AMOG'd :(


New Member
Oct 27, 2005
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I was working a 4 set at tonights game, I was leaning against a fence and these 4 girls surrounding me. I had been working them for ****ing 10 minutes! Then this guy comes up and says, "hey, hey you're Zod, holy **** dude whatsup, remember that time you were making out with like 4 dudes". And no this was NOT playful, he kept ****ing stressing it. And he literally meant it, this guy was intentionally amoging me to get to the girls. So he blew me out with 2 of the girls and got there attention and started chatting them up, while I was left with 2 of the other girls (and trust me, the set was never the same after that frame game). So I pull out early, and I just go into another set.

How could I have responded in that exact situation?

And can someone tell me how to ****ing deal with AMOG's?

I need some hardcore material here!

(btw, the AMOG is a guy i've personally known from about 3rd grade, at a point we were really good friends around 6-7th grade, but then we just grew apart - no fight or anything - and we are on friendly terms, we just don't chill, so I was just ****ing blown away as to why this ****er would do that to me for no reason)

Oh and also, this guy has a girlfriend, and I plan to ****ing take his girlfriend now (we go to the same high school).


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Thraxeh
what the **** is a AMOG ?
LOL ^^ amog?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
alpha male other guy

or some **** like that.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Man when this happens.. You fight back man.. not physically but fight back at his own game...

You need to learn comebacks to shyt like this.

"remember that time you were making out with like 4 dudes"

You could of said like "sorry you got me mixed up with someone else.. But i remember your dad melesting you when you were 5"

or" I wouldnt be talking to these girls if i made out with 4 guys"

Or " remember the time i was about to punch you in the fukin face?"

You get the point right.. Dont let the other alpha males ruin ur mack game. And dont stand around lookin like a puzzy with out nothing to say back.


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
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Dirty South
Originally posted by Zan
I was working a 4 set at tonights game, I was leaning against a fence and these 4 girls surrounding me. I had been working them for ****ing 10 minutes! Then this guy comes up and says, "hey, hey you're Zod, holy **** dude whatsup, remember that time you were making out with like 4 dudes". And no this was NOT playful, he kept ****ing stressing it. And he literally meant it, this guy was intentionally amoging me to get to the girls. So he blew me out with 2 of the girls and got there attention and started chatting them up, while I was left with 2 of the other girls (and trust me, the set was never the same after that frame game). So I pull out early, and I just go into another set.

How could I have responded in that exact situation?

And can someone tell me how to ****ing deal with AMOG's?

I need some hardcore material here!

(btw, the AMOG is a guy i've personally known from about 3rd grade, at a point we were really good friends around 6-7th grade, but then we just grew apart - no fight or anything - and we are on friendly terms, we just don't chill, so I was just ****ing blown away as to why this ****er would do that to me for no reason)

Oh and also, this guy has a girlfriend, and I plan to ****ing take his girlfriend now (we go to the same high school).

First, leave his GF alone. By seeking revenge you are showing an outw ard sign that what he did got to you. To beat the amog out of your set you have to be UNAFFECTED. This applies afterward too, because you want to be totally congruent.

Here's general advice for when an amog invades your set:
Don't become defensive – this is a sign of weakness.
Don't change your body language, demeanor, attitude or anything else that you were doing before.
Act as if the guy is your bratty little brother who loves to jack with you then go running to mom.
Give him minimal attention, you can even look at the girls as you speak to him.
Cut his threads. Don't let him lead the discussion.
Create an opportunity to turn your back to him while facing toward the girls.
Don't say anything at all that lowers your status. Don't try to VLV (Vocalize Lower Value) unless you truly understand the social dynamics.

Here is a technique that you can do for any amog intrusion to get his Social Value below yours from the beginning.

The first statement the amog makes, ignore.
You want to give the slightest shift of attention that noticed him, but don't consider him enough of a threat to bother replying.
If you have good rapport with the girls, eyecode 'creepy guy' to them.

Keep on with your thread and do your best not to lose flow due to the first interruption.

If he doesn't say anything else, never acknowledge his presents.

If he repeats what he said, then (all of this takes place in a split second):
Finish your sentence if you haven't already.
Wait a beat.
Look at him with your eyes only, don't shift your head.
Say “You said something” (sound like a question)
Wait a beat.
Look back at your target HB.
Continue your own thread or open a neutral one.

This exchange is scripted and gets you off to a great start because you have diffused his initial attack and demonstrated higher value (DHV) / social intelligence. He has to reopen with something else or look like a tool for 3 times repeating his insult. And you have shown him that you are going to make him Initiate Rapport (which you will then break).
