Hiding your V card.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
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Originally posted by sAxyguy83
Lying and saying you are when you aren't is a bad idea unless it's obviously sarcastic. And some girls prefer to save their V, either for "someone special" or for marriage. Those that want to save it for someone special will probably be less than impressed if you have not done the same. Keep that in mind.
For me, it doesnt even need to be obviuosly sarcastic. Its a good thing and a bad thing at the same time, but my reputation precedes me. With that, the girls will percieve how ever they want to... whether it be "its just a rumor and hes really a nice guy" or "I think its real and he really is a player" The eyes can only see what the mind can comprehend. And usually you only see what you want to see. tempting them with thier curriousity.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2003
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Just south
What the fuvk difference does it make?? Ask her "Why exactly do you want to know?" Do not appear to be avoiding the question, but engage her brain and show her it really is a non-issue.

Loose the card, but it still shouldn't matter to her. If she's saving herself for marraige, then it aint gonna happen anyway (is it??!!), so the question from her is moot. It makes no difference.

You can still be that great guy with or without the V card.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
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In this Economy?
there isnt one right answer

ive had both situation

one girl wants someone who knows what they are doin so that they can rock her world

another girl is nieve(sp?) and wants to spend the moment together(BS)

it all depends on the girl

feel your situation out and do what u think is best

i dont ususally like to talk about my V-status until shes about to slip the condom on

its still none of her damn business


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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Lol what a blast from the past. Damn I can't even see the beginning from the top floor of my skyscraper. Now let's build another skyscraper on top of this one.

Oh yeah, and this girl in this thread? I have no idea who that was. I do not remember her.

Nor do I remember my 2nd kiss, 3rd, 4th, 50th... I do not remember the faces of girls i've had sex with. I don't remember some names of girls I hooked up with. I barely remember a girl's name I picked up last week.

Live your life gents. Spin those plates. Don't get hung up on one girl. Not yet.


Oct 30, 2006
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Tell her you are a virgin!! OMFG...

I am not a VIRGIN... Although, with my FIRST GIRL FRIEND, i told her the truth, we lost our virginity to eachother...

But i still lie to other girls and tell them im a virgin because its funny that they wanna take it from me .. hahahahaahahha...
May 23, 2006
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I recommend hiding the V card, usually women think you are lying about it anyway, especially once they reveal that they are a virgin to you, then it's easy to say that you are also a virgin back and try and obviously sack her. It's more credibile if you tell her after the fact, or if she just simply reads that about you.

In my experience, revealing you are a virgin to someone is not especially helpful, but knowing how to 'excite' her and want to have sex with you rather than the next guy would go allot further. I'd usually let her just read into it, or portray it in a context that I'm trying to hide it and I'm ashamed of revealing it so it would come across as credible.
May 23, 2006
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sAxyguy83 said:
Lying and saying you are when you aren't is a bad idea unless it's obviously sarcastic. And some girls prefer to save their V, either for "someone special" or for marriage. Those that want to save it for someone special will probably be less than impressed if you have not done the same. Keep that in mind.
Most girls I've come across on the internet dont last past 26 y/o and remain virgins. Not everybody is going to wait 40 years until they find someone special, when marriages in the past used to usually occur in the early twenties. Again, you have to use your mouth, my mom was a virgin when she meet dad, and dad told her he too was a virgin before they got married. What my dad didn't say was about the 30 women he went with before her until after the fact. All bull****, if someone's into you, then they'll believe any crap you tell them. If they are not into you, then they wont even care even if it's true or think you are lying. So it's all BS this hiding or disclosing this "V" crap and women "saving" for someone special.

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
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I agree with the whole idea of keeping it a mystery. Why does she have to know whether you're a virgin or not? Just make sure your reply is C+F, but more importantly keep it mysterious (even if you aren't a virgin).

I read some replies here about "sarcastically" saying you're a virgin when you're really not. The only problem here is some HB's may not catch on to your sarcasm and think you're serious.

And about concerns that the girl will see through you if you're lying (like if you say you're not a virgin but you really are), just follow George Costanza's advice:

"It's not a lie, if you believe in it.":up:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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Oxide said:
I am not intending on telling her if im a V or not untill we Fvck so it wont matter. But when it is going to be our first time, should i keep hiding my V card till the end and never reveal it at all?
NEVER reveal. Even if she asks you AFTER you had sex with her. (not a good sign) It's not worth admitting it.

I DID make that mistake. It ****ed up my confidence with that chick, while I was still a recovering AFC, and everything went downhill after that. She started disrespecting me, negging me, and more stuff like that. I was dating a HB8 when I hooked up with her (HB5). I only wanted to "practice" with her because I didn't want the HB8 to ditch me for being an incompetent lover. Everything went wrong. Lost HB8, I felt guilty and wasted 2 years with that HB5 ***** in a manipulative LTR. I should have had the balls to dump her right after I ****ed her.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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So basically her negging and disrespecting you brought down your value to her level in YOUR eyes therefore enabling you to get into a relationship with her once she applied a bit of emotional blackmail.

