The Long, Hard Road Out of Hell... (Under Construction)

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
First... business that must be attended to. The new face of the Bible was to arrive some time ago, but a combination of a number of factors has hindered the appearance of it thus far. I already have a name in place, and a special guest (to be announced) who will provide the introduction. Now, this is where the assistance of everyone will be much appreciated. While, I already have a decent amount of links readily available for this new Bible, I would like to see what you guys may like to be in the Bible. So... if there is any links that you believe are worth mentioning, then by all means... leave them here.

The Matrix: Reloaded

With that out of the way, it has been quite sometime since I have actively been a member of this site that has given me so much. In the shadows, I have watched my garden of Eden filled with experiences, and ideas abound turn into a trashcan... largely complied of insipid questions (no offense to those who ask them) and the lost of passion. The last time I was involved in any major activity in this place, I spoke like a deer caught in those proverbial headlights. I was a broken man... I had allowed myself to be hurt and was. Couple that with so many other things that was occurring in my life at the same time... I was watching everything that I had worked so hard for crumble in front of me.

Heartless bastards believed that I was crying for help, which could not be any further from the truth. I wanted to share my pain with the hopes that people coming into their own, struggling to find their way (usually called newbies) could understand that they are not alone in their journey... that everyone goes through times when they want to hang it up, when it appears as if failure will be their only option. That situation is long behind me now, and honestly... I am a better man on so many levels for having experienced it. Thank you to all of those who who told me that it gets better and to keep going. A fuck you (as well as a thank you) to those heartless bastards... it is people like you that remind me that everything that I do really is worth it.

With all of that in mind, the time for rebuilding begins now. I have been in the place for a number of years now and every down has usually been counteracted with an up... that time is now.

The Long, Hard Road Out of Hell...


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Haha... long... hard... haha

Just playing!

Give me a day, I'll round up a few good threads for you that I liked.


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Ah, I don't have to f*cking tell you that it's good to have you around, you know that... you ain't getting licked in the balls by me this time :D

Life's a rollercoaster man... this cliché is absolutely true. I experience ups and downs too, constantly, now I believe I'm slowly heading up, or at least hope so...

If you need any help with the bible and stuff, you know where to find me ;)

Stewart boy, you'll never be much,
'cause you're too busy acting the fool.
Thank you Sir for them few kind words,
on my last day of school.

Oh, but my mama said, I could be a success,
if I'd only get myself out of bed.
Words of wisdom, but I wasn't list'ning,
I had plans in my head.

Only a boy,
trying it on,
coming on strong,
restless to roam,
only a boy,
silly and proud,
reckless and loud,
impressing the crowd,
only a boy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
*Yawn* 1:30 AM and I read this...Damn you Julian! ;)

Anyway, I'll (again) search for some links. I don't see why you don't just steal stuff from my bible...Much easier.

Eternally yours.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
I dunno...there was a good one from A-Unit about Why life isnt fair, and that can apply to many in HS. I'd also recommend one by AC/DC himself ^^^ (I know you're up there...) a.k.a Sebastian, about not taking life too seriously....Just my 2 cents. And as promised, I'm in the midst of writing something which I feels needs to be brought up...look out for that soon!

Cheers (And no, I'm not an Englishman by any chance)

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but I think the bibles are starting to suffer from information overload. It is too much posts that are just somewhat different interpretations on similar constructed ideas. Noobs must feel like it is too much information to take at once, and I recently visited the bible again and it was only 2-3 posts I felt were applicable for m situation out of 50 some odd threads.

I'm all for giving credit where credit is ude, but not every good post should be in the bible, only the ones essential. Personally, save for one or two exceptional posts and Pook posts in the regular bible, I can survive for the rest of my life off of the New Age HS bible. I think the whole site can live off those posts. I look at other sites and they have a bible a couple years old but it is stil valid. Nothing has changed dramtically in the seduction world but why do we always feel the need to put posts in the bible? How about if we use the archives a bit more often? I'll paraphrase what Einstein said "Make things as simple as possible but no simpler"

All this information seems to have an adverse effect on the community here at SoSuave with a mass amount of the member settling for just reading the material and waiting patiently for one of the many things they've read about to pop up in life. You gotta go out there and make it happen. Reading the material in my opinion is to right wrongs or make sure you are better the next time, not to hinder the experiences you get in life all-together. If you put all your faith in all of the things you read here and still get nowhere, then you will have wasted a lot of time...

