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  1. G

    dating game...BORING

    I get the same feeling sometimes. What you have to do is realize that it's about the process. Right now you're only thinking of the goal - finding a quality woman to spend time with. But what you have to do is enjoy every damn minute of your life. Be social, and you will unwittingly and...
  2. G

    What is killing my sex drive?

    I would advise abstaining from Porn/Masturbation for 90 days. Avoid ED pills if you can help it, those aren't good for you in the long run.
  3. G

    Coming off as too aggressive/creepy?

    I've been wondering, is it better to risk coming off as too aggressive or too passive? I've talked to a few women who have told me about how they've had to rebuff some men's advances, that they were repulsed by how a particular guy tried to get physical with them. I would rather not be that...
  4. G

    Fcked up past or just being a sissy?

    I can relate man. I've had some traumatic childhood events that have really had an impact on me, and screwed up my confidence and interactions with women. But once you recenter yourself in your own mind and build a foundation of self-worth, things get easier. Much easier. Little things that...
  5. G

    Would you date a girl taller than you?

    I've had the same thoughts, ChemGod; at 5'4, I've realized that if I only date women my height or shorter than me, my potential dating pool is relatively small. But being with a girl shorter than you is sooo nice just makes me feel more masculine. I was with a girl, she was about 5'1-...
  6. G

    Got this girl's number, but lost it...what do?

    Hm...I can see that it conveys a lot of indifference and that I'm not desperate (i.e. going out of my way to contact her), but at the same time I think there's an argument that waiting too long can be a negative, rather than a positive. There's a proper timeframe for when you initiate and...
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    Got this girl's number, but lost it...what do?

    So I had an impromptu dinner with a classmate of mine; afterwards I got her number. I had her enter it in my phone, and then we parted ways. But uh, I kind of switched apps on my phone or something before saving it, and I lost her number. >__> Pretty lame, I know right? We hardly run...
  8. G

    Always Fondle A Beech.

    Stevo, this is fantastic information. This reveals so much that I have wanted to know, shines light on why some of my interactions with women fell through when I had no idea what I did wrong... I remember vividly when I wanted to ask my 'oneitis' to hang out, and I thought that by inviting her...
  9. G

    What do y'all think of this text exchange/meeting setup? (also general advice needed)

    Thanks for the insightful responses guys...I definitely think that she was low interest/a bit disrespectful. I can't believe I was able to rationalize her actions to myself as still being interested. It's tough, breaking out of my old afc mindset... I ejected as best as I could, and said I...
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    What do y'all think of this text exchange/meeting setup? (also general advice needed)

    Context: I'm an undergrad at uni, she's an international graduate student from China, quite cute, just my type. We're in a class together which meets once a week for 2.5 hrs; before and after class, we usually chat a bit. I've gotten some decent kino in, and she seems receptive. I was showing...
  11. G

    Need some guidance guys...

    Last summer, I separated from a girl. Prolly not even fair to call her an ex, more like a girl I had oneitis for, we didn't even have sex - we came close, I had her on my bed, her shirt off, but I was nervous or something and wasn't getting hard; so I panicked and made up some excuse and we...
  12. G

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    It's been 7 months NC. Every day these past seven months I've thought of my ex. I went through a terrible depression for the first few months, which impacted my schoolwork. It was really tough. And I was always in this mentality of living in the past, of stressing and wondering about what I...
  13. G

    Why is showing your desire for her effective?

    In the initial stages of meeting a woman, I've been told that you want to demonstrate that you are attracted to her physically - be a sexual being, whether that be through kino, making strong eye contact, through conversation, etc. And we know that women like feeling desired, they enjoy...
  14. G

    Interacting with Quiet/Shy Girls?

    @BTL, nope haven't had sex with her, nor gone on a date; I do have her number though. We have a class together, so I see her twice a week; more often than not, we take the same bus towards that class together as well, so there's pretty much always going to be some interaction. I definitely...
  15. G

    Interacting with Quiet/Shy Girls?

    I met a girl the other day, international student from singapore, super cute, great smile, just my type. :D But, she's rather quiet. Not only does she not talk much, but even her actual voice is quiet, heh. Anyway, when we talk, it's always me initiating a conversation thread. She'll...
  16. G

    How do YOU handle the "I have a boyfriend" line

    There was a thread a while back addressing the same question. I dug it up, here it is: The reason I remember this thread is because Vulpine's response seemed super on-point to me. Couldn't have put it better - definitely recommend the read.
  17. G

    Need help understanding the sex dynamic...

    Lately, I've been undergoing huge changes in my personality and sense of self. I've also been tossing aside many of my presumptions about life, careers and work, and about women. I've truly been trying to swallow the red pill, but I've become a bit disillusioned. Read this reddit thread's...
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    Becoming numb. Is it good?

    I've had the same thoughts myself Onion. An answer to this is something I'm looking for. BUMP
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    Girl attracted to you as 'boyfriend material' vs 'sexy'

    I've been thinking quite a bit about my past with women, and the kinds of attraction dynamics I've seen/heard/read about. There are 3 cases, to my understanding: 1. The woman is not interested in you -> acts like a good girl around you. 2. The woman is interested in you as 'boyfriend...
  20. G

    Is this why there are so many nice guys?

    That was a fantastic article Viking. Thanks for the link.