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  1. M

    Mixed Signals?

    I agree with everything else you wrote. but temporarily pretending to have lost interest in a man is one of the most popular **** tests women use to gain power. it could potentially be indistinguishable from actual disinterest.
  2. M

    ******** translation needed

    you have to learn to guage the situation for yourself. the sooner you make mistakes the better.
  3. M

    ******** translation needed

    again, shes just testing the water. she likes to feel her feminine power over you by flirting. girls will flirt with you even if they find you unnatractive in order to reaffirm their own value. all that aside, if phillip is your friend, you won't even think about getting with this girl.
  4. M

    ******** translation needed

    Don't concern yourself with her little line. She's just testing the waters by saying something ambiguous. Go after her like you would if you were sure she liked you. You'll learn to enjoy the potential for being burned, it means you've graduated to someone with a sac. And judging from the...
  5. M

    Women and Myspace

    I've personally never used the internet to meet women. But I don't see anything wrong with it. It's a changing world and along with it comes a shift in social conventions. Do you remember the early 90s when computers were just for dorks? Things change and being a DJ is about adapting to your...
  6. M

    Mixed Signals?

    I have to second Crowes' opinion. It sounds nice in theory that a women with high interest will never try to play with you head, but it's not the case. Women aren't that cut and dry. You may also think that a DJ always triumph over lesser men. The fact is DJs scare some women. A woman will...
  7. M

    so i got played.. yup

    If she didn't sleep with you, she wasn't interested. you got tooled, it happens all the time. you're right though, women are very smart.
  8. M

    Physically became paralyzed

    watch/listen to/think of something funny.. it's a matter of you taking yourself too seriously or if you have to, take a drink before you see her
  9. M

    Is this a power play, a test or what?

    thank you for the replies, I was out of town for a week. Latinoman, you and everyone else who suggested that I take her on an actual date are spot on, I believe. A little update...I waited over 2 weeks to call her after the last time I saw her. This wasn't a game, I just was busy. I called...
  10. M

    Failure is Golden!

    I've found that failing only sucks when you puss out and go against your instinct. When you've grabbed your balls and tried something, you feel great no matter what actually becomes of it. On a somewhat related note, Don't get caught in the box of believing that being kind to a woman is AFC...
  11. M

    I want to ask this girl out that i work with..

    can you afford to lose the job? if so then go for it by saying, "lets (insert what you want to do)"
  12. M

    Is she flaking, cheating, or spinning?

    I allowed a woman I was seeing to stand me up for two dates in one week just like you did. I allowed a woman to show up 45 minutes late to a date with no explanation. What did I learn? These are simply permutations of the same test. They speak indirectly of your personal opinion of yourself...
  13. M

    The bartending and getting chicks phenomenon

    What contradictory about it?
  14. M

    people being challenges

    I hope you see the irony in having an honest conversation with the girl about how dishonest you were with her. You can't build trust by telling the person you are a liar. Remember the rule of fight club: don't talk about fight club? Same applies to having game. If its working for you then...
  15. M

    people being challenges

    Why would you put your cards on the table like this? I definately think you let your emotions override your common sense in this instance. You told her that you are fake. This is not going to work to you favor, I assure you. Girls say all sorts of things... I've personally heard a girl with...
  16. M

    Just Saw Her Photo and No Longer Interested

    Face it, looks matter to you. Read the part of this article about the shallow effect:
  17. M

    Need Advice about Ex? Girlfriend

    WC2 makes some great points. Women are skilled at making themselves appear the victim even when they've done wrong. I've experienced this many times personally, the sweetest women are especially good at manipulating you into believing you're at fault because they come in under your radar. You...
  18. M

    So I got dumped...

    you really need to let this one go man, you've rode it far beyond its logical conclusion... There is nothing wrong with loving your girlfriend, but that is not the case here. I've read your previous posts, you've undoubtedly got one-itis. This girl is the source of all your self worth. Do...
  19. M

    this woman prefers an AFC?

    By "captured her interest", what do you mean? Did she start calling you?
  20. M


    This is the best advice, skip all the gay wrist curl exercises. Deadlift as much weight as humanely possible and you'll gain size all around. Don't be stupid about it though, always keep your lower back straight and use your legs.