this woman prefers an AFC?


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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This chick friend of mine is complaining to me now about some guy who's chasing her. She's slightly above average, I'd say a 6.

Apparently this guy is doing every thing right by the bible, and she's losing interest? According to her, back when he was calling her everyday,etc, she actually liked him more. Now he calls her once or twice a week. She initiates most of the calls. She asks him out mostly. He doesn't reciprocate.

And she's thinking of moving on to someone else. What is going on here? Does the game change for 6s and below? Or what?

*edit* I forgot what else she's telling me, but all the stuff he's doing is exactly DJ type stuff. She's complaining that he's too happy with his life (WTF!), and that he's always happy...he's happy with his career, he's happy with his martial arts life...always in this tournament or that tournament, and he doesn't really care if she goes to support him. WTF - isn't this supposed to make a woman like you more?

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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TheFlyingMan said:
WTF - isn't this supposed to make a woman like you more?
Not if the girl has self-esteem issues.

A girl who is of quality will like you more if you do everything that guy you talked about is doing. If she's got some issues and is probably a co-dependent type of person who needs someone to cling too, she won't be interested in a guy who she can't hold down for too long.

My guess is this guy smelled some sort of desperation in her and that's why he stopped calling so often.

The beauty of what we preach and teach on here is that it will sort out the good girls from the bad ones, for the most part. Any chick with issues that we don't want to deal with will rarely pursue a guy who has his **** together 100%, because she knows she can't keep him.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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damn mate you are good...yes she is freaking desperate ... but she is telling me that he will be boring as a BF because he's too happy...u reckon that's BS?

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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TheFlyingMan said:
damn mate you are good...yes she is freaking desperate ... but she is telling me that he will be boring as a BF because he's too happy...u reckon that's BS?
That is 100% B.S.

She knows he's too good for her and this is her excuse to place blame on an outside reason, instead of owning up to the fact that SHE is the one who would be boring. 9not to mentiuon the fact that she'd also be a boat load of problems for the guy)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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I have a female friend (HB 7.5) who talks about the guy she's dating in a similar vein. I don't know her that well but she appears fairly normal and is usually in a good mood. The guy in question is acting like a jerk. He rang her one wednesday to ask her to go to a play on the Friday.

On the Friday, no word from him, she rang him and he said he was going to his roommates birthday party instead and she could come along. She didn't go. She told me a few more stories like that and said that she liked his personality but hated these games. She seems to be considering moving on. The test of course is if she actually does.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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AFC women like AFC men. These couples also make for the more long-term relationships.

They might not be happy with each other but they're both too afraid to be by their own and don't feel anyone else would have them.

That's the reason why relationships never last in Holywood. Too many opportunities/temptations and if things aren't working out then there is no reason to stay togeather.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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vorbis - I bet she won't break up with him. Not for this reason anyway, in time maybe however he will probably cheat on her or break-up with her after "finding" someone else first. it depends on how much he wants to string her along.

She's just a convenience right not. Nothing more. This girl is going to get hurt.

BTW - When you meet that RIGHT person. It doesn't matter how much of a player either of you are. You both turn into AFCs and it's easy, love makes you stupid.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Stop with this AFC bull****, AFC likes AFC. Bull****.

She'll complain but she won't break up with him.

Her "Complaining" isn't really complaining, she now has something to talk about.

He's too happy for me blah blah, the second he starts not being happy with his life, she'll go he's such a loser blah blah. She's just living her life and has something to talk about, it's not really complaining. Relax. She'll complain but she won't break up with him.

Mabye the fact you guys suck with girls is lack of common sense? That's normal social behavior, stop taking everything so seriously.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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Bvbidd makes a good point though. The woman is most likely enjoying the drama of the situation. I have a girl who I would consider to be a female AFC who messages me every once in a while and invariably in the conversation she asks me "why don't you talk to me anymore?". She has a boyfriend but he is total AFC.

You're making the mistake here of listening to what a girl is saying rather than her actions, and as vorbis said, the true test is will she actually leave. probably not.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
thanks for the replies guys!

Why is it that a lot of threads I see around here will always end up with a few guys coming in and essentially saying "you're a loser, you suck with women", etc etc.

I know the difference between normal conversation and total frustration, I won't go and make a post in sosuave because some girl mentioned in passing that the guy she's dating is too happy. She's been moaning about it non stop for weeks. It confuses me because it goes against the bible (which has helped me tremendously so I put a lot of faith in it) and how does that make me a loser or a social retard?

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
Stop with this AFC bull****, AFC likes AFC. Bull****.

She'll complain but she won't break up with him.

Her "Complaining" isn't really complaining, she now has something to talk about.

