people being challenges


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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realsmoothie said:
Um, wait, on the one hand I'm being told not to play games... and then when I tell someone the truth (that I DO play games) I'm told it's "putting my cards on the table". Huh?
I hope you see the irony in having an honest conversation with the girl about how dishonest you were with her. You can't build trust by telling the person you are a liar.

Remember the rule of fight club: don't talk about fight club? Same applies to having game.

Anyhow, it doesn't matter with her. I really don't care if anything more happens with her, she's not a long-term option and is more prone to fooling around with me when we are chatty and friendly anyhow... believe it or not. I brought up the games stuff because I was curious to hear what she thought about it. She's an interesting - very strange - person.
If its working for you then stick with it. but my intuition tells me you're falling for this lady


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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I think it can all be broken down into what Desdinova wrote:


Simply put: for women, "feeling" takes priority over growing.


Also, much of this challenge/bad boy thing is universal in America, it's not so true in different countries. I find one of the disturbing parts of this board are the tricks and techniques to try and play into the women's game, and doing things to overcome THEIR game.

First focus on yourself, next try to find a woman who isn't so impressed with challenges, bad boys, etc., one who is more into personal growth than emotion. Good f-cking luck in the U.S.

Go foreign.
Mar 23, 2006
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WestCoaster said:
I think it can all be broken down into what Desdinova wrote:


Simply put: for women, "feeling" takes priority over growing.


Also, much of this challenge/bad boy thing is universal in America, it's not so true in different countries. I find one of the disturbing parts of this board are the tricks and techniques to try and play into the women's game, and doing things to overcome THEIR game.

First focus on yourself, next try to find a woman who isn't so impressed with challenges, bad boys, etc., one who is more into personal growth than emotion. Good f-cking luck in the U.S.

Go foreign.
I couldn't agree with you more about the foreign chicks. The ex that I've been talking about on here was from Europe, and like I said, she wasn't at all into the bullsh*t games. I personally can't stand American women, the thought of them makes me cringe and wanna vomit.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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I just got back from vacation over the border in Canada, and while it wasn't overseas, where I was (Banff) was full of mostly people from other countries. Also, I was impressed with the Canadian women. (I know the Canuck guys here complain about them ... I found it a refreshing change from the constant b-tching of American women.)

I closely watched women from Asia, England, Germany, Yugoslavia, etc., with their men. They actually showed affection, respect, and kindness. Rollo T. told me to vacation in a different country to get an alternative perspective -- while it wasn't overseas, I did get that perspective.

Before I went on vacation I went out to pizza with a bunch of people from work. A businessman showed up and we chatted for awhile. He said he lived the last 16 years in Russia.

Pretty soon his wife showed up, he waves her down from her car. She gets out, starts walking our way -- she's about a 9.5 -- shows up, kisses her hubby, is great with her kids. I don't even have to be introduced to her or hear her talk to know she's either Russian or European and NOT American. She orders her food -- Russian accent. I knew it.

After awhile you can just tell who is and who isn't an American woman. It starts first with attitude and then goes on to looks, body, etc. Sadly, American women have b-tched themselves out of the market, but they have enough supplicating AFCs in this country to keep them feeling ****y and arrogant.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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The respect for men is much higher in just about every country but the U.S.

Somewhere in their mid-20's, the man-hating gene kicks in with American women. I work at a university and see it time and time again, it's sad. Most of it is learned from culture or their mommies. They're not taught correctly.

It's also much easier to play the disrespect card with a bad boy or jerk, because they don't deserve respect, so they graviate towards them.

Sigmund Freud would have a field day with American women.

If possible, go foreign. If not, find a woman who is not a man-hater. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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I said: “Many men fail miserably in life because they are themselves. There is a place for everything. I don’t behave the same way at work as I do in a nightclub or church. I have to bring a face for each one of the different roles in my life. When I meet with a dignitary from Japan, I must have certain face and act accordingly. When I go to a nightclub, I dress and act accordingly. When I am in a private setting with my woman, I do the same. When I’m in the streets, the same.

However, I know who I am. I am happy with who I am. I know my value as a man. I understand my weaknesses and strengths. And I strongly and vehemently believe that there is no man above me. Therefore, I can be “myself”. Because I know myself and have worked for years to reach nearly the level I want to be.”

To that you stated:
Confused ?? LoL, you are complex !!
There is nothing confusing about what I wrote above. The only confusing part was how you cut 70% of the post and limited only to: “I don’t believe in the “be yourself” crap.” and “Therefore, I can be “myself”. Because I know myself”.

