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  1. M

    Can an Avg, man become an alpha male?

    I think what you are asking is if their is hope for YOU to become succesful with women. You've just phrased it differently. The answer is yes. The whole idea of the alpha male is really just a rough sketch. You won't find any definitive answers for how to do it or how long it takes. Rather...
  2. M

    Fvck Im going to see her tomorrow I dont know if I want to deal with it

    This is one-itis. This is you selling yourself short. I'm assuming this translates to "I went home with a fat or unattractive chick" or "I went home with an attractive chick, didnt make a move, and rationalized it to save face". All that said, you can change your situation very quickly by...
  3. M

    Question on daydreaming/fantasizing

    Don't listen to the flame, somewhatsuave. I think the only daydreaming that is going to hurt your inner game is visualizing failure. While its impossible to keep yourself from thinking about worst case scenarios, you should remind yourself to think positively.
  4. M

    Why most guys are afraid to talk to/pickup beautiful women

    The fear is logical because we've been trained, much like pavlov's dog. The religious roots of our american society teach us that sexual drive and masculinity are sinful. The idea is reinforced by generations of people who have been raised this way. BUT skip2mylou, you are absolutely right...
  5. M

    **** up my chances with a HB.

    I think she just wasn't interested. "she told me she just moved and would let know as soon as she found out her number" translation: no, you cannot have my number how many girls do you know without a cellphone? i don't think they exist any longer
  6. M

    For inexperienced guys, should we try to close the deal quicker?

    Let me comfort you by saying that you often won't have control even after bedding a girl. An idea that usually works if a woman puts up the anti-slut defense is to lay off for a while. Go sit somewhere away from her, drink or do something slightly detached from her. Don't go back to her, have...
  7. M

    Is this a power play, a test or what?

    Newman, Desdinova, thanks. I took her out on an actual date really, we went for a long walk and sat by a lake where there were ducks. But now i think you are absolutely right. I shouldn't have attempted to have sex. My question is what should I do now? I did try to have sex. Do you not...
  8. M

    Is this a power play, a test or what?

    So putting it all together, what i'm dealing with is a crack wh0re who wants me to romance her? ;) seriously though, I'm trying to learn to manage the power balance. the only ways i know to keep it in my favor is to call infrequently, answer questions vaguely, and scrap most of the softer...
  9. M

    Is this a power play, a test or what?

    tmpgstx, thanks for your reply. First off i'm only 25, so I'm probably not considered an "older guy". I'd carry on fine never seeing this girl again. but what is really important to me is to understand what happened here. mainly, did i make a mistake and if so how can i improve, or was it...
  10. M

    LTR progress?

    I think there is a difficult line to draw between being a gentleman and being a coward in a woman's eyes. It's a distinction i'm grappling with at the moment. Your whole taking it slow thing is probably not going to pan out how you would like. She will be come impatient with the fact you...
  11. M

    Is this a power play, a test or what?

    I'll try to be to the point even though there are many details. I've been sleeping with a 20 year old. The first time i met her was easy, it was at a party, she subtly flirted with me at first then came home with me and played a little coy but had sex with me. She told me I seemed like the...
  12. M

    She says, "Thanks"

    Judging from your previous posts about this girl, you have a bad case of one-itis. Thats the main issue here, because its going to come thru in your actions towards her. A woman is not attracted to a man who needs her for his own sense of worth, and that most certainly describes your...
  13. M

    Once again i crash & burn

    You got served Ok, pretend the above quote was written by a female. So change the word guys to girls, girl to guy, she to he, etc... and read the whole thing through. Keeping with the same hypothetical situation where the sexes are shifted, the paragraph above reads like it was written...
  14. M

    The HB scale is not important

    if nothing else, it gives you a good idea of how the particular don juan percieves the challenge he faces. Higher the hb, more work and risk he believes it will require.
  15. M

    do good looking guys have a disadvantage and need to use negs on good looking girls?

    Good looking guys DO NOT have it hard. They have it incredibly easy, and make excuses for their weak game. I've been told things by women like "you look like a greek god", "you're too good looking for me", "you must get a lot of attention from girls"... while i personally don't think i'm...
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    What do I do after I have some numbers?

    a telegraph or the pony express will work if you build rapport correctly...
  17. M

    Me V An Natural

    don't create a self-actualizing prophecy for yourself by believing you can't beat him. he's not going to take every girl from you if you man up and make moves.
  18. M

    Report - DJ Sparky Got An Fvck Close

    are you serious about this or is it a gimmick you use to turn the girl on?
  19. M

    This is tearing me up!

    My man, you have one-itis like a mofo. You NEED to put the effort into dating some other women. Go to the gym, get some sort of interest so you don't have as much time to fixate on her. It's gonna burn in the chest for a while, but that burn is personal growth. Don't talk to her for a while...
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    Listen to her, or not?

    try it, worst case scenario: you look like a fool