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  1. D

    Relationship before emotions

    Good pointer there, Nova :) That's why dating multiple women helps in this sense. You couldn't be thinking just about one, but have to be thinking about many. Just saw "Don Juan DeMarco" (a date movie), where he lands in a harem of 1500 young hot babes. At first he would rather die than be...
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    Powerful Oneitis Tip

    wow, nice point krassus. :)
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    Can i get anygirl number?? How can i be smooth about it?
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    Does anybody say stuff behind your back?

    Why does he taunt you? Got something that he wants? Can you make friends with the wrestler? If not...... :p
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    The key to high school success - by someone who never found it

    Well, there are a lot more than you know about, lik. They are none of your business, and they shouldn't be anyways. :) What I am stating is that there is no social success without being social. You gotta get off your ass and do stuff, to speak plainly. :D Carneige, glad you realized what I...
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    Do Not Meet Chicks from Online

    I never tried the net (too young), but it seems like a gamble to me. Sometimes you come out empty handed, other times you catch big (oh that didnt sound right. I mean catch well. But you can certainly catch BIG! :eek: ). On the offside it seems like fun. So why not go for it? Besides, ugs need...
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    Girls seem to ignore me!!!

    I have a gay friend (shocking music here). And I am not a single bit afraid of him. When he said he would date me if I didnt have a gf, I just took it as a compliment (more shocking music!:eek: ). 6 months ago, I'd freak and cut all contact, but now I am comfortable with my sexuality, and don't...
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    Powerful Oneitis Tip

    You took the first step, man! Getting over that oneitis is hard, especially! if she is a model. I would be kicking myself over the missed opportunity as well! But no worries. She has a bunch of problems of her own (all of us do). Think its easy being a model? I bet she's worried sh*tless about...
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    The key to high school success - by someone who never found it

    Do you watch those high school tv shows? The ones about teens who have everything? Who get invited to all the crazy parties, get the hottest chicks? Cant remember any off the top of my head, but I know you've seen some. Now that I sit here and reflect upon 4 high school years, I can't help but...
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    Tired of clueless people in my life....

    Guys should have some tact when they hit on a woman. If they underestimate her, they will crash and burn. "Hey, nice shirt. Wanna fvck?" will not land you with an academic :p. But I take it that girls actually enjoy the attention. Its a constant ego boost for most (who doesnt enjoy one?)...
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    Girls seem to ignore me!!!

    Approach! Start up the convos, don't wait for them to take control. I had the same problem as you, and not only with girls, just people in general. What made it go away is me realizing how desperate I was for others' attention. You dont wanna be the needy kid desperate to fit in. Be cool and...
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    taller dudes

    It's just a matter of preference, but in my experience, girls usually prefer guys who are taller than them. Height makes you more dominating. I have seen where it's the other way around (the chick is taller than the guy), but the guy was whipped like butter.
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    Some good comeback, When someone call you a rapist?

    Hey aznxboi, same thing happening here. Im 17 with a 15yo. However, 2 years ago she dated my brother (whos also 15). So when we hooked up, sometimes somebody decided to be witty and try to comment on that ("Isn't fvcking the same pvssy just like fvcking each other?"). I just went with the...
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    I feel inferior

    tilltheendoftime beat me to it: you COULD change your mindset, but wouldnt it be more practical to fix yourself? Getting jealous because the guy is better built? Start hitting the gym, bro! So on.
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    Interesting convo with g/f. Read This!

    AStudent, listen to the advice. Don't wait for her to come to you. Why are you giving her control? What you are doing is letting her call the shots. Do what YOU want. YOU are the man, or is she? Call her up, tell her to meet you there and there. Talk to her. Be brutally honest. Stick to your...
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    my buddy is pissed... help?

    talk to him :rolleyes:
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    4 years and I have had it.

    She cheated on you. Enough said. by the way, do yourself a big favor and read the bible.
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    4 years and I have had it.

    Double post. sorry.
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    Sorry to bump this thread from so far back, but I have a similar problem. For the past week or so, during foreplay, I would get a raging boner, and then in mere seconds lose it. Then, after a few moments, I would get it again. For no apparent reason, too! Like, she was reading description from...
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    Easy does it - Part 1

    Pretty good advice, Sammo. If i can add advice to this, it would be to drink lots of water. Go for about 4 liters a day. Makes you feel all fresh and energetic the next day :) If I dont drink much water, or eat alot of salt/salty foods, i feel overly bloated and sluggish. My motivation goes...