”If you have to put on faces wherever you go, I pitty you. Maybe that's your life but plenty of self-aware and assured men out there who don't fake anything and put themselves out there how they really are and people either accept or deny them, ur older but u seem younger than me.”
Son, I have been in meetings with plenty of self-aware and assured men. Many of which make decisions that can and would impact your life style. Several are CEOs and the likes. Some even from foreign nations. They have a face for the meeting. I have also being with the same men in places such as the French Quarter in New Orleans (of course prior to Hurricane) and I can tell you…they are NOT the same individuals when they go out and have fun. In fact, some even are a little insecure (regardless of their “alpha” status in the business world) when it comes to dealing with women. Others are more than secure.

They have a “professional” face…they have a “fun” face…they have a “dad’s” face. Fact is…everything in life has its place. And ONLY self assured men know how to differentiate between fun, work, duties, etc. It is called the ability to adapt to the environment that surrounds us. No every can is capable of that.

The only thing that should remain constant are our values.

Don’t assume that because you are dating a 36 year old woman…that that makes you a “mature man”. Quite the opposite. And the more I read your posts, they more convinced I am that you have little experience on the topic.

Fact is… you are denying yourself of the opportunity to understand how women evolve. Furthermore, I would say that over 90% of women that are over the age of 32 and that date men considerably younger than them do so because they are going through a serious self esteem phase. Your girlfriend was dumped by a good looking man. SHE was dumped and her self esteem went down hill. Do not assume your skills had anything to do with were she is now. It has more to do with you being a kid and she trying to boost her self esteem with you so as to tell others “I’m dating a 21 year old man”. This is a topic I have talked quite a bit with some of the 30+ year old women I know (friends). They have no qualm saying that to boost their self esteem, they went out with the young kid. When in reality, all they wanted was going out with the more mature and established men. But they didn’t have the self esteem necessary at the time to deal with such confident men.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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mountain said:
I hope you see the irony in having an honest conversation with the girl about how dishonest you were with her. You can't build trust by telling the person you are a liar.

Remember the rule of fight club: don't talk about fight club? Same applies to having game.

If its working for you then stick with it. but my intuition tells me you're falling for this lady
Actually, I never talked much about me and her and games, because at that point not a lot had gone on between us. And yes, we went on to talk about that very irony... she was taken aback for a while and then we went on to talk about all sorts of games that go on (where she admitted to playing them herself).

And oh God, I am not falling for this one. She's great, don't get me wrong, but she has emotional problems up the yin-yang and is really not that cute. She's like a backup at this point, and she knows it.

Otherwise, I'd totally agree that you don't talk about "having game" or "gaming" or even about your affairs with women. This was just one example.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
accidentally posted without re-reading this thread entirely.."again"

First focus on yourself, next try to find a woman who isn't so impressed with challenges, bad boys, etc., one who is more into personal growth than emotion. Good f-cking luck in the U.S.

Go foreign.
this says it all, brilliant


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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place to place.
i think the longer a relationship goes on most men seem to lose the challenge aspect because by nature we like to get along doing things. heck we'd still be in the caves if we didn't. throughout the relationship have you ever noticed that you start asking for the girlfriends approval to do anything. examples- hey do you mind if i go out with the boys tonite, do you mind if i get some beers tonite, do you mind if i watch the game tonite even though your favorite show is on, etc. and after awhile women start to take advantage of that and use the huff and puff when you mention doing anything fun without them. then we give in and say ok i'll stay in and hang with you.

women don't ask to do things most of the time. they say what and when they are doing things and we always say yes. wheres the challenge in all of that. but like most men we hate to hear them whine and complain so we don't even go there. thats when you play the old switcharoo.

instead of asking to do things. just do it! it will shock them. they will huff and puff but don't let it bother you. just walk away and live it up. soon they will notice that, hey if he does one thing without asking me, then what will he do next. then they will apologize and next time you ask to do something they won't use the huff and puff. they will say ok.hell they'll even go to the liquior store for ya.if they do the huff and puff, do something again that you usually asked to do. it works. but as always they will start it all over again and then you do the same process. it keeps things fresh.

i know some guys will act all tough and say that, i do what i want, when i want and i don't listen to no woman. thats just asking to be dumped. challenge for a woman is if she thinks shes fixed you and you then keep breaking.