First pattern: The "Bubble" Pattern

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Hey, this pattern came to me while I was speaking to gflash. Thanks to him for helping me out a bit with the pattern. Thanks to Ross Jeffries for SS and some inspiration from the Incredible Connection pattern.

So, here it is.


Have you noticed that sometimes you’re talking with someone and you’re just FASCINATED WITH THE PERSON SPEAKING? (Motion to self) You talk for a while and you realize you FEEL AN INCREDIBLE CONNECTION (Motion from your solar plexus to hers). TO ME, It just as if you WERE INSIDE A BUBBLE, COMPLETELY ISOLATED FROM THE WHOLE WORLD, and you just MAKE THAT CONNECTION. And you FEEL INCREDIBLY ATTRACTED TO THAT PERSON, like he was magnetic? You just FEEL AS IF YOU’D KNOWN THIS PERSON FOREVER.

And when you feel this connection, how surprised would you be to find yourself also FEELING VERY EXCITED? To the point where, you just could not take it any more, and you got the feeling that YOU HAD TO SATISFY YOUR DESIRES? With me, I find that when I get these feelings, I FEEL COMPELLED TO ACT ON THEM.


I'm not sure about the second part, because it might not be good to get her hot and bothered when you've just established the connection.

Anyway, I'll try that pattern out sometime soon, and come back to tell you how good it went.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2001
Reaction score
What kind of results did you get PiHiPlaya? What worked so great?

Fred Da Head i'll have to try this one. What kind of results have you gotten when running this pattern?



Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
What do you mean it came to you? It's a standard pattern. There was always a bubble in it.

And it works.


Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Ann Arbor, Mi
well led,

Sunday I was bored so I went to my friend Mike's house, we got bored so we decided to go to the mall. At the mall I see a hot girl eating all by herself. I went up and introduced myself, and I asked her who she was with, she said some other girls but they were at forever 21 taking advantage of the sale.

So I say thats thats cool. I started the one pattern where I said "Have you ever felt and instantaneous connection" and of course she said no. So then I asked her if she could imagine, she says "Not really" now i realized she is getting annoyed so I ask her one more question. I used the bubble pattern, she is like "yeah! You make me fascinated for some reason!" then we talk a little more about her family and her older sister and her grandma.

Then her friends come back I introduce myself and my fine wingman Mike comes over to entertain them while we talk some more.

After that I say, well I really should be going. She is says "Nice meeting you!" so I stand up and walk away to stupid to get a number. Now I didn't realize this till I was in American Eagle, so I turn around to find her and she is a little bit behind me. I say hi again and go on my way. After that, i am in Bachrach I turn around and she is there! So it is apparent that she is stalking me.
Then she says to me "Hey, i was just wondering if i could get your number" So really loudly i say "NO!" She frowns and turns around i start laughing and say "but you can give me yours" she turns around smiling ear to ear and gives me her number.

Overall a pretty good day. BTW this girl is like an 8.5

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Vronski
What do you mean it came to you? It's a standard pattern. There was always a bubble in it.

And it works.
Well I haven't seen that many patterns, and the Incredible Connection Pattern, which mine is based, doesn't have the bubble in it.

I'm not saying I invented the wheel, I just made a variation of it, that best fit my way of thinking.

I agree it's not a breakthrough or anything, but it wasn't meant to be.

Ledoyen -- it's not actually field-tested.. I just managed to try it once but I blew on the delivery so I can't tell for sure. Having a mostly French-speaking population in my hometown and not having had the chance to go to malls or anything since I made this up, I haven't had much chance. Next weekend I'll probably get to try it tho, and I'll post the results.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Confused o_0

Hmmm, i dont quite understand how to 'apply' this pattern to a situation. I read it over a few times, and all i got from it was more of a 'asking me questions' piece of text about 'have i ever felt that way'. I beleive what you are talking about is 'rapport' but perhaps I am wrong. I have read things about "astral projection" which mention the solar plexus and the like, but I still dont understand how to apply this pattern\theory :(

Could someone please elaborate on this? or is it just meant for knowledgeable purposes and is not meant to be something you can induce?



Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US

AP huh? tahts pretty fvcking nice, if your into all of that you probably know about Astral Pulse?

Anyway, that pattern up there is pretty cut and dry, personally I wouldnt use it untill it was made a LOT more longer.

It would typically spend more time describing he state, instead of just giving command to be in that state.

If I just said "havent you ever felt on top of the world?"

how do you feel? Not that much more different.

But if I said:

"Have you ever had this incredible day, where everything just seems to go your way. You get up in the morning and your get served breakfast in bed, you find new clothes in your closet, you get dressed and go outside to discover a beautiful day. The sun is shining bright, the birds are singing, the air smells of clean fresh summer scents. In fact its so nice outside you decide to go for a walk. As you walk around you can feel the sunshine beam down on you, you stop and watch a butterfly glide by gently.

So you are walking along, feeling very good, enjoying the beauty of the world, and then something happens...

You meet a person out for a walk as well. Instantenouly you CONNECT with them. You look into their warm eyes, and REALLY LISTEN to everything they say. Everything else just seems to disappear and you BECOME AWARE only of the other person. You start to realise that there is a slight fuzzy feeling growing in your solar plexus. Its very warm, and is so delicate it almost tickles! You CONTINUE LISTENING to their rich warm voice, and you notice that the little fuzy feeling starts getting more and more intense. Its more like a small vibration now, very slight, but very pleasureable. You ENJOY THE FEELING, and notice it start to spread. Its not longer in that one *special spot*, its going all through your body...

