uh, weird classroom # close


Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
First of all, let me start by saying I think classroom gaming is very awkward - especially in this type of setting. It's a once a week class with about 20 students that actually show up and is a lecture type class. It's very hard to have a conversation with someone, because the teacher is 10 feet away. No one in this class knows each other so most people just keep to themselves.

I have been slowly gaming this chick in this class. At first this girl was very shy and would often not say a word the entire class - like she was intimidated by me. The last couple weeks I have been getting her to open up - I somehow built comfort and rapport with her. I think my body language rubbed off on her. Not exactly sure, but this girl has been really chatty the last few weeks.

Tuesday, I walked into class and shortly after the HB came in. As soon as she sat down she started chatting it up with me. I don't even remember the bulk of the bull sh*t she was talking about I was actually sending a text to a girl that I was going out with after this class.

Anyways, this teacher is always f*cking late and he was again so we started discussing how long it is we have to wait before we can leave. I explain it's 10 minutes and we just sign a paper that we were here and dip set. I then remember that we really cannot miss this class, because we need the study guide answers for the final. Then this little convo starts:

ME: How about this.. I leave and you stay and get me all the answers?
HB: haha, I think it should be the other way around..
ME: I don't think so.. What is your phone #?
HB: She then says something about her leaving too, but wanting to split the work or some ****.

I don't respond to and she immediately starts writing on a piece of paper. There is 4 other guys watching this acknowledging and appreciating me going in for the kill. I just sit there laughing in my head. She hands me the paper with her name, number, and what the class is.. lol, like I would forget.

Then I get up - she follows - I am walking towards the door and the teacher walks in. Damn. Bad beat. So, of course we're stuck there and have to stay for the class. So, for the next 2 hours we chat a little and I have her laughing and she is talking to me here and there.

I had to stay after to give the teacher a paper so I did not see her after class. Now, I'm almost positive this girl wants me, but I wasn't direct enough I don't think.. So, should I call her up and maybe ask her to study or something for the test? Or would that be weird due to the circumstances? She may have just wanted to split the work load. I think I may just wait till the final next week and just be really direct telling her I want to talk to her again and ask for her # again.

What do you think I should do here & was the # close good?


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
You're right, this is a little bit of a weird situation. Looking at it from my personal experience, I've given my # to guys because I really did want help in the class or to split the work or whatever. And I'm friendly and laugh easily. So that could be how she's feeling. Do you know if she has a bf? If not, you might be in luck, she's obviously attracted to you on some level, and I would say go for it. Otherwise, she probably just genuinely wants help in the class.


Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Lexie said:
You're right, this is a little bit of a weird situation. Looking at it from my personal experience, I've given my # to guys because I really did want help in the class or to split the work or whatever. And I'm friendly and laugh easily. So that could be how she's feeling. Do you know if she has a bf? If not, you might be in luck, she's obviously attracted to you on some level, and I would say go for it. Otherwise, she probably just genuinely wants help in the class.
She is single..


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
well in that case, I would definitely give her a call, ask her for coffee or something like that. the worst that can happen is she'll say no!


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
i would call and ask if she would liek to go out sometime

fvuk studying


Nov 21, 2007
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The thing is I probably won't have time to set up anything with her by the time we meet next class. So, it might be a pointless call.

If I just go into class next Tuesday and be a lot more direct with my intentions, but re ask for the phone # would that display LV?

Or would I be better off just saying something along the lines of "I have your # - I will give you a call"?

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
If you already have her number, just set the date when you meet her next Tuesday. It'd be a lot more effective and direct then setting up a date over the phone.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
f-ck studyin wit her bro. ask her to get lunch wit u after ur final

thats what id do

goodluck lemme kno how it went