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  1. K

    The Best SHOES

    WOW! You are amazingly intuitive! I never even knew I wanted to get high school girls! I have been thinking high school girls were much too young for me, but you seem to be extremely intelligent, so I'm sure that your comment was not just some empty minded assumption. So please shed some...
  2. K

    Hard-on No (no joke)

    Just wear your tighty whiteys, jeans, and be done with it. Everyone is telling you to not care what everyone else thinks. I also agree, but understand that you are still in highschool, where it does matter what others think. I dont believe I ever had a problem with this, or perhaps its just...
  3. K

    The Best SHOES

    Yes, I spend more money on alot of things than the average person. I actually spent more than $1,200 on my shoes, because I didnt mention all of them. I spend more money on cars than most. Live in a house that has more rooms than I need... has a pool and spa I rarely even use, a basket ball...
  4. K

    Something Important.

    EXACTLY!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! Thats a perfect analogy! I couldnt think of one that was good enough. Its like paying attention to yourself breathing.... how shallow and deep your breaths are... how many you take per minute. Once you're paying attention to yourself breathing, its hard stop, and...
  5. K

    Smooth has an actual question for you...

    I have found myself asking this once or twice. I've never really figured out an answer. Reason why is because I didnt really see why I should. I am in pursuit of a girl... for whatever reason it is.. she is just but another conquest to be had. Whether she is using me or not for whatever...
  6. K

    Something Important.

    You make a very good point, and I dont disagree with any of it. The following will not be a rebuttle, but more of an explanation of how I still stand behind what I have said, but can still agree with you. Personally, I look back and am suprised to noticed that I was playing the game quite...
  7. K

    The Best SHOES

    Yes, I bought $500 shoes. As for the rest of your sentence, I'm not clear as to what you're trying to say. And your comment about "rich kids"... That better not be a refferance to me... you dont even know who I am. If it is, let me know so I can tear you a new page.
  8. K may have lowered my "game". (my last post)

    You brought a good point. For myself, it was all because of the site, but it was a factor. It was more of the "breaking down" of the mechanics... whether it was an influence of the site or not. So I'll retract any comments that seemed to be directed to the site. Agreed... this would be...
  9. K may have lowered my "game". (my last post)

    I'll make the message simple. Learn what you need, and nothing else. Do not over analyze the game or else it will hinder you. Do not fall into the "Analysis paralysis syndrome".
  10. K

    The Best SHOES

    for $150... you could buy decent dress shoes, but nothing great of fancy. You could by department store dress shoes.. like Bostonians. They're pretty good. I preffer Gucci or Ferragamo, personally... but they can really run you a pretty penny! My Gucci's are about $500 which I dont wear too...
  11. K may have lowered my "game". (my last post)

    The reason I stumbled on to this site was mearly by chance. I was looking in the psycolgy section in a book store since I love understanding how the mind works. My eyes passed over a book called... acutally, I dont remember, but it was about seduction. I read a few pages of it and was very...
  12. K may have lowered my "game". (my last post)

    If you're a novice, or an AFC. None of the following was intended for you. I dont know if its this website that is to blame, or maybe its just me. Something I realized recently is before I discovered this website, I was so much more successful with women, and it used to be so much more...
  13. K

    The 2 things stopping you from getting girls!

    The most difficult quesions usually have the most simple answers. Because of this... it is usually hard to see the answer. As odd as it may sound, for the majority of people, we see things clearly 5 feet in front of us then if it were to be right in our faces. I get asked financial...
  14. K

    The Best SHOES

    How much are you willing to spend.. and what kind of shoes do you want to buy?
  15. K

    What Kind of Clothes Do You Wear?

    I am a fairly experience MLMer, so I where expensive clothes. I wont get into detail because last time I did, it started a moronic debate that I wouldnt care to go through again. But nearly 90 percent of my clothes are Italian made designer names where at one time, I couldnt even pronounce...
  16. K


    hahaha, you some of you guys are nuts! I've heard "false evidence...." Also "forgeting everything and run"
  17. K

    Lets keep it simple!

    ^^^^^^ This needs to be made a "sticky" thread.
  18. K

    "Why do you want my number?"

    My only comment, which you'll most likely agree with me is this... Rock, paper, sissors. None are better than the other, but each is the best in their own right.
  19. K

    "Why do you want my number?"

    Just a little fun fact to know.... The US Government spent millions... if not billions of dollars in creating a specialized pen that is completly un affected by gravity. This was designed so that astronauts can write up in space when there is no gravity. With this pen you can even write...
  20. K

    "Why do you want my number?"

    Lets not start challenging one another, and pick fights. Not a good way to get noticed around here. Some people will try to knock off other alpha males to show who is the stronger... thats all fine and dandy, but you can knock him off and have him respect you, or knock him off and create a...