running away from home


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
What are your thoughts on running away at 17... i dont know where im going but being that no one gives a **** seems like a good thing to do... that girls mom her skin started falling off and blistering so shes dying so the girl wants to be with her mom for months or days til she dies..

im thinking of heading east or south..

can my dad have me arrested if i runaway? and can he say i stole my own car if its in his name even though my names on the insurance?

And being that when i was crying and he yelled at me and hit me i dont think hell care and hes threattened to call the cops on me.. so when i leave can he do anything to me?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by wh01987
What are your thoughts on running away at 17... i dont know where im going but being that no one gives a **** seems like a good thing to do... that girls mom her skin started falling off and blistering so shes dying so the girl wants to be with her mom for months or days til she dies..

im thinking of heading east or south..

can my dad have me arrested if i runaway? and can he say i stole my own car if its in his name even though my names on the insurance?

And being that when i was crying and he yelled at me and hit me i dont think hell care and hes threattened to call the cops on me.. so when i leave can he do anything to me?
Since you're not legally an adult, your parents are considered responsible for you and are obligated to call the police if you run away. If the car is in his name and you take it, that's grand theft auto.

Don't run away, it's not worth it. More than likely you will end up worse off than now. However, if your dad is abusive, you should be the one calling the police.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
if i leave and he charges me with grand theft auto then so be it if he will go that far he doesnt give a **** anyway

what will happen to my friend who runs away with me and hes 18 can he get charged with kidnapping or anything


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
Have you thought this clearly through? What exactly is your situation man?


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by wh01987
what will happen to my friend who runs away with me and hes 18 can he get charged with kidnapping or anything
He can, its one of the bad things of our system.

Don't run away dude, i know its hard, but you can make it. What would you do? Get a minimum wage job, living in some studio apartment? Just stay in school, get a good education, then you got college to run away to. Or else you could join the military, try and get a good internship somewhere, etc. But running away won't solve anything.

Quick fixes to complex problems never work for the better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
doesnt matter becuase im not planning on college anyway i was thinking about staying in grocery and meat department makes over $3000 a month starting so sounds good to me... or air force

my problem is

- my mom signed me off to my dad still dont give a **** after years
-my dad yells at me and hits me when hes not doing that we dont even talk.. never did **** with me but yell

-THEN the only girl that cared for me ****ing abondoned me and my "friends" dont give a **** they just laugh


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bro, as tough as it seems, you still got a roof over your shoulders. You don't even want to think about how hard sh!t'll be if you do run.

I'm sure you can get by, we always do :)



Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Are they not right to laugh?

You are facing a bad situation which we don't fully understand but what we do know is that you're being a little pu-ssy.

Do you see your title? Running away? That means you are giving up. That means you don't have the balls to stick out the tough times. It means you are weak.

A don juan posting something like this? sigh. I think you've lost part of who you are.

If you have problems with your dad, then talk it out. Don't give me **** about it never working. One day it will work. I've been there. I don't understand what your mom has to do with this but as for the girl; you sound like an emotional wreck reminding me of an AFC. 'The only girl that ever cared about me'. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and think that you only said that because you're lost in your situation. But.. You used the word abandoned. Are you aware of how much that implies? I sincerely think you should go read Pook's kill that desperation. You are desperate now, not necessarily over a girl. Please read it, it will do you good.

However, I am saddened to see you of all people going down like this. We all fall at times but right now, you don't even want to get back up.

Be a man.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
I always think about it but...

for different reasons. I want to brake down the last amount of dependibility on anyone or anything. Maybe go across the states or Europe like my teacher did when he graduated high school. My reason was that I wanted alot of adventure, while I was still young.

You on the other hand want to run away from home because you dad mistreats you. Standup for yourself. You got it better than most homeless kids anyway. You do have a roof over your head, food in your stomache, and health care. Believe me a kid in Africa would change places with you in a heartbeat. Stop being a wimp and become a man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Don't run away unless you got somewhere to go to. Any relatives close by? A friend of mine also has abusive parents. What he did is he went to the councellor at our school, told him the situation, and the councellor arranged for him to move out, and to his relatives (same city). If you really can't stand your father, talk to the authorities. As for the girl, listen to yourself! Her mother is dying, one of the most important people in her life. It'd be suspicious if she did not want to spend the remaining time together. Besides, why do you need her so much? There are other girls.

Your 'friends' laughing at you? So why are you still hanging out with them (or are you?). Find other people to befriend. Oh, and please, not everyone around you needs to know about your problems. Be positive around others, and keep your **** to yourself, unless you really trust and know that person.

Bottom line is: Do not run away from your problems. They will follow you wherever you go. You can't escape them, so you have to destroy them at their foundation - within you. There is always an optimal solution to everything. Tell me something: do you read? Go to your library and check out books for older teens. They are essentially the author's take on life, formed through observation and experience. Many of them focus on problems similar to yours. I have read quite a few, and I was able to relate to a lot of characters in each one.

I am not particularly inclined to lecture you, but what kind of a person are you? The one who sits in front of the class, gets high marks, does his homework, and is considered a member of high-status social circles within and without school? Or are you an individual who skips school to hang out at the mall or have sex, barely passes his classes, smokes dope and gets drunk on weekends? I know people of both types. And let me tell you that the ones who belong to the former one may have 'less fun in life' from your standpoint, but are way more successful in the world. Are you sure you want to spend you life making 3000$ in the grocery and meat department?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
Does not matter anymore. she told me "its not going to work" she found out I kissed her best friend months ago so she cant trust me while shes gone. But then gave me that "if i come back maybe we can work somthin out" speach..

Then her mom got hell sick when we where on the phone and she had to go. havnt heard from her since :(

Bunk 040

Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
U sound like a soft ass *****. Period.