He's too happy for me blah blah, the second he starts not being happy with his life, she'll go he's such a loser blah blah. She's just living her life and has something to talk about, it's not really complaining. Relax. She'll complain but she won't break up with him.

Mabye the fact you guys suck with girls is lack of common sense? That's normal social behavior, stop taking everything so seriously.
you're a little high strung, eh?

when a girl complains, in passing, she IS enjoying the drama... but in this case, she's constantly bringing it up, and iscreating her own drama for nothing. To say someone is TOO Happy is a load of bull... What decent, quality girl wouldn't want to spend time with someone who is happy and living his life, good?

From my POV, if a girl is complaining that I'm too happy for her, i don't want her anyways. What a fvcked up drama queen that type of girl is, and I'll have no part in it.

It all boils down to her own self esteem and her desire to find someone she can relate to / lean on.....


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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TheFlyingMan said:
She's been moaning about it non stop for weeks. It confuses me because it goes against the bible (which has helped me tremendously so I put a lot of faith in it)
It DOESN'T go against the bible. In fact, it reinforces it. Women don't say what they mean and mean what they say. You allowed yourself to enter her world rather than view things objectively. It's easy to let that happen.

This is no different than the million other girls who complain about how their boyfriend is such an ******* but still go over to his place for sex whenever he asks.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
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The answer to your question is simple: overkill. She went from thinking that he's not good enough for her to thinking that he's TOO GOOD for her. I mean, all of a sudden, he has this GREAT life, this GREAT career, this GREAT hobby, this GREAT attitude, and she's just the same old girl. On top of all that, HE'S SEEMINGLY LOSING INTEREST IN HER! Sometimes we forget that girls are much, much more insecure than we are! It takes very little to make them feel infrior, and that's exactly how she feels right now. As a result, she's thinking of calling it quits and moving on to someone who's more attainable. So in a nutshell, our friend overdid it, he overqualified himself. If he doesn't show her some genuine interest soon, she'll just assume that he's out of her reach and give up.


Jan 14, 2006
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girls who arent good looking DO like AFC men because basically, what they are USED TO is being ignored and not liked very much, and that is wat they truly want


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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Krassus said:
The answer to your question is simple: overkill. She went from thinking that he's not good enough for her to thinking that he's TOO GOOD for her. I mean, all of a sudden, he has this GREAT life, this GREAT career, this GREAT hobby, this GREAT attitude, and she's just the same old girl. On top of all that, HE'S SEEMINGLY LOSING INTEREST IN HER! Sometimes we forget that girls are much, much more insecure than we are! It takes very little to make them feel infrior, and that's exactly how she feels right now. As a result, she's thinking of calling it quits and moving on to someone who's more attainable. So in a nutshell, our friend overdid it, he overqualified himself. If he doesn't show her some genuine interest soon, she'll just assume that he's out of her reach and give up.
This woman is thinking about him all the time, I'm sure. She is fantasizing. Exactly when you've got a woman wrapped around your finger is when she is going to start threatening to leave, just to see if you truly are the wall of a man she percieves you to be. And when you reinforce the fact that you are, she wants you that much more. She's not going anywhere.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
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mountain said:
This woman is thinking about him all the time, I'm sure. She is fantasizing. Exactly when you've got a woman wrapped around your finger is when she is going to start threatening to leave, just to see if you truly are the wall of a man she percieves you to be. And when you reinforce the fact that you are, she wants you that much more. She's not going anywhere.
It depends, brother. What you said is bulletproof in theory, but there are many variables in real life. If she's been trying for months, and it's only "getting worse," she's gonna eventually stop trying. Not because of lack of interest, as that's CLEARLY not an issue here, but because she'll get depressed and give up. Or not. Could swing either way. Regardless, now's a good time for him to show some interest. If he's already been at it for months, there's really no need to continue any further. I'm sure she already gets the point since she can't get him out of her head.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
girls who arent good looking DO like AFC men because basically, what they are USED TO is being ignored and not liked very much, and that is wat they truly want
Skip is right again, girls that are never told their sexy will of course want to be told their sexy. But the problem is, even ugly girls get tons of attention from ugly guys. It makes them go for the guy who calls her sexy the least.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
It's true that you should judge women (and people in generally actually) by their actions rather than their words, there's no need for that kind of reply.
You agree yet you don't agree with the delivery ol' chap..... If thats the case then you're missing the point and there is every need for a harsher/stinging reply...


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
yeah i was going to make a post about female afc's my sister got really weird worrying about this guy but like dudes she only cares about him because of what he can do for her physically or emotionally some women just don't care if they hurt you or not and can forget all about you and some will obsesse over you i want a girl that will think about me as much as i think about her which i probably won't find in this lifetime