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  1. M

    Looking for Job Ideas

    I'm in the market for a new job. I'd like a job that is social and isn't 100% indoors sitting at a desk. Does anyone do work that they enjoy and make a decent living at?
  2. M

    this woman prefers an AFC?

    This woman is thinking about him all the time, I'm sure. She is fantasizing. Exactly when you've got a woman wrapped around your finger is when she is going to start threatening to leave, just to see if you truly are the wall of a man she percieves you to be. And when you reinforce the fact...
  3. M

    this woman prefers an AFC?

    It DOESN'T go against the bible. In fact, it reinforces it. Women don't say what they mean and mean what they say. You allowed yourself to enter her world rather than view things objectively. It's easy to let that happen. This is no different than the million other girls who complain...
  4. M

    this woman prefers an AFC?

    Bvbidd makes a good point though. The woman is most likely enjoying the drama of the situation. I have a girl who I would consider to be a female AFC who messages me every once in a while and invariably in the conversation she asks me "why don't you talk to me anymore?". She has a boyfriend...
  5. M

    another shyt test from a woman

    This is a contradiction, low interest and mutual attraction don't go in the same sentence. You're coming off as desperate to these women. All the responses people gave, varied as the are, would probably work... just have to be confident or fake it to the best of your ability when...
  6. M

    Is this a power play, a test or what?

    Dankane, thanks for your opinion. I agree with you that I shouldn't call. She didn't have my phone number until this last time we met, before that we just ran into each other coincidentally. Now she has the option to call. "I feel like she almost has power right now because shes not having...
  7. M

    This board is not healthy

    Sure.. you most definately will get bad advice from people who never get laid. However, there are some diamonds in the rough here. Reading about other men's problems with women, what they did, and how it subsequently turned out cuts down drastically on the pain you have to go thru in actual...
  8. M

    Is Being Tall an Advantage?

    Women like to feel small compared to their man, it makes them feel feminine. Wilt Chamberlain was 7'1''. Basketball players, football players, volleyball, most all over 6'3'', and we know they don't struggle to get ass. I can hear the short guys saying, "oh no, its theirs celebrity status"...
  9. M

    Attn DJs: How many girls have you laid this month?

    God damn gonzalo, you are on point. i don't even know you and i already have a man crush on you
  10. M

    Studied the bible, but getting nervous

    Gonzalo is offering you pure gold here, the roll is what you need. Talk to the waitress, bartender, whatever. Keep in mind you can get a date with many other girls.
  11. M

    Duh... Has anyone else thought of this?

    The DJ style of meeting women is exactly what you describe. Especially in a non-bar environment, you will rarely suceed coming on sexually aggressive from the start. It's a delicate dance, you build comfort first and then ease in the sexuality.
  12. M

    DAMMIT I can't stop FARTING!

    its fiber or starch, are you eating a ton of whole grains or complex carbs? in your gut, fiber is digested by bacteria and the biproducts are co2 and methane gas among other things. could be the whey protein as well, if there are milk fractions with lactose
  13. M

    how many of you have gotten back with an ex? how did you do it?

    it happen to me a while back by ignoring the girl, and she came back to me when her next boyfriend dumped her. but seriously, its a ****ing disasterpiece waiting to happen.. you need to seriously reflect on this one-itis you have.
  14. M

    Always lookin at the right eye?

    There's no set interpretation for eye contact because we're all smart enough, both males and females, to mislead or bluff. Women are for the most part more comfortable staring into someones elses eyes.
  15. M

    Quick thoughts about being a man

    don't get it ****ed up though... girls aren't really going to chase you (with a few drunken exceptions). They will just make themselves more available for you to persue.
  16. M

    Can an Avg, man become an alpha male?

    Phoenix, that is the right ****ing spirit my man. When someone tells you its unlikely you will become an alpha male, you don't listen to that. It's exactly like the tests women will barrage you with in an effort to see if you will break down under pressure.
  17. M

    Is this a power play, a test or what?

    FBuddy is fine with me. I could go for more, but i see just playing around and having fun sex as the mandatory start for a relationship. I'm done, atleast for now, with just jumping straight into the hanging out all the time style of dating cause the sex gets stale in a hurry that way.
  18. M

    Is this a power play, a test or what?

    This article lists a few of the tests women use: Mentioned is the 'getting you really hot while making out but then saying no to see if you really respect me' test. My recent experience seems to smack of this. I recognize how to deal with every...
  19. M

    how to outgame this girl?

    what i meant wasn't going to happen is that you will tame the wild beast, that you will make her exclusive to you while you play with other girls. you can certainly keep the **** buddy thing going. what you said, introducing more girls into the mix, should work to keep her interested longer...
  20. M

    how to outgame this girl?

    it's simply not going to happen, she has too many options and you are just another dude