Search results

  1. D

    running away from home

    Don't run away unless you got somewhere to go to. Any relatives close by? A friend of mine also has abusive parents. What he did is he went to the councellor at our school, told him the situation, and the councellor arranged for him to move out, and to his relatives (same city). If you really...
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    I just realized something. I'll never get HBs

    I do not quite remember how I came accross this site, but after I read a few sections of the Highschool Bible, chicks lost importance. It all came down to self-improvement. Women make you unhappy, you say? Why do you let them? Why are they so important to you? After I found this site, I couldn't...
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    Why do girls date *******s?

    Did you read the friggin commandments? Oomph, be a nice guy, listen to us, because a nice guy may finish last but will SURELY finish best!!! Dude, WTF?:rolleyes: I am on the verge of escaping afcism, and I am not getting sucked back into that pit of doom. mmm... doom3 is out!
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    big problem with LOVE

    Are you sure u want (can) be JUST friends with her? You sound hopeful.
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    Women To Make The Moves?

    Agree with kinetik here. You have to display confidence, because THAT is one of the attributes that attracts the girl in the first place. By taking initiative you are presenting yourself as the opposite of a pvssywhipped chump who'd flatline at the thought of going on a date with a gorgeous girl...
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    How many times have you watched pornography this week?

    I am trying to quit jacking off (someone mentioned lack of drive as a direct result), but its hard, man... very hard. Did it 2ce today :(. OK, starting today, NO BEATING THE MEAT! ARRRWWW! :D
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    pale skin help:(

    I burned like hell for throughout june, and then just got darker. Its shedding now tho =/
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    The New Generation of Women

    Sorry, but what is a pre-nup?:confused:
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    Biggest lie to get chicks?

    Have you heard of DJ Omega Red? Umm, yeah, i think so. No you haven't. He's my friend, and hasn't gone public yet. :) I love you. Never used that one, but know people who did.
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    I only smoke when i drink

    gl hf.
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    Good old Mother

    That sucks a hard one, man. Parents can be a major nuisance. My perspective on this is: unless you're a 12yo horny bastard with no concept of morals and no idea what a contraception device is (did i get that right?), then it is not up to them to decide how you want to handle girls. Today, I was...
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    The "If I wanted to..." story

    I concur.
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    Is anyone capable of cheating?

    The grass is greener on the other side of the fence?
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    The Fart Method

    ROFL!!!! :D:D Im goin to a party tonite, I ll make sure I try it. May update on it later. BTW: You are a genius Ronny. Keep it up.
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    Parrots and Spandex. A pointless post.

    I am almost opposite... people tell me that I lack any form of inhibition whatsoever, which brings out the kind of openness that borders on obscenity. No, I am not the loud-mouthed party dude. I simply don't care what others think. What brought this out in me? (Yes, I wasn't like that since...
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    has your mum every read your diary?

    I store pr0n or whatever private stuff on the computer. Use blowfish or hide them in C:\windows\system\CatRoot\A7eBh (or whatever). Give all files random names so none turn up in potential searches. That way, if a person does not know about these files and therefore does not attempt to find...
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    The New Generation of Women

    Amen :)
  18. D

    Need some advice dealing with HS society

    Contrary to the newly popular claims, violence solves everything. Look at most of the great figures of history, the emperors, commanders, leaders. They got where they did by pure violence. They didn't take sh1t from anyone. So why should you? Today's school systems are very easy-going on acts of...
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    Golden Advice On Long Term Relationships (LTRs)

    Blatant thing to say, being a new person on the boards, but I have to agree with you here. What's the point of trying to preserve something that is not meant to last? IMHO enjoy the relationship while it's intact. If it begins to fall apart, move on.