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  1. K

    "Why do you want my number?"

    I agree, it does take away from the mystery. But instead of luring them in with curriousity, you latch on to them with trust. If done well, you create a bond that is both mental and emotional in a shorter amount of time. My greatest conquest was actually done this way... only I didnt realize...
  2. K

    "Why do you want my number?"

    Something that I'm working on right now is being utterly honest... to a point that it comes across being ****y and funny. I would just say, VERY casually, "well its cuz I like you, and I waaas thinking about calling you". I'll admit, the rejection rocket is more often with this, but they are...
  3. K

    good ways to ask a girl out

    What I've done in the past.... "hey, you know how I feel about you, dont you? Well of course I like you.... and I dont know how else to say this, but would you like to be my girlfriend?" After she says yes... pause and stare into her eyes. Purposely make an awkard silence, and then I break it...
  4. K

    eyecontact...reverse effects?

    I usually go out and fine a girl as soon as I can. That might be the reason why its easy for me. Another reason it might be easy for me could be partly that I was hurt several times in my earlier relationships when I was younger and grew to be thick skined.
  5. K

    eyecontact...reverse effects?

    Agreed, but if it comes to that its perfectly fine as long as you can control yourself. Something that I do is I intentionally fall for them. It makes my actions and emotions sincere. It seems to be more effective for me. Once I have what I came for, I cut my emotions off and move else where.
  6. K

    good ways to ask a girl out

    As far as asking a girl out. One thing I like to say... depending on the girl is.. "hey, I'm in your area... is there any good places to eat around here?" And she'll answer... "Great, how do I get there?" Another answer... "hmmm, Is it easier to get to your house or to the restaraunt?"...
  7. K

    The manly kinesthetic hug!

    ouch! I used to snow board... never thought about backside grabbing, but I can immagine.... :eek:
  8. K

    The manly kinesthetic hug!

    If you are going to hug a girl, just some things to keep in mind. Again, this is what I go by, its not right or wrong, its just how I do it. I hug their bodies... wrap my arms underneath their arms and they hug and have their hands around my neck. I dont know if that made sence, but I...
  9. K

    wierd situation

    perhaps, maybe she was or even all of them were playing you. "Lets see what we can do to this guy?" "I bet you that you cant make that guy ask for your number..." Do you see where I'm going with this? I've seen this happen numerous times. A player will get played like a little fiddle just...
  10. K

    For all you d!cks who made fun of me!

    Premature ejaculation, or having uncontrolable orgasms too soon is very common. It is not a physical problem, or doenst need any physical conditioning, but actually mental conditioning. Something I researched into and learned a few years ago was that it is almost all in you mind. The reason...
  11. K

    How I could have been the DJ king in HS.

    I saw alot of new posts that were asking questions that was touched upon in this post and thought it might be helpfull if I bumped it back up.
  12. K

    Sammo's Realisation thread.

    One thing I wanted to throw in. Never appoint yourself as a leader. If you ever do, then you will never be a leader. A true leader is one who is appointed by otheres to be a leader. Before ever becoming a leader, you must first learn to be a great follower. One must first, listen, learn...
  13. K

    Getting a job?

    Something crossed my mind. If you are a business owner and you get a salary, then it can only be one of two things... either you are not a true owner and someone higher pays you, or you are the owner but you included yourself in your own pay role, which wouldnt make any sence to me. If you did...
  14. K

    Getting a job?

    An owner is not an employee. I have no boss, or supervisor. I do not report to anyone other than the IRS. In the "corporate hierarchy", no one is above me. I cant be fired because no one has the authority to do that to me. If anything, I am an empoyer and I hire people to work for me. Now...
  15. K

    Getting a job?

    Thats exactly my point. A business owner doesnt get payed salary. I get payed 24 hours a day and work whenever I want to and get payed even more if I choose to work. The reason I mentioned being affiliated with a billion dollar company is because the contracts with them are extrememly...
  16. K

    Getting a job?

    I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, buddy. I'm simply trying to make a point. I wasnt even really boasting. I was simply stating facts to make my point. If I really wanted to boast, I would talk more about how much money I have made which I never really did, and how much I will and what...
  17. K

    go in for kiss, she backs away. what to say?

    Does it matter if he came up with it? Dont take what he said literally. He's simply saying that it works for him just fine, but to another, it could be devistating. I will have to back up his technique because I've been doing the same thing. Not so much what he says, but the fingers to the...
  18. K

    There comes a time in a DJ's life

    I will look forward with anticipation where I will one day thank youfor your help and advice instead of it being the other way around. There will always come a time in someones life when they will have a chance to have a baton passed to them. If they can hold on to it, they will have even a...
  19. K

    Getting a job?

    I live about an hour north of San Diego in the Los Angeles area. To my understanding, you have to be considered an adult to own your own business for legality reasons. Being 17 and owning your own business is very possible if you co-sign the documents with an adult or gardian. As for $500 an...
  20. K

    Getting a job?

    When doing MLM, you own a franchise. Which is your own business. To own a business or corporation you must be considered to be an adult by the government. How old would I recomend? I would recomend learning about the MLM industry as soon as you can. If you want to be a part of the industry...