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  1. K

    A way to a girls heart is her feet?

    A majority of girls out there are most insecure about what part of their body? Most common answer to that question is their feet. I love psychology and understanding how the mind works so I figured, why not put this into use and find a way to make it work! Compliments work, but not all the...
  2. K

    Strange compliments

    Something that I have found to be pretty effective and very entertaining to do is giving odd ball compliments. "hey, I dont know anyone has ever told you thing, but you have the most cutest feet!" (I found something very interesting about feet, wich I'll post in another thread) or ears, nose...
  3. K

    No place to f*ck

    Here, I felt like being nice and grabbed it for you. Heres a link to the thread too.
  4. K

    No place to f*ck

    I'm not saying I did this, because I'm a "virgin" ;) but I did it in a booth in a restaraunt. What... you think the waitress is going to have the guts to stop us haha. For the car method... read my reply I did in the "don juan tips" section. The thread is called Kissing/Making out tips, or...
  5. K

    Hiding your V card.

    I always tell the girls I'm a virgin. I dont do it to lie or hide it because they never believe me anyways. I think I say it with a little sarcasm in my voice. If they ask how many, I just repeat myself with the same sarcasm... "what are you talking about? I'm a virgin" Its no big deal to...
  6. K

    Asian DJs, represent!

    I find white women to be the easiest. Now that I think about it... its seems so easy in comparison, its ridiculous! I went to Six Flags the other day with some friends. I hit on a white girl and I ended up having her giving me back rubs and neck rubs the whole day. I have a beautiful, tall...
  7. K


    I love C&F. I've been doing longer than I could remember. Comming to this site showed me this technique that I naturally took on and made me understand what I have been doing. Its extremely effective if you use it right. I remember one time I being C&F and was totally throwing this one girl...
  8. K

    Kissing/Makeout Tips

    Scape goat... dont blame your performance on your braces. I very much doubt they will hinder your performance. If they do its very very little. I say this because I had braces once... and even at that time, I still had my fair shares of "OH GODs" and "OH JESUS" and I was still able to make a...
  9. K

    The rules DJs live by!

    Good God, this is an old post! But one worth being bumped up :)
  10. K

    Only a true DJ could have the answer to this question...

    Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics. Whether you win or loose, you're still a retard. :D Something I heard my little bro say.
  11. K

    Only a true DJ could have the answer to this question...

    I dont know if there can be a true answer to this question. If I were to answer this question, I would have to steal a couple of chapters from John C. Maxwell's "21 irrefutable laws of leadership", which are the laws of influence, and especially the Law of E. F. Hutton. If you dont know what...
  12. K

    How do you respond to this.

    I get that ALL the time. These are a few things I usually say in reply. - "aw... beautiful AND modest! Its a good character trait, but cut the act... I'm on to you and your ways." From there, just wing it. Say whatever you need to say depending on how she responds. - "Oh yes you are...
  13. K

    How to get her horny?

    You dont need a private place. I've made out with a girl, and nearly went all out with her at a booth in a Denny's diner. Also, I just want to add, she was/is a conservative, christian girl. Its not the environment, or even so much the girl... its all you. Just do it, and be smooth about it.
  14. K

    How to get her horny?

    You want a girl that is taken. Is she maried? No? So then shes NOT taken, then is she. How I view it, unell there is a wedding ring, a girl is single... (green light). If she has is maried, thats a red light... you can but its dangerous. If shes engaged... thats a yellow light... hurry and...
  15. K

    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    I'll be first to debate one of your statements. 5% is probably a little too modest. As generation X is growing and becoming older, it seems as if the percentages are becoming more and more grim. I hate to think this, but I feel that it is already, and will become much more depressing than 5%...
  16. K

    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    Pathetic? If you say so... if I was the one that started this post, I would flattered if someone said that it was a rip off of someone as great as Rober Kiyosake! Duplication of success, mindset, and unsterstanding of finances. As Robert Kiyosake said "if you want to be rich, do what the rich...
  17. K

    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    I believe it was Zig Ziglar who said "I would rather get payed 1% on 100 peoples' efforts, than 100% on my own efforts." :) I just had a chance to sit through an exclusive training today with one of the top trainers of MLM in the entire world! When I have time... I'll come back and post some...
  18. K

    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    One thing that I found to be extremely important.. if not the most important factor to becoming wealthy is the ability to be a leader. When I became aware of this, I saw how important it was to be a leader... but after reading "21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership" by John C Maxwell, it be evident...
  19. K

    Be fearless!!!

    There are only two fears that are natural. We are only born with two fears, and the rest are learned through out life. These two fears are the fear of falling, and the fear of a loud sound. If we have learned to fear something that we dont want to, the only reason it may be difficult is...
  20. K

    The Best SHOES

    Ok, you edited your post, so I'll reply to it again. I dont consider myself to be rich yet. I'm doing ok, but I'm still not satisfied untill I have accomplished an anual passive/residual income of 7 figures... which I still have years more work to do. If you read my posts... I have only...