it does bother women to be with a man who thinks he is better than them. How hard is that? It was a yes or no question, there wasn't anything to delve into deeper. However, you managed to nicely skim over my...
  12. L

    Woman's Point of View

    1. Punctuation. Look it up, make friends. 2. I know you said that you "wouldn't listen to me" at the end of your post. Is it alright that I referred to that in my reply? Or would you rather I make vague references and not allude to anything you've said specifically? 3. So you're willing to...
  13. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I'm not sure why you're asking a girl to actually give you some insight if you look at them only as "playthings", but here are my thoughts on the matter: Yes, it's obvious if you think you're better than everyone. To a female, it is to some extent acceptable for you to think you're better than...
  14. L

    Woman's Point of View

    LL, great homemaking post, I agree with everything you said. Also, I have not read MB, I'll have to put that one on the list. Ah yes, the twinkie metaphor that one.
  15. L

    do chicks really dig scars?

    Personally, no. I'm pretty apathetic about scars unless they're very noticeable (across the face or something). Small ones are no big deal, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they're attractive.
  16. L

    Woman's Point of View

    It could mean that you misread her kindness as flirting, and she's really just a nice person, or had a question she needed to ask you, or something along those lines. If that doesn't apply, he could be her brother/cousin/whatever, or if he is her BF, maybe she was just bored waiting on him and...
  17. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I actually do agree with this to an extent. Women are very 'programmed'. Blame it on every chick click/romance novel ever made. We're shown a version of romance, and told 'hey this is what romance looks like, this is how it should be', so it can become hard to recognize it in other forms...
  18. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Yes, I did! You can pm me the story if you want my take on things or just want to tell me.
  19. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I will approach a guy if I'm interested. Usually though it's more of 'putting myself in their vicinity' instead of openly hitting on them. Circumstances include looks obviously, that's pretty much all you have to go on if you've never met someone, but I also take note of how they treat other...
  20. L

    Woman's Point of View

    ^^ Yes, exactly! it's those crazy eyes....