I want to ask this girl out that i work with..

Dayum itz jee

Don Juan
Jul 5, 2006
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How can i do that? Cuz we see each other almost everyday so it may make things awkward... so do i leave it or do it?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
can you afford to lose the job? if so then go for it by saying, "lets (insert what you want to do)"


Jul 7, 2006
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Hi, _______, wanna have sex some time?

*Gets slapped*

Dayum itz jee

Don Juan
Jul 5, 2006
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Alright I just got the job 2 days ago and i work in the same room as her... We talked She smiled, laughed , (Showing the good signs).. I introduced myself she introduce herself.. Yea and then an hour of awkward Silence but every 15 minute or so i come up with something Random and funny... I really wanna ask her out but.. I just remember all the things i would have to go thru... =\


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
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glendale, ca
i did it... and it's hard hard hard now that it's over.

basically she broke it off... she freaked out for reasons that are not clear to me. basically, she wanted out and i think she figured flipping out would be easier than initiating a break up.

but to get over a girl, the idea is to not see them and not know details about what they're doing with their lives... especially romantically.

unfortunately, i'm around that all the time (she even told me she was seeing someone which i took with a gritted teeth smile but totally sent me reeling... hell, i'm still on the bubble) and i'm finding it difficult to recover from.

it's even made me consider quitting.

if you go out and it goes well and stays well, you're gold. if it goes wrong instantly or soon, you're still good. but if it goes well for a while and then goes sour, you're in for a world of hurt... like me.

i can't tell you not to do it. it may be the one after all. unfortunately, i'm just here to say that the consequences can be sanity shattering and perhaps job ending.

proceed with that understanding.


p.s. my situation was somewhat like in "the office" with jim and pam... we were great compatriots and we kinda dug each other for a while and then i made the move. so we had a connection to begin with... and it's harder now because it's all gone now, though i wouldn't trade what i did... we want lovers, not friends right?

but if you just barely met her, there's less attachment and if you just want something superficial, it might be worth it.... hell, if it's without emotional attachment, even if it gets NASTY as hell with the fall out, it's probably something you can shrug off....

only get dangerous with attachment.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Done it before? No? Do it and get some good experience under your belt...

Regardless of how many examples and experiences of others you can read, there's nothing quite like throwing yourself into it and experiencing it yourself... I've dated a girl I've worked with previously, and had one night stands with a couple of others a number of months later... honestly, things were awkward afterwards...

Most people will advise you not to, and many advised me not too... but I'm not the most conventional, so I did it, and like I said, it's awkward, but you can get over that...

If you want some general advise on the best way to approach it then you've got to isolate her... suggest that just the two of you go out for some lunch sometime, exhibit some value and then you can work on drinks after work with a bunch of workmates, closing in on her... that's how I always worked things and it got me what I wanted, but I'm excellent at reading girls now... just be careful not to be too lewd or you might get slapped with a sexual harassment suit, lol...