Is this a power play, a test or what?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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jonwon said:
i am going to post something a little different here.

Most of my girls have been LTR after the first night sha*, why?
I cant be bothered with the whole dating thing, the problem here is:

When you sleep with a girl on the first night and you have a LTR with her, when cracks start to surface and trust me they will.

You cant help to wonder, if she is cheating, not due to anything specific but she fuc*ed you the first night she met you did she not?
That doesn't even cross my mind. One of the women I married was one I slept the first night. She was loyal to me. And when things started to cracked...I took care of business. Now, I agree with you that if she was one of those sluts you find in a bar...that's different. But if you have experience seducing (and manipulating) woman, then you know who are falling and who are just sluts. Plus, there are tests out there too.

Did you have a golden willy or some other hard to ingnore feature that seperated you from the rest of the men?
I don't have a golden willy...but I do have some other hard to ignore feature that separates me from the rest of MOST men in today's society: I'm masculine. I can take care of my woman (protect and provide). I can satisfy her in every aspect (emotionally, physically, mentally, and intellectually). And I put them in a constant roller-coaster. Plus, I'm quite unique.

No simply you didn't the girl is loose, in the generic term.

It is ok to Fuc* girls like this but take it from a guy from alot of exp' with these type of girls do not date her for a LTR.
Now...I believe you mean girls that open their legs without you doing much work. Or girls that FAKE they are hard. The ones that I did our first night and ended up in some level of relationship...were women that I truly had to apply some serious skills in the seduction department...but even if they didn't give up...I still don't trust them. Trust must be earned.

I would say one thing, I do see your point.

You should focus on a girl who does not put out, some one who holds you off until it is right for her and then the sex is good, they are about, i dont think you will meet many in clubs though!
I don't waste my time on girls that does not put out just because they want to pretend. If she wants me...she wants me. I don't waste time. After all...I'm pulling out too. And trust me, I have turned women down in the past, because I find them cheap.

Nothing more to add other then:
When she is out clubbing and you two are going through a bad patch how can you fully trust her? if your honest you will admit you cant not 100% there the relationship is over already.
If she was into the one-night stand or into the "wild night" should never trust her. Regardless if she made you wait several months to get you puzzzy. If she is into the getting drunk scene, you should never trust her.

I know women that were raised in church. In fact, women that were the daughters of the preacher...and those same women opening their legs to any man.

Dont LTR a girl who fuc** on the first night, rule number 1.
A DJ does NOT have rules. The way I look at it...if you fuc her on the first night...then YOU and HER are made for each other. If you didn't feel she was decent enough, then you should have NEVER lowered yourself into having sex with her. If you fuc a cheap woman, that makes you a cheap man (one that has low self esteem). For instance, I don't care if a woman looks hot...if I feel she is cheap, I would never sleep with her. I see myself as the prize.


I see your point and you are right about 90% of the time. But there always that 10% that you should not disqualify. Especially if you have developed certain skills and ability to convince people to do some stupid things (wink).


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
thank you for the replies, I was out of town for a week. Latinoman, you and everyone else who suggested that I take her on an actual date are spot on, I believe.

A little update...I waited over 2 weeks to call her after the last time I saw her. This wasn't a game, I just was busy. I called her at 6:30pm on a saturday, left a message and she didn't answer or call me back. My roomate had talked to her briefly a week after we last got together and he got the vibe that she didn't like me.

My gut tells me that I was probably too unavaliable and so now I need to be a little sweeter.
I called her again today, tuesday, 9:30 in the morning... I didn't expect her to answer but I thought I'd try something new. I left a message that "I'm going hiking later, it'd be nice if you came along, call me back".

So, if she calls me back, I'll do an actual date with no attempt at sex. The aggressive alpha male is touted around here as the ideal and I can see it working in the short term. but i get the feeling it actually scares women off after a bit. thoughts?