this woman prefers an AFC?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
She didn't really like him back when he called all the time, but compared to him now.. yes she did.

Don't you get it? But if he did actually call all the time then he'd lose her.

Like when a girl wishes a guy was nice to her but when the guy actually is she ignores him.

The whole wishing a guy would do something but he doesn't is what makes her like him in the first place, or at least in this case stay interested.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
So as I say, you were right but your delivery was wrong.
I call it like it is, no fear no favour...

And in doing so, I think I have revealed a flaw or two in you that you might want to rectify as part of your self-improvement program.
a - You just need a thicker skin... might do you some good... viv-a-vis its a dog eat dog world out there.
b - Your assumption that I called him pathetic was a tad presumptious since I called the action pathetic, not the person. But having thought about it a little more, I think your assumption might have some merit.. But anyway, you need to check your interpretation, before you go about telling people to tone down there opinions, even tho you agree with it.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
heh heh thanks for the help mr elor but i don't really care it's just annoying sometimes.

Well I know women lie (well and men too) but I can't be bothered analysing everything they say to me - is it true, is she lying? etc know what I mean?

so what's the general consensus - she's a liar and she actually likes him even more? Or she's desperate and insecure and that's why she's actually losing interest?

Do you think it might be the culture? I don't care about this girl, but I was gaming one of her friends before, from the same country. And I actually got her friend by calling her a lot, and asking her out a lot, and being nice. When I was aloof and laid back, it captured her interest for like 1 week, and then she lost interest until I went back to calling her up a lot.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
TheFlyingMan said:
When I was aloof and laid back, it captured her interest for like 1 week, and then she lost interest until I went back to calling her up a lot.
By "captured her interest", what do you mean? Did she start calling you?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Ok let me get this right these girls are your friends right ??? Why on Earth are you even listening to their B/F problems ??? Dont you have anything better to do ???, like honestly the few girl mates that I do have never talk about their B/F issues when I'm around cause they know I'll tell them to shuttup and handle it or do something about it and dump him.

God you have mates so that you can go hang out without talking about crap, hell you dont do it with your guy mates why do it with your girl mates. If a girl mate of mine rang up and said some crap about her B/F I'd cut her off say I'm going _______ (insert place of interest) wanna go chill out ??? End of story.

But going back to the first post, she wont leave him, if he's banging her good at least once a week she wont leave him, she's gonna complain to the whole world how the guy is a total d!ck but she's ggonna go back for more, your just the guy she spills out on cause you have no hope of scoring with her lol j/ks :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
my old oneitis, who I honestly think is one of the 3 prettiest girls I have ever seen, won't date a guy that isn't a chump. Her own words, on more than one occusasion were "I don't date good looking guys, because I don't want to be cheated on".

It took a while for that to really sink in with me, but any girl that doesn't want what's best for her has issues, and I stopped persuing her.

Hell right now the guy she is "seeing" hasn't had sex in 5 years and he's 23.

A girl that doesn't want the best man possible is not a woman worth persuing for the reasons previously stated


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
captured her interest...hmm...lots of makeout and heavy petting when we're alone in the car...but I couldn't get her back to my place. When we're in a group, she'll be touching and leaning on me, which she previously only does to her BFs.

Stuff like that. Not saying I could have fvcked closed her because I'm still an RAFC but I was pretty sure if my place wasn't 45 minutes from her place I would have.

No I couldn't have done it at her house, she lives with her 2 brothers who co.ckblock everyone.

oh listening to their BF problems cos I'm trying to figure out the female mind. So as an RAFC I think it's fascinating. Most of the time I listen and I try to figure out where the guy went wrong, so I learn from their mistakes so to speak. This one confused me because whereas all the others were complaining about AFCs, this one was complaining about what I thought was DJ behaviour.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
yea i was in a situation like this, i was chasing this girl and she didn't like me for 2 years, but as soon as i left her she started chasing me...WTF??