A way to a girls heart is her feet?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
A majority of girls out there are most insecure about what part of their body? Most common answer to that question is their feet. I love psychology and understanding how the mind works so I figured, why not put this into use and find a way to make it work! Compliments work, but not all the time. It has to be played off just right, so if you think you can, give it a shot. If you think you'll crash and burn, thats fine as long as you learn.

A technique that I have come up with has worked quite well and has had some good results. I'll first look at the girl.. squint and give that "thinking" look at her. She'll wonder why and ask. I'll say something like, I've noticed the way you walk and you get a sore back alot dont you? Or you can say neck, lower back, shoulders, anything. I'll usually say all and of course, somtimes any normal person would be sore there. They'll be currious as to how I knew... with that I'll raise the excitment and say... Oh, I know where else you're sore alot! I'll look around and grab a chair, or have her sit down somewhere. I'll sit in front of them, but not too close. I'll have her cross her legs then I'll move in closer so she cant un-cross her legs. Now if she wears heels alot, her shin is sore all the time. Massage that area a little to make her feel good and relaxed. Then I would say.. Oh, I know ANOTHER place where you're sore alot. I would slow hold her foot and with the other slide her shoe of. Usually the girls will panic a little. I would just ease them by saying, dont worry. They cant uncross though, because now theres no room. I would then start massaging their feet. Heres the thing... if you walk on your feet, you're always sore, you just dont know it! And they'll say just that! They'll say something like "wow, you're right! I am sore there and I didnt even know it!" Hold it untill their comfortable with thier foot in your hands.

My analysis of all this craziness? The girl just opened up to me and allowed me to not only look at, but hold the part of her body she is most insecure about. She has completely let down all barriers. From my expereince, at that point, there is almost anything I can do now, with so much less effort as it would normally be. Again, my expereince... I will have to change the title of this thread and say "the way into a girls pantees is her feet".


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Wow, I like that.

Great idea. I need to try it some time.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Like every other novel approach, it will be followed by success with some chicks and abject failure with others. Why? Because women are not a standard-issue product with identical turn-on switches; like men, there will be a considerable diversity in what actually floats their boat... I'd say this idea might work a treat where a girl is already enjoying a degree of rapport with you in an informal setting. Unless her feet are stinking and she knows it...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ulsterman
Like every other novel approach, it will be followed by success with some chicks and abject failure with others. Why? Because women are not a standard-issue product with identical turn-on switches; like men, there will be a considerable diversity in what actually floats their boat... I'd say this idea might work a treat where a girl is already enjoying a degree of rapport with you in an informal setting. Unless her feet are stinking and she knows it...
I agree, it wont work on most girls. Some girls can be over confident and conceeded sometimes. For those girls, this wouldnt work too well. For those types of girls, you need to knock them off their stool... not lift them up higher.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nocturnal
i don't think he means a girl you're just approaching.
haha, definitely not! haha, that would be pretty funny! This something to try with a girl you're seeing... a first date is when I use it, or for an aquaintance that I want to move further with.