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  1. D

    Kissing tips

    you being serious? in anycase, oral sex+ejaculation
  2. D

    How much does ugliness affect you

    if you aint confident about your facial looks then hit the gym, build up a muscular body, six pack, pecks ect. this will build up your own confidence and possibly take away attention from your "ugly" face.
  3. D

    My first breakup!

    dude that is ****ing wrong...doing that is just showing her how much she has gotten to you and its also vandalism you've destroyed her personal property...i feel sorry for you breaking up but i dont agree with your 'having fun' thats not something a DJ would do IMO...
  4. D

    New Girl has STD??

    head for the hills mate
  5. D

    Female beauty vs. Male beauty

    if they think your a jak@ss maybe ur blinded by your ****yness and think its just confidence :S? how do you act around girls that would make them wanna stick around your friends more than you? do you make em feel uncomforatable?