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  1. D


    video clip to when im gone is great aswell, mockingbird and when im gone his best songs imo hayleys song is ok aswell but these two are just tip top :)
  2. D

    Hairy Ass!!!!

    that has got to be the funniest thing ever posted on this forum rofl well done mate :D
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    9/11 conspiracy theory..>READ [Merged Threads]

    are you mentally fvcked up or just illiterate? "you are real troll here" "if it make you happy say i gay" wtf?
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    Voice determines who we're attracted to

    link?? bodylanguage can determine wether a chick likes you but her voice?
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    Her ex wants me dead

    yeah so he had the knife because he was 'scared' of you and your musscles... what if the nutter stabbed you? how would your musscles hold up to a knife?
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    Learning how to dance?

    well theres no rule that says you have to dance at a club but then you'd be a wall plant :p so my advice check out some of ushers video clips hehehe, just screw what people think if you need some confidence to get you on the dance floor get pissed and not only will you have confidence you'll...
  7. D

    Perfect Game

    Her: "I know about your little competition with Dan to see who can get more women" Me: "What competition? (pause) He gets what I don't want, and he knows it (smile)". Her: (shocked) "You just dug yourself a whole." Me: "How do you figure?" Her: "I dated Dan, twice" Me: "That's because you...
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    "The Look"

    man you cant drop your jaw 3cms and keep you lips touching...
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    100% success tecnique

    LOL so stupid but funny, haha
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    facial hair

    meh facial hair makes you look older but i find it a bloody pain in the arse shaving, and on hot days it gets sweaty and itchy :@ :@ :@ bahhh :@
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    I'm getting AMOGED

    ok can somebody please tell me what an AMOG is? :(
  12. D

    Melbourne cup!

    you should bet your 400 on the boxing now ;)
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    If you HAD to choose your torture?

    your the only one left without parts of your reproductive system ;)
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    The worst Pickup lines

    lol.. hi... my names i have one? :P :P :P
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    AMOG'd :(

    LOL ^^ amog?
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    Millionaire tip of the day- Meet a 20yr. old MILLIONAIRE

    gimie a hundred grand and ill turn it into $5 with in a week hahaha big deal he bought a property and made some cash sh!tloads of people do that....
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    is there such a thing as too much sex?

    ofcourse there is too much sex can lead to blue balls and your penis to crumble
  18. D

    Not looking your age

    lol when your old you want to look young when your young you want to look old ahahaha let your facial hair grow if it doesnt well your stuffed arent ya? go slash your wrists mate jk do not do that... why do you want to look older exactly? do you want to get the same age-older looking...
  19. D

    What are your favourite meals?

    kebab with a can of coke :D