Kaizen and self improvement


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Alot of you guys probably know how much i stress self improvement on to people, i mean after all it is self improvement that makes us better people and have more depth, be more attractive, have more value and make us feel fulfilled about life. Inside this post you will learn all the tactics that i use to improve myself and more about my outlook on self improvement.

Before we begin however you should all read this post if you havent allready.

The truth about confidence - By Nocturnal

Finished reading it? Good, now its my turn to get started.

I am going to list 2 ways for you to improve yourself, use them both.


You guys have propably heard of this before, if not im going to share with you one of the biggest life changing concepts i have ever taken to heart. This definition has been taken from an online dictionary.

Japanese term that means continuous improvement, taken from words 'Kai' means continuous and 'zen' means improvement.
Some translate 'Kai' to mean change and 'zen' to mean good, or for the better.
So in other words Kaizen means constant improvement, doesnt seem that great does it? Well it is, let me go into further detail on how you use this simple concept.

When you have finished reading this post i want you to find a small notebook which would fit in your pocket, once you have done this i wnat you to put todays date up the top of the first page. Now go on through the day as you would any day, but after each event in your day i want you to write a couple of words that will help you remember what you did that day and some key areas of improvement.

For example: Right now i am sitting on the computer, once i am finished doing this i will whip out my notebook and write down "Was on computer" and later on when i look at this it will remind me of this time.

Now do this for everything in the day, no matter how insignificant it may seem, things like "Talked to family for a few minutes" and "Caught a bus to school" should all be included, you should be able to look at that notebook and be able to remember everything about your day. You do remember everything in a day it just takes some written words to remind you of what happend and when it happened.

So you have your whole day written in your notebook, what now? Well before you go to bed you have to look through the book and consider how you could have improved in each of those situation, you are not perfect you cant have a perfect situation every time. Theres always a place to improve.

For example: The other time when i was at the computer(which is now), i should have sat with better posture, concentrated harder on my writing, not spent so much time on the computer and doen something of more importance, etc, etc, etc.

So you understand Kaizen now, i can gaurantee you that if you use this alone then you will start whoing improvements in every part of your life in a matter of weeks maybe even days if you catch on quickly.

Self speculation

This tactic is used in conjunction with Kaizen to produce excellent results. When you are reading your Kaizen journal you will frequently find yourself saying "I should have used my time more effiecently" but what could you have done instead of what it was you were wasting your time on? Well this is where self speculation can be of some use.

I want you to sit down and write down some key areas you want to improve on, and then i want you to find effective ways to improve upon them. You should have a pretty long list, there you go, you have an entire list to get through..

You should always have something to improve on.

Now we have covered ways how you should go about improving yourself lets give you some things to actually improve upon. I can't possibly cover everything there is to improve upon, you are the best judge of your own situation. Only you know what you truely need to improve upon, but here are alot of things you can improve on as well.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Before we start you need to know that there are three different types of improvement, these are: Physcial improvement, social improvement, and intelectual improvement. I am going to cover them all.

Physical improvement
Physical improvement is how you look to other people, so it will include anything from your voice to the tidiness of your room.

1. If you are a skinny bastard then please, PLEASE go to Diesels GUIDE TO BULKING UP. Everything you need is there, you dont need to go to bodybuilding .com. Dont make simple things complicated.

2. If your fat ass then go to Diesels GUIDE TO CUTTING UP. Like putting on weight, losing weight is simple, dont make it complicated. That single post is all you need.

3. If your a pale bastard, get a tan. Go to a solarium if you have to, if your scared that you wil get teased by your guy friends, then grow a **** and realise that your going to increase your chances with ladies if you do this, so how could you be a fag?

4. Is your hair good? Facial hair ussually isnt a good idea unless you have a real good thing for it but chances are you dont. I prefer to stay clean shaven. Experiement with different hair cuts, and find what looks best.

5. Is your skin dry? Get a moisturising cream and keep it nice and smooth.

6. Your teeth? Are they white? If not get a whitening gel and make them white! Brush them twice a day and floss as well!

7. Keep your nails trimed and short.

8. Deoderant, buy yourself a good deoderant and use it! It is a REAL big turn off when you smell bad.

9. Get a decent cologne, dont go overboard when you are putting it on yourself however just a couple of sprays on the next will be enough, i read somewhere on here that you want the girl to associate the nice smell with being close to you, not being in a 10 metre radius of you.