Eh... maybe I'm just rambling on but I feel that way


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Microphone Fiend
Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but I think the bibles are starting to suffer from information overload. It is too much posts that are just somewhat different interpretations on similar constructed ideas. Noobs must feel like it is too much information to take at once, and I recently visited the bible again and it was only 2-3 posts I felt were applicable for m situation out of 50 some odd threads.

I'm all for giving credit where credit is ude, but not every good post should be in the bible, only the ones essential. Personally, save for one or two exceptional posts and Pook posts in the regular bible, I can survive for the rest of my life off of the New Age HS bible. I think the whole site can live off those posts. I look at other sites and they have a bible a couple years old but it is stil valid. Nothing has changed dramtically in the seduction world but why do we always feel the need to put posts in the bible? How about if we use the archives a bit more often? I'll paraphrase what Einstein said "Make things as simple as possible but no simpler"

All this information seems to have an adverse effect on the community here at SoSuave with a mass amount of the member settling for just reading the material and waiting patiently for one of the many things they've read about to pop up in life. You gotta go out there and make it happen. Reading the material in my opinion is to right wrongs or make sure you are better the next time, not to hinder the experiences you get in life all-together. If you put all your faith in all of the things you read here and still get nowhere, then you will have wasted a lot of time...

Eh... maybe I'm just rambling on but I feel that way
The point of a few different threads being there for one situation is that someone (like you) might get helped by one thread, but another person doesn't. You might not get help from a different thread, but it could change someones life.

Eh, who knows.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
First, good to hear from you. I was begining to think I wouldn't have anyone to argue with for awhile.

Second, I admire the idea and hope you are back on track.

Third, I am about to make a post on what I have learned in the past while. They were right when they said that the journey is nice guy > don juan > jerk. I've just experienced it and will soon tell the tale!


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
I wanna live
I wanna love
But its a long hard road
Out of hell

Marilyn Manson :p

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Microphone Fiend
Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but I think the bibles are starting to suffer from information overload. It is too much posts that are just somewhat different interpretations on similar constructed ideas. Noobs must feel like it is too much information to take at once, and I recently visited the bible again and it was only 2-3 posts I felt were applicable for m situation out of 50 some odd threads.

I'm all for giving credit where credit is ude, but not every good post should be in the bible, only the ones essential. Personally, save for one or two exceptional posts and Pook posts in the regular bible, I can survive for the rest of my life off of the New Age HS bible. I think the whole site can live off those posts. I look at other sites and they have a bible a couple years old but it is stil valid. Nothing has changed dramtically in the seduction world but why do we always feel the need to put posts in the bible? How about if we use the archives a bit more often? I'll paraphrase what Einstein said "Make things as simple as possible but no simpler"

All this information seems to have an adverse effect on the community here at SoSuave with a mass amount of the member settling for just reading the material and waiting patiently for one of the many things they've read about to pop up in life. You gotta go out there and make it happen. Reading the material in my opinion is to right wrongs or make sure you are better the next time, not to hinder the experiences you get in life all-together. If you put all your faith in all of the things you read here and still get nowhere, then you will have wasted a lot of time...

Eh... maybe I'm just rambling on but I feel that way
Exactly... and that this is one of the things that I hope to address with the upcoming Bible, which is why I am requesting only the best of the best. The upcoming Bible will be much shorter than Bibles we are normally accustomed to, with at the most... 20 posts (but I hope to keep it to about 10-15). So, you are not rambling per se... you have a marginally good point.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Disconnect
I wanna live
I wanna love
But its a long hard road
Out of hell

Marilyn Manson :p
:cool: :D

Hell yes man... haha

Sell my soul for anything... anything but you, sell my soul for anything... anything but you.