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  1. D

    Need some advice...

    HIT IT!!! :D Dude, go for it! But be cautious. You were giving her drink, popcorn, did you pay for her movie ticket too? I would be wary of the thought that she may be just using me. Chicks like to get things for "promising" sex. Doesnt mean she ll give it to you. But go ahead anyway, just...
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    I went AFC last night

    How long were you in jail? And what the hell did you do?
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    social groups

    I was never popular because I got a rep as an antisocial hater in grades 9 and 10. Now, in my final year, I ve wisened up, but its too late, so I usually hang with people one - two grades lower. But tell you what - If you are popular, there are tons of chicks who know you, but you never notice...
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    To not kiss on the next date

    Why wait? Kiss her! Lik said it best - it could work, but it would more likely backfire. You have to take what you want. Who cares what she wants? You want some action, so take it! This 'going too fast' bullsh*t is for pvssies. She wants it too. Be a challenge in other ways.
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    My big step

    Welcome, Ambience. Like your name :) Anyways, she dumped you. SHE DUMPED YOU!!! ITS OVER! So what if its "going whack" between her and her bf? She is telling you she loves him but she loves you too. This is bull****. In reality all she's saying is: "Me and my bf hit a rough...
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    provocative dress

    Amen lover! You said it best. Babes want d*ck, no matter what they wear. Only some are brainwashed into thinking that girls who want and enjoy sex are dirty and will burn in hell, and there are those who embrace their sexuality and want you to make mad love to them. Go after the latter. But...
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    Picking up chicks at dance (urgent, need help)

    Don't talk, just dance. Raves are not clubs. You aren't there to pull, but to dance (no wonder its 9 hours long). Don't try anything from the start, give it about an hour. By that time, everyone loosens up, and gets into the groove. Also, those who were planning to take E already have, so the...
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    DJing a HB "who doesnt know what she wants"

    Still sounds like too much trouble, to me. Do her friends! That will teach her a lesson. :D
  9. D

    Stay mysterious.. riite... but how?

    Paraphrasing the bible? ;) This stuff works on a first few dates, but you cant stick to this if you are dating this girl for a while. I am assuming that is the basis of your question, arq. Actions speak louder than words. Thus, you are correct in a way. Unpredictability creates mystery...
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    DJing a HB "who doesnt know what she wants"

    You know, she sounds like a lot of trouble, man! From what you describe, she loves attention, which doesnt have to be sexual (who doesnt like attention), but won't put out in return. Definitely high maintainance. Like AFK said, keep her on the side, but concentrate on others. Its your game and...
  11. D

    Chat-a great way to practice communication!!

    If you get a kick out of it.... Same thing if you do it to them in person. The worst that can happen is you getting ignored. Sometimes i see how far i can go, being overly perverted and sexual, to the point that i come across as a sleazy perverted fvck. And its ok. Usually I get those...
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    Make Yourself Laugh First

    I think this is a great idea. Lauging yourself would put her at ease. But it would also make you more relaxed. Someone mentioned that lauging/smiling releases positive hormones. Not sure about that, but it feels good nonetheless. Every time I'm down, I just smile or force a laugh. Sure, it...
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    Offer your girlfriend a date with someone else.

    It does seem interesting to try out. But it really depends on the girl being tested. I d do it to one of those high maintainance biatches, but wouldnt go that extreme on my gf. How bout suggesting a date with the guy in question?
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    The Long, Hard Road Out of Hell... (Under Construction)

    I wanna live I wanna love But its a long hard road Out of hell Marilyn Manson :P
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    The Importance of Being Involved in HS

    I am in my last year, and you are absolutely correct. By now, its very hard to change my reputation, which unfortunately is not too great. If I could change a single thing about my highschool years, it would be to get involved in as many clubs and teams as I could. That would change everything...
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    Age Gap

    pervert... :eek: To the original poster.... There is a 2yr age gap between me and my girl as well. I am in my senior HS year, and all signs point that this relationship is not going to last after I graduate. I am not expecting it to. And neither should you. If you are enjoying what you two...
  17. D

    I need help dancing, please help me.

    What kind of dancing do you want to learn? If you wanna tango, I suggest taking a class. But if you just wanna go to a highschool dance and jump around, there's not much to it. In fact, I just went to a dance a couple of days ago. For the previous years, every dance I went to ended up being a...
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    This happen to anyone else?

    Have you tried approaching yet? After the first time, I realized that it's not actually scary, and those chicks are dying to meet you! If you make an ass of yourself, so what? No one will kill you for it. But yah, i feel the inspirational posts. But I can also do without them. Just don't...
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    My best DJ move so far...

    rofl! that cracked me up :D
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    Holy Crap, Check this

    Paranoid: High Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: High Borderline: Low Histrionic: High Narcissistic: Very High Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low i never considered myself to be histrionic :mad: