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  1. K

    Forum Options....

    Whine on deaf ear... haha, that sucks. It just gets me worked up when I keep seeing all these questions that could all be answered with looking at one simple little illustration. So many people keep asking the same question... only in different ways, but I have this one particular illustration...
  2. K

    Forum Options....

    In my profession, I teach things that coincidetally are very similar and run parallel to topics of being a DJ. As far the the subjets that I teach, I dont want to get into that, just know that I feel the information can also be helpful here. If not, I understand. I'm sure we dont want other...
  3. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    Not going to even read it. Its a waste of time. They can hate all they want and say what ever they want, and sound as profesional as they want. They cant disprove the fact that MLM is a proven marketing industry that has been incorporated in our economy for the past 70 years and that nearly...
  4. K

    Forum Options....

    Anyone? Anything? Comments? Am I alone on this here?
  5. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    I wouldnt say I'm rich yet. I wouldnt consider myself rich untill I am making at least 6 figures a month. I'm still working on it. Its amazing how much MLM has such a bad reputation, but it so widely used in business. Everyone knows of the couple of bad apples, but no one knows about all the...
  6. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    So many stars I could barely understand you! haha. It took a couple times reading it it over, but thank you. I find it so ironic that learning to be financially successful... a millionare... busness.. runs almost perfectly parrellel with each other. I could seriously sit in a busness...
  7. K

    Forum Options....

    Sometimes I find myself posting something that I later feel to be not appropriate. Can it be changed so that a member can delete his own posts? Also, why is the [img] [ /img] off? can we have that turned back on? There are some things that would be easier to explain with charts and diagrams
  8. K

    First pattern: The "Bubble" Pattern

    Take her out of the mental state, and into the emotional state. If you can turn of their mental state, they are putty in your hands. 95% of decissions are made emotionally. If the 5% is shut off, you can do just about anything. For example, this is what I get all the time "I just met you...
  9. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    Ah, good point, but there are factors where the guy you have befriended will always have the upper hand. Lets say two identical guys both like the same girl. Each one a perfect mirror image of the other, except for one small thing. One is a middle class, and the other is a upper class person...
  10. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    At one time, neither could I... untill I understood the power of it... when harnessed and used correctly. If anyone has any questions or comments, please go right ahead.
  11. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    Thank you for your compliments. Too_Pimp, I am a business owner/self employed. I am an MLMer. maosrdbf, maybe it just wasnt something that worked for you. Here is the irony. I wanted to be popular, so I wasnt. I didnt care, so then I became popular. The funny part of it all was that...
  12. K

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    As the person that started this thread, why dont you be the first person to do it.
  13. K

    Get Use 2 It.

    Agreed. A very wise man once said. "Dont wish it were easier, wish you were better.... you cant grow with out a challenge.... you cant fly without gravity" ~ [i]Jim Rohn[/b]. I thrive for difficulties, andchallenges to over come... so I can better improve myself. I am ALWAYS trying to...
  14. K

    The rules DJs live by!

    Can you help me find that?
  15. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    Back in highschool, one could say, I was at the botom of the social heirarchy. I was nothing like what I am now. I see that as a learning experience to understand the "heirarchy". I used to always try to be like the "cool kids" and the harder I tried the lower I sank. As soon as I was fed up...
  16. K

    First pattern: The "Bubble" Pattern

    I did exactly that a few times. A perfect example that comes to mind was a girl I was seeing in Feburary. I only knew her for a couple days.... 2 days. A deep conversation over dinner at a Denny's restaraunt lead us into making out at the booth for about 10 minutes.. it got uncomfortable so I...
  17. K

    The rules DJs live by!

    Very nice! One thing that I always do is act as if she is the most gorgious creature to ever grace this planet, but at the same time, subconciously, let her know you can find many that are better. That comes across making one look more alluring, and makes them feel priveledged to be speaking...