She sounds like a peach :) - A real negative manipulative insecure ***** however if she was a guy we would all be saying: Good job! Well Done! lol

I know sooooo many guys and girls like this they can really ruin your life if you let them. The worst part is they can also big you up when they see you're about to pull away so you're never too sure with them, if they are/aren't your friend or their intentions generally.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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As for the V-Card. Get experience any way you can because if you are unsure of yourself in bed then you will be unsure of yourself sexually when talking with her as therefore you won't want to be revealed as a lier later on. You will actually set yourself up to fail or act "nice" trying to win her over with your goodness so that if she does go with you then she isn't going with you because you are a good **** but because she thinks you're sweet. It's also just another form of lying, you are pretending to be nice because you can't act like King Dong. That's cool if she is also a virgin as the above poster said however try finding those today.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
So, what do you do if the girl is looking for a Virgin?? What if you're percieved to be a man hor and then you admit that you still hold the v-card??


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
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I didn't tell the girl I was a virgin when I lost my virginity and she never asked. She just assumed I wasn't one because I was 21 when I lost it. Yeah, it wasn't that long ago. A few months. I lasted alot longer than expected. I seriously lasted at least 20 mins my first time believe it or not. She was too loose, and I was wearing a condom. I couldn't *** for a long time..lol.
May 23, 2006
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Rebound Material said:
So, what do you do if the girl is looking for a Virgin?? What if you're percieved to be a man hor and then you admit that you still hold the v-card??
That's a stupid prospect. You can tell if a girl's a virgin due to the hymen or other physical traits. You cant tell by any physical means if a guy is a virgin. A virgin girl is looking for someone who can romance her, excite her, make her feel special, saying you are a 'virgin' too is not going to give you special key access, it's not likely going to be believed anyway. I've learned that myself and am settled with the prospect myself of losing my virginity with a wh0re or very loose girl rather than a virgin girl if I really wanted to lose my virginity badly enough as I thought about that other thread last month. I'll be doing fine enough if it's a girl that's only slept with a few guys before and not the whole world but I ain't definately holding out for any virgin girl as I'll die being a virgin if I do that.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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ryannath said:
I didn't tell the girl I was a virgin when I lost my virginity and she never asked. She just assumed I wasn't one because I was 21 when I lost it. Yeah, it wasn't that long ago. A few months. I lasted alot longer than expected. I seriously lasted at least 20 mins my first time believe it or not. She was too loose, and I was wearing a condom. I couldn't *** for a long time..lol.
Your question remembers me of something I learned from a sales course:
"Never make an offer before you know your client needs it."
When you immediately make the offer, you have almost - if not already- lost the client if he/she isn't directly needing your product or service. Remember this when your doing any kind of negotiation. Whether with women (sex), your boss (salary) or client (product/service).


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Not all virgin girls want to be romanced! I remember a friend who ****ed a virgin on a ONS after she had just broken up with her boyfriend (he didn't know him) of two years.

Yea, can you imagine being that guy!

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
That's a stupid prospect. You can tell if a girl's a virgin due to the hymen or other physical traits. You cant tell by any physical means if a guy is a virgin. A virgin girl is looking for someone who can romance her, excite her, make her feel special, saying you are a 'virgin' too is not going to give you special key access, it's not likely going to be believed anyway. I've learned that myself and am settled with the prospect myself of losing my virginity with a wh0re or very loose girl rather than a virgin girl if I really wanted to lose my virginity badly enough as I thought about that other thread last month. I'll be doing fine enough if it's a girl that's only slept with a few guys before and not the whole world but I ain't definately holding out for any virgin girl as I'll die being a virgin if I do that.
naw man, what im trying to ask here basically is: Will this turn her off or on? I mean she says she's looking for a virgin guy and it turns her on after hearing a dood is still a v-card holder...to take her word or not?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
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I used to use the virgin card... When it was believable... Ages 17 to 18...
Then I would say I had only been with 2 girls, one a 3 year LTR, the 2nd to get over the first. Now that I'm dating women my age (22) and older, its like no ones asks or cares. Although I suspect my girlfriend has been with only two or three guys. Really it doesn't matter.

One of the things that someone said on this forum that changed my train of thought a bit....
"Girls like player types, not virgins, most of it is subconcious..."
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Rebound Material said:
naw man, what im trying to ask here basically is: Will this turn her off or on? I mean she says she's looking for a virgin guy and it turns her on after hearing a dood is still a v-card holder...to take her word or not?
That's what I'm trying to say is, yeah, it will likely at best, have no effect, and at worst, sort of turn her off or put her off as you would portray yourself to be either non-sexual or asexual. Telling people you are a virgin is unnecessarily broadcasting a social stigma, why would you want to bring down yourself in front of someone else. A woman being a virgin is not a social stigma, but for a man it seems more like a stigma unless you really choose to be a virgin for your own reasons and want to stay that way. It's like saying "nobody wanted me before because I'm not a real man" when you say you are a virgin.