10. Wash yourself properly, wash everywhere and give your smelly spots(A$$, c0ck, feet and armpits) a second wash.

11. Clothes: Buy decent clothes, everyone dress's differently i know but if your like me and clothes dont bother you much then just go for a nice clean look. Get nice shoes, a couple of dress shirts and a few pair of jeans. A good jacket is nice as well. For casual wear just get a couple of T's and maybe some shorts for summer.

12. Keep your room and house tidy, if your room looks like **** then get some posters and hang them up. Keep it looking cool but at the same time neat and tidy.

13. Your voice is important, i could tell you what i know about improving your voice or i could direct you to a much more informed post such as this one: Empower your voice by Senor fingers

14. Have good body language, when you are sitting make sure you are sitting up straight and have good posture, look people in the eye when you talk to them, smile:), dont make closed gestures such as crossing youir arms/legs, etc.

Thats all i can think of at the moment but there are tonnes more to improve on.

Social improvement

15. Friendliness, start being friendly to people you have only just met, dont crack jokes on people you dont know so well because this may make them feel uncomfortable. Dont be that nasty ******* that noone likes because he is so cold, be the friendly guy who doesnt ***** about people behind their backs, hes always talking about positive subjects and being friendly to people unless he is given a good reason to do otherwise.

16. Humour, learn to be funny. When you are funny people feel attracted to you because you make them laugh so they associate laughing and the way it makes them feel with you! Remember jokes at other peoples expense can be funny at times but if there the only jokes you make people are going to find you rather cruel especially if they dont crack jokes on you, always remember, dont crack jokes on people you dont know well. Besides, there are plenty of other ways to become funny, watch stand up comedys and look at the kind of jokes they make, concentrate real hard on how they make their jokes funny. After youi watch enough comedy and concentrate while doing so you will start to develop a wit and be able to make smart remarks in many different situations. Jokes that apply to the situation are always the funniest.

17. Eye contact, get into the habit of looking girls in the eye, i tend to avoid the eyes of other ugys my age because in our testosterone driven adolescence it is likely that you they will think you are trying to pick a fight with them. Girls however will find you attractive if you have the confidence to give them your eye contact.

18. So you have given eye contact, well dont stop there why dont you give them a smile, get into a habit of smiling every now and then (not constantly however because this makes you look extremely insecure). If you just give someone eye contact you look like a horny little rapist, if you give them eye contact with a smile you look like a friendly and confident man.

19. Loudness, dont be that weak voiced little girl, you have been improving your voice havent you? Well why dont you use that new voice of yours. Become a little louder, talk to people with confidence. When you are greeting someone dont just say "hi", greet them then inquire on how they are, this makes people feel alot more comfortable around you.

20. Fun loving, learn to become exciting and fun loving, its all about loving every day for what it is and realising how wonderful every oppurtunity is, you remind yourself of this every morning and days become a lot more enjoyable and happier.

21.Learn kino, its all over the place.. No need to elaborate here.

22. Learn to read body language, this will help you indicate peoples interest in you, VERY helpful skill to have.

There is alot more to improve then this socially, social improvement is perhaps the hardest to improve.

Intelectual improvement

23. Do your homework, do your homework as soon as it is possible to do so, do it to a high quality as well!

24. Read up on philosiphy and other things like this, read extra material and have more depth as a person. If a conversation came up about the big bang how would you handle yourself? I think you get the idea..

25. Realise why girls do the things they do, there are posts about women and what they think all over this website, it is a good skill to have.

You get the idea, improve your intelectual abilities. There are so many things you can learn about there is no point in listing them all.

The end

Anyway i hope you enjoyed this post, it took me a long time to compile all this, as i leave i want you all to know my definition of a true DJ.

"A true Don Juan is a person who is a better person then he was yesterday"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Good work, Grass hoppa! :D
Last edited:


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Nice one sammo. Im going to start doing the notebook thing.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2002
Reaction score
A theater near you
Careful with this fellas. Don't let Kaizen turn into perfectionism. Kaizen is continuing improvement, perfectionism is the beleif that if you hit every stepping stone exactly right, you won't have to die. You will die, and many people who aren't worried about how well they hit the stones will get a lot further.

That being said, this is an excellet post. Almost bible-worthy in fact! Very nice Sammo!