The bartending and getting chicks phenomenon

No Escape

Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
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You'll go to a club or go to a bar and you'll always notice one or more women who will literally hang around the bartender almost the entire night. I never quite understood why chicks dig bartenders so much. They might as well dig the local gas station attendant or cashier at Wallmart too(not mocking cashiers or gas station attendants by the way). The only reason I can figure why women are so attracted to bartenders and will hang on their d*ck all night, is because they're either:

1. Drunk


2. They find making drinks attractive and are mesmerized at how the bartender knows how to make a variety of drinks.

Other than those 2 reasons, I really can't think of any other reasons they'd be so attracted to them

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
- Frome experience, I'd say bartenders overall are NOT ugly dudes. They are almost never overweight, never short. Sure they are not all Brad Pitt, but most of the time they are young and good loking guys. The old and ugly ones won't be hired as battenders anyway, it's especially true in night clubs, sports bars are less choosy.

- In the specific four/six hour span, the bartenders have high status. Especially in clubs. Everybody wants to be served quickly and nicely right? See how the bartenders always give better attention to the hotties? Like serving them before you even though you got to the bar before them... :cry: :rolleyes: :down:
So I guess every woman subconsciously wants to get the hotties' high status by "befriending" bartenders.

- Just to remind you one thing: once out of the bar/club, the bartender "status" is almost worth nothing.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
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The Bartender Perspective:

For the last two years I have worked in one of the nicer bars in the town where I live. Before working there I had my share of ups and downs with the ladies but I still had a lot to learn - not so much about women but about the way I am with women.....

That said, the reason I believe bartenders have such high success rates with women is twofold. First, when I am at work, like most of you, I am in my position of comfort and power. I gain a lot of satisfaction being good at what I do and it shows when I'm slinging drinks. While I am the first to admit that bartending is not difficult, I know that when you are good at what you do and you know it, it is obvious and attractive to the women who see you and we all know that everyone sees the bartender!

Secondly, In a typical evening I have the opportunity to talk to every conceivable type of woman you can imagine. From the slutty girl who needs lots of male validation to the thirties something woman who is successful but lonely to the nice 'girl next door' type, etc.... It is my job to talk to all of them and I have to be honest that like everything in life, the more you do something the better you perform. To say it plainly, bartenders get a lot of mileage opening and flirting with the ladies.

This is not to say that bartenders have it made. It has been said here countless times that clubs are not the place to meet quality girls and I have to agree. Most of the girls I meet through work end up being lame, crazy, and insecure. Not that all women that go to clubs and bars are this way but the big truth you see in meeting so many women is how very few qualitiy women exist in the world. To be fair, I have to say that there are equally as few good guys in the world too....guys that you would consider truly good guys. I think it adds up to the reality that people of good character who have their **** together are rare - don't expect to meet them out at a club or bar (although exceptions may exist).

On a side note: I see a lot of guys trying to pick up on the waitresses I work with. To let you guys in on a little secret, 99.9 percent of the time, they are only being nice to you because they are expected to be....they really aren't interested in you. Focus on the girls that are there with their friends not the ones that are trying to pay their bills at that moment. With this in mind, When I am out on the town, I make it my rule to never ask out a waitress or a hostess while they are working. If I see them somewhere outside of their work, all's fair, but at get the idea.

Similarly, I serve a lot of guys who are trying to pull some superiority move over me. They try to be pushy and prickish with me thinking that I'll kiss there ass or something. Don't fall into that trap. If you suck as a customer the bartender will NEVER give you good service, your drinks will take longer to make, and they won't be very strong. Be polite to the bartenders and tip them well. In return they'll happily intoduce you to all the crazy hot chics that are hanging around all the time and probably end up buying a fair amount of your drinks too......



Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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The vast majority of chicks that APPEAR to digs bartenders are either

1- Drunks
2- Looking for a free drink
3- Seeking "bar" status (the "she knows the bouncer" or "she knows the bartender")
4- Honestly...the vast majority has issues or low self esteem as most women that frequent bars.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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3- Seeking "bar" status (the "she knows the bouncer" or "she knows the bartender")
From my experience, that's the only real reason for the 'phenomenon'...

It always cracks me up when women get to a club and they go running not only to the bar-tender but also to the bouncer, or DJ, or security guards trying to syphon off some of their situational power. It's just them trying to show the other girls and guys that they are popular, its human nature and guys do the same thing... who cares tho, as long as u get urs ?


speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
First of all, good discussion...

This sort of thing happens everywhere. Guys take advantage of places where they have status. The meatheads have status in the gym, bartenders have status at the bar, big wheels have status at an office, and so on. However, it is "perceived" status. A confident man will be perceived higher wherever he goes, and loser will be a loser wherever he goes. For example, some of the bigger guys at my gym could really get some girls if they'd play their cards right, but they'd rather yell when squatting, or talk loud as if somebody actually wants to hear them, and walk around trying to be macho man. Contradictory...


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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speed dawg said:
For example, some of the bigger guys at my gym could really get some girls if they'd play their cards right, but they'd rather yell when squatting, or talk loud as if somebody actually wants to hear them, and walk around trying to be macho man. Contradictory...
What contradictory about it?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
If you've clicked my picture in my sig, you know I've experienced this phenomena also.

I see it as occuring because the bartender is the host, the leader, he's running the bar. He is in ultimate control of the venue, and thus THE ONLY alpha there. He is the Alpha Alpha in that respect. The phone is behind the bar, the PA system, the music control, the booze, the money... he's in complete control. He sees everything, hears everything, and runs everything.

I don't really need to point out more than that: Power. He has it.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
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Another Bartender's Perspective

In being a bartender I have seen a huge up in my game. Not only does it help that bartending is a passion of mine so I can talk about what I do with tons of enthusiasm, but you simply are THE MAN at the bar. That may sound ****y but it is true, everyone who comes to the bar respects you regardless of age or status, why? Because you are in control of whether or not they have fun, if they are a ***** to you they are not going to get the same caliber of service from you.
Secondly, when you are bartending you learn how to talk to people very quickly because you want TIPS! So you quickly get into a good mood behind the bar from all the fun conversation you are having.
Last night I was bartending and two cute girls came up, so I went up and asked them what they wanted (two ceasars) and if they had I.D. They presented I.D and I noticed they were from B.C so I asked where in B.C they are from yadda yadda, then I told them these two ceasars would be the best they had ever had. Lets just say that I had them laughing and got a 4 dollar tip on 10.00 worth of drinks.
Another stigma with bartenders is that bars tend to hire charasmatic people for the position, and likewise mostly charasmatic people apply for the position, you never see a quiet, absorbed guy working behind the bar.

To sum it up, when you are a bartender, it is not about who you know, it is about who knows YOU.



Don Juan
Jan 7, 2006
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How many of you have ever held your own house parties, or appartment parties in college. The same phenomenon is observed there, only replace the bartender with the person living in the appartment or holding the party. I always found it way easier to meet and get with women after holding my own good parties.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
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bauer_23 said:
How many of you have ever held your own house parties, or appartment parties in college. The same phenomenon is observed there, only replace the bartender with the person living in the appartment or holding the party. I always found it way easier to meet and get with women after holding my own good parties.

Adam G.