She ignored me! Going to give her ultimatum by phone.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
So I am pretty frustrateded with this chick, but i am not sure if I should show her that I am. Lately, she has been responding less to me and I have been the one initiating most contact by calling her, except for the occasional text she will send me. I have taken her out multiple times and we had a good time, BUT I know she is dating someone else right now (not sure how exclusive).

Whenever I used to call in the past and I reached her voicemail, she used to take the time to call me back the same evening or atleast text me and tell me saying she is sorry and will call tomorrow. Well I called her at 6pm today (after 2 weeks of not talking over the phone with her), and left her a voicemail, but I did not receieve a call back NOR a text, I personally take this as flat out rude and disrespectful. Call me stupid if you may, but I do not take **** from women lol.

I have a feelign she is going to call me tomorrow pretending like nothing out of the ordinary happened. Well, I am thinking of giving her this line at the END of the conversation (i'll be really friendly frst):

"hey dana, I am going to be blunt with you, I do not like being ignored, and I do not want our contact to be one sided. If I am going to be the only one initiating contact by having to call you first, then I think you should tell me right now so that this will be our last conversation ever. Please also stop text messaging me if this is the case."

Should I re-word this? I want the upper hand now. I want to be in control lol.

OR am I over-reacting and should I let it fly this time? Maybe kill her with kindness instead, and keep initiating contact and being sweet to her?

The thing that annoys me most that I know she was up late past midnight. 6 hours is plenty of time to atleast get back to me via a text.


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
Brockton, MA
BigKuta said:
Call me stupid if you may, but I do not take **** from women lol.

So, if that's the case, ignore her back. When she sees that you haven't called for a while, she might actually decide to call you. If not, NEXT her punk-a$$!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Follow your bliss
or maybe she had other things to do

i understand it is stressful when you have so much invested in the other person's response that this sort of reaction comes

but you must learn to take things as they come, and giving her an ultimatum shows you are very needy and expecting of her. if she truly does not want to deliver to you then you will not be able to force her to with that kind of thing.

rather i suggest it is your mindset you need to address. in response to you I am thinking why text her back or do that kind of thing at all?

it is her lack of interest in you that makes you feel this way. and deep down you know she is not interested. does that have to equal you getting all PMS and busting on her? What did she really do wrong besides do what makes her happy?

Also very disturbing to me is how you know she was up late past midnight. I do not wanna know. You seem to be obsessing and this is not good, by obsessing you are saying she is worth more than you in your life. she should not be.

the irony of it all is that doing these things for yourself will be the one thing that, if at all, ends up attracting her back to you. but do not do them if that is the reason why you wanna, because that is in contradiction of what i just said.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Don't leave her a vm. Don't ever call her again and go chase after 10 or so new women.
If she doesn't call you back then it's never going to happen.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
Honestly, you sound really over-bearing. She probably has a life. I suggest you invest a bit more time in your own so you'll stop obsessing over this girl.

Why would you have to tell her not to send you texts anymore if the problem is her not contacting you?

I think this is a case of "she's just not that into you".