It spreads up into your chest, drawing blood into your arteries, it flows down around your abdomin(sp?!). You notice that the more you LET IT TAKE OVER, the more and more exciting it becomes. It flows down around your back sides, causing *prick*les to SHOOT THROUGH YOU.

It goes up into your arms, and into your hands, all the way into your fingers, you notice it GO DOWN, SPREADING through-out *your hips* Down, down your legs, behind your knees, down and through your ankles, out to your toes.

You notice you have COMPLETELY SURRENDERED YOUR BODY to this exciting feeling. But now, it grows even more intense, having nowhere else to go, you can feel it build up. Its GETTING MORE AND MORE HOT, its almost overflowing out of your body.

Your body CRAVES FOR A RELEASE, all of this insanely strong energy JUST NEEDS a way out. You realise that if you were to be *touched*, you just might shudder slightly, as AN OPENING CREATES for all those feelings to CVM OVER AND OVER again...

*Semi-Subtle kino at the same time as speaking this*

NOW... WITH ME, if I was FEELING THAT WAY, I would be extremely compelled to ACT ON IT... and after I would DO IT, I imagine I would feel *on top of* the world."

CAPS= Commands
*asterisk*= sexual undertones

That story was actually pretty cut adn dry as well, it would have a better chance of working however is used properly then the bubble one. ( in my opinion :))

I would recomment making and even MORE VIVID patternt then that, much longer, more descriptive, and ending with a more sexual idea.

After that pattern, while i touched her, I would notice how she reacted, and if she reacted the right way(shuddering, wanton look,irregular breathing, etc), then i would probably proceed to kiss her and then so on and on :)

I hope you understand a little better as to what the purpose of patterns are supposed to be, its not supposed to seem like a million questions, its supposed to get her into a state. and get YOU a result.

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Yah I think the pattern is to short, and I wrote it. lol

It's just that I don't like to do long pre-planned patterns, I'd rather have a short "basic" pattern and improvize/add with it. I probably couldn't "recite" a normal pattern anyway, so if I use a small pattern but add to it as I talk, it might end up a bigger pattern but it'll sound better because it's more spontaneous and fits the girl better. But that's just me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
of course, lol, thats how all patterns work, you just have the basic guidelines and then add tihngs on the spot, the pattern I gave up there ai just made up right onw the spot.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
Originally posted by oreo_renegade
of course, lol, thats how all patterns work, you just have the basic guidelines and then add things on the spot, the pattern I gave up there i just made up right on the spot.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
I did exactly that a few times. A perfect example that comes to mind was a girl I was seeing in Feburary. I only knew her for a couple days.... 2 days. A deep conversation over dinner at a Denny's restaraunt lead us into making out at the booth for about 10 minutes.. it got uncomfortable so I walked her to my car to continue. The rest, you can fill in by yourself. I felt really bad that day.... I was distracted and forgot to leave a tip. :)
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
But wont the girl freak out?
heres a guy who just met her spitting a novel's worth of words...would she just think ur weird, like most girls are pretty cautious when meeting someone new and might not get into it?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by CriminallySmoothPimp
But wont the girl freak out?
heres a guy who just met her spitting a novel's worth of words...would she just think ur weird, like most girls are pretty cautious when meeting someone new and might not get into it?
Take her out of the mental state, and into the emotional state. If you can turn of their mental state, they are putty in your hands. 95% of decissions are made emotionally. If the 5% is shut off, you can do just about anything. For example, this is what I get all the time "I just met you, and it feels like I've known you all my life", thats when you've pretty much got them. They're mentally aware still... but aware that their emotions are taking over. She wasnt making out with a guy she just met, she was making out with me... a guy that she has known all her life. Emotionally thats all she can feel. Not think... but feel.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
"But won't the girl freak out?"

Now if you think about from a rational MAN'S standpoint, you'll realize that half these patterns are complete jibberish. If you said these words/patterns to a guy, he would slap you for spouting such nonsense. :D Really. Well, at least I know that I would.

But on a woman, it works. Like a freakin' charm. That's all you really need to know, but just as sex is the Achilles Heel of the Man, emotions are the Achilles Heel of the woman. It is her weakness. Exploit it to maximum or desired effect.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by oreo_renegade

But if I said:

"Have you ever had this incredible day, where everything just seems to go your way. You get up in the morning and your get served breakfast in bed, you find new clothes in your closet, you get dressed and go outside to discover a beautiful day. The sun is shining bright, the birds are singing, the air smells of clean fresh summer scents. In fact its so nice outside you decide to go for a walk. As you walk around you can feel the sunshine beam down on you, you stop and watch a butterfly glide by gently.

That is some of the lamest, corniest sh1t i've ever read on this site.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
I know huh? If some guy, gay or not, said this to me, I would beat him to a bloody pulp. It's SO annoying!! :D Hard to believe that women find this crap entrancing. But hey it works, so... if it ain't broke....

Green Curse

Don Juan
Jun 21, 2002
Reaction score
yeh enlighten us who are unaware, when do you proceed to start using a patern how do you know when to stop (eg if its not working etc) give us more examples.
ho yeh how do you go about saying this without punching yourself in the gut?