Search results

  1. M

    Mall approaches are frustