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    LOL toothpaste helps
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    Best Soccer Player In the World/ FAVORITE

    ive seen C.Ronaldo play...hes nothing special he does all that stupid footwork, stepping over the ball and all that crap but he will get much better when his a bit older though atm i dont see him as one of the worlds best out of the young players though his a gun also Fabregas from...
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    Jessica Alba Topless?

    LOL i was expecting her with a demented rak or something
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    It's All A State of Mind

    yes but you have to keep your state of mind with in reason and not get ahead of yourself like thinking something simple like "Im going to pass this maths test and get 90%" just because you keep telling your mind that doesnt mean its going to become true once your in that state of mind...
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    Best Soccer Player In the World/ FAVORITE

    Fav Player- Thierry Henry - Absolute Gun Player Worlds Best- Ronaldhino would come close i guess definetely not Cristiano Ronaldo though
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    girlfriends sis

    WTF? how old are you? is this a joke? WTF :down:
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    Why do we care so much about looks?

    its attraction, everyones attracted to different types of people you just dont like below average looking girls
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    would you do porn?

    chuck the mask on if you want, root the chicks on camera take your $10 000 and leave anyone asks where you got 10k you won it in the lotto ;)
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    hair style

    ask your hair dresser...
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    Tounge Twister Accidents

    was that meant to be a joke? if so it was pretty stupid is there meant to be a moral of the joke/story dont get married or something :| wtf?
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    Eminem or ICP

    50 cent :) in da club :D 21 questions :D he shouldve retired after making those two songs...
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    37 pick-up lines

    LoL some are hilarious, goodstuff You've got 206 bones in your body, want one more? bloody brilliant.
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    Girlfriend In Same School?

    hmm ok well im gonna ask her out and we'll see how we go :) i reckon i can handle all the he-said-she-said dip****s out there and as for the rejection via peer pressure i doubt as ive hooked up with 2 of her close friends and shes fine with that as at that time we barely talked so green...
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    The "magic eyelash" technique

    good post...this does work ;)
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    Girlfriend In Same School?

    hey all just wanted to know from your experience is going out with a girl who goes to the same school a good or bad idea? theres this chick i really dig and we always talk and flirt when we are near each other, shes only in 1 of my classes but she also hangs around me during lunch breaks...
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    got in a fight...need advice

    i disagree saying that will gaurantee him a beating...its not wise to call a bunch of guys insecure losers...
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    Asking for prayers...

    hope everything goes well mate
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    When a girl wants to kiss after she went down on you [advice]

    LOL definetely not... read in some chick magazine that the penis has 1million+ germs on it...its been in her mouth and she wants to swap saliva with me on the same night...doubt it honey ;)