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  1. K

    Weird eye contact (lack of) dynamic that is hard to break

    So let me get this straight. Some girl you've met before walks in the room and ignores you. I would just walk over to her and give her a C&F smile and attitude and say something like "aaahhh... I see how it is. Someone thinks they're too cool to say hi to me. I see how how it is!" And...
  2. K

    asian guys and white chicks?

    White girls, asian girls, hispanic girls, black girls... whatever they are... they're all just girls. The only differences and/or limitations are all in your mind, and your mind set. The only tip is to see them as a girl, just like any other.
  3. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    Do research about it online. Look up stuff from Jeffrey Babner. Read some published books like "Wave 4: How to build your downline" and "Your first year in networkmarketing"
  4. K

    Happiness is not a result

    These are great advices and there are many great points. But I'm going to challenge some of your points, if you dont mind. First I'll address rule #2 I take pleasure working out, jogging, swimming laps. I take pleasure in meeting new people, networking, socializing, and puting a smile a a...
  5. K

    Complete guide to self improvement!!

    **bump** Nice post Sammo! I see you've been making impressive improvments. Good work. I'm also impressed with how you gave thanks and didnt take credit.. but modestly gave it to someone else. Signs of a great leader. I say, give credit where credit is due.... and you did an excelent...
  6. K

    Kaizen and self improvement

    Good work, Grass hoppa! :D
  7. K

    Need some ****y / funny lines for..........

    All right, STUD!!! You got some action! The reason why I commented and said what I said before was because I saw that working as a cashier at a super market could have been a turn off.... maybe I'm wrong, but thats just my opinion. Now if you're getting some action, and you know shes...
  8. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    Hey Sammo! Good to see you still around.
  9. K

    Need some ****y / funny lines for..........

    Not to sound mean.... but you work a cash register at a supermarket... why would you want to hit on girls when you're at work? Well... at least your not the bagger.
  10. K

    You men are so weird.

    HAHAHA!!! You fell for it? I'm just kidding. I dont know about those guys, but something that I do is random compliments. "WOW, you look amazing today! What did you do differently?!?!" If its nothing, I'll just flatter her more and tell her shes being modest... or say "fine, dont tell me...
  11. K

    How do you guys record their phone number?

    Expensive cell phones are small and compact. They slide right into your pocket so its not really a big deal at all having it at a club. It also helps because when you pull out your cell phone to get their number, you get points for having a nice expensive cell phone. If you have a 5 pound...
  12. K

    Hiding your V card.

    For me, it doesnt even need to be obviuosly sarcastic. Its a good thing and a bad thing at the same time, but my reputation precedes me. With that, the girls will percieve how ever they want to... whether it be "its just a rumor and hes really a nice guy" or "I think its real and he really is...
  13. K

    A way to a girls heart is her feet?

    haha, definitely not! haha, that would be pretty funny! This something to try with a girl you're seeing... a first date is when I use it, or for an aquaintance that I want to move further with.
  14. K

    Strange compliments

  15. K

    A way to a girls heart is her feet?

    I agree, it wont work on most girls. Some girls can be over confident and conceeded sometimes. For those girls, this wouldnt work too well. For those types of girls, you need to knock them off their stool... not lift them up higher.
  16. K

    I lose my train of thought when I talk!

    it happens to me alot too. All I do is turn it around and make the girl look at it as being a "cute quirk". I'll just ask the girl what I was talking about. When she answers, I say "good! I really didnt forget, I was just testing you to make sure you're paying attention!" and go on with what...
  17. K


    Good for you. And good-looking girls are the only ones you should "hit on". So whats your point?
  18. K

    No place to f*ck

    You sound like a girl. I dont know, maybe its because I dont see any rationality for sentimentality.