Why women say they want a nice guy over a jerk


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
I think it's funny when folks say women don't know what they are talking about when they say this. It might not be a complete truth to us, but to their thought process at the time, it's the truth.

Why? Why don't women say they want a confident MAN? To them, it's obvious. When they think in their minds about jerks vs nice guys, they think about confident, masculine, leaderly JERKS vs confident, masculine, leaderly NICE GUYS. Of course, the meaning is lost in translation from ******** to manish. Guys hear them saying they want subservient, effeminate, agreeable sissy nice guys vs confident, masculine, leaderly jerks. Surely not!

Why do women not explain it all to us? To them, it's obvious. To us, shouldn't it be obvious that a woman should be feminine? Yes, but if she's never had a good female influence, how the heck is she gonna know HOW? Same with guys, except it's more common with guys not to have a good male influence.

With this in mind, nice guys really do finish first (at least most of the time). That's confident, masculine, leaderly nice guys who know who they are, not sissy, effeminate subservient nice guys who are total yes men..


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
that seems about right, but you should still neg hit, as a joke. Nice guys are nice guys because they are oftne afriad not to be, so you must show that at the smae itme you are not afraid, so do not act like a jerk but do not be a total nice guy, remember, its liek a tug of war, to much of either 1 is bad, you need to get it fine tuned so your the right amount of each one.