Picking up chicks at dance (urgent, need help)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
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I am going to this rave concert (9 hours long) from new years eve to the next morning. I am going alone this time, last time I went with couple of my friends. Mind you this is all-age event but I want to dance with chicks age from 17~20+

After massive search and reading through bibles on the subject,
now I have some question

P.S. all stranger to me

- what's the best way to ask a girl to dance?

I use to do this
-> tap their shoulder
-> go up to their face direction

I'd say I get about 4 out of 10
oh well, better than nothing
so I was wondering if you guys can help me with more friendly way of approaching

- dancing half way through the song, the girl leaves because of my bad dancing or whatever reason, what can I say to make her stay and continue to dance?

- how do I ask a girl to continue dancing to the next song?

- when I am grinding with a girl, should I grind my boner to her? I've tried that several times before, a lot of girls got horny, some girls got turned off

the most important question of all

- when I ask one girl from a group of girls dancing together, she ALWAYS says "I am dancing with my friends" or some other B.S.

What do I do? I am having a trouble with this one. I know girls dance together to have fun but DAMN how could I let the pretty ones dancing with their gals instead of me



Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
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bump! it's tomorrow night, i really need help fast



Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
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Even though I am not that familiair with raves, I do know that you shouldn't ask a girl to dance with you. I'd advice you to get eyecontact with a girl, then dance closer to her.. No need to start grinding right away.. Make sure you get some sort of connection by dancing close to each other and getting some more eyecontact. It usually works for me to get more and more eyecontact until you are in front of eah other staring each other in the eyes while dancing. From here on, you can do pretty much anything you like..


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
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There is a difference for those who know REAL DANCE CLUBS.

Hip Hop Dance Club (very generic) - all generic and everyone looks alike. Play the same music over and over - that' s why I don't get excited if a friend tells me "Yo man we're heading to a Hip Hop club" If you are good looking you have a chance. If you aren't, they don't want you.

Rave/Trance/House Clubs - You really don't have to talk to the girl or do anything like at the hip hop clubs. You just dance right up to them and if they're into you they'll let you dance with them.

Please note you have to be into the same music as the people on the dance floor. I'm not into Hip Hop and my friend is. he gets more action from the HH floor. While on trance floors I get more action.

If you're good looking, you don't even have to do anything.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2004
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When i'm at discos and clubs I just dance around on the dance floor and tries to make eye contact. I want the girls to see me, and i want the girls check me out.

Smile and make a lot of eye contact!

"- how do I ask a girl to continue dancing to the next song?"

You can't talk on the dance floor, so never ask to dance with them. Just dance!

Again: Smile and make a lot of eye contact!

"- dancing half way through the song, the girl leaves because of my bad dancing or whatever reason, what can I say to make her stay and continue to dance?"

If she leaves you're probably a bad dancer, or maybe making her feeling unsexy or whatever(which is a part of being a bad dancer). If that's the case, you should practice your dancing. Sit down, watch the guys that is dancing with the girls and are able to keep them dancing.

Smile and make eye contact!

When a girl smiles back at you, you could start dancing towards her, or wave at her with the finger and point at yourself (Dunno if you understand what i mean, but sort of "c'mon over here" with a confident look and a smile.)

If she doesn't want to dance with you, then... well, go for some other girl.

Not the best of advices, but i hope it's better than nohing - since you're in a rush.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
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I will also post a report of what happens with my approaches and different approaches I've tried

here are some approaches I am going to try

looking at a girl -> smile -> (see her reaction)
(A) smile ~ I go up and ask her to dance
(B) look away ~ I move on

looking at a girl -> smile -> wave

looking at a girl -> smile -> do the "figer" to make her come to me

go up to her tap her shoulder -> ask her to dance
(A) Yes ~ I dance away
(B) No ~ comment to her with a

"too bad"
"your lost"
"have fun dancing with your friends"
"have a great night then"
"ok thanks anyway"
"nevermind, I thought you were somebody I knew"
"have fun dancing by yourself"

I mean I don't have to take **** and rejected walk away like a loser, I am going to show her that I don't give a ****

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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ok, at a rave, its normally more men than girls, and the girls there are normally with a boyfriend or soemthing anyhow, or are just there for the muisc, so its really not the best place to pull.

saying that though, there is always some girls up for it, especially those of there faces on disco biscuits.

My best advice is to just try and chat, dont do anything cheesy, no tapping on sholders etc.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
i know a situation where you can use some C&F.

if your are dancing and all of a sudden your dancing and girl's ass bumps into your or vise versa and you look and smile.....and she smiles.....

your already close and if she moves away finger her to come and wipser in her ear something like:

"well if you want a dance why dont you just come up to me/ask me"

"i can see you like to touch my ass, so dont make an excuse. touch it!"
"i can see you like my fine ass, well if your gonna put your hands all over, come dance with me"

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Dress sharp,take controll of convo's,take your time with girls,isolate them.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2004
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There's only one real approach for a rave party and that's the natural. Asking HB's to dance with you, immediately gives them all the power. Avoid questions like that. Except: "Can I ask you a question?" since the answer is always yes.

Now I think the natural approach (read: improvising on a certain situation) is the best for raves. But giving random neghits can be fun, and give some nice results.


WOW.....my little sister dances just like you.

I really like your moves, you're like JLO on X.

Where's your pimp, I wanna get laid.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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lol,this is the rave thread..my bad..:D


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
At most rave parties, it's pretty vulgar to just be grinding on the dance floor. However, if you just walk up and talk to anybody, it will be cool. 99% of the people at rave parties are very outgoing anyhow, so it isn't that much of a stretch to just walk up to a girl and start with "Hi, I'm so and so" and just take it from there, it's really quite easy at a party, because everybody is so friendly and outgoing. Also, keep in mind that 90% of the people are going to be rolling on E anyhow, so if it doesn't bother you to hook up with a girl who is rolling, you can offer to give her a massage, and go from there.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
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Originally posted by calvran
Also, keep in mind that 90% of the people are going to be rolling on E anyhow, so if it doesn't bother you to hook up with a girl who is rolling, you can offer to give her a massage, and go from there.
cough* cough* someones in on it too :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Don't talk, just dance. Raves are not clubs. You aren't there to pull, but to dance (no wonder its 9 hours long). Don't try anything from the start, give it about an hour. By that time, everyone loosens up, and gets into the groove. Also, those who were planning to take E already have, so the chicks would be way more friendly towards you.

The music would be blasting, so don't try screaming at them, but communicate with body language. Its fun as hell.

Also, dont bust your balls over any one chick. Getting bad signals? Move on with no hesitation. There should be plenty of opportunities. Is the babe in a group? Just dance with the entire crowd! After an hour, people will be starting to get very friendly.

But, the downside, as someone mentioned, is that Raves are for dancing and enjoying the music. That's what people go there for, and not for hooking up with someone. Its not a bar or a club. Trying to chat people up while they re dancing is very annoying. So good luck, but don't count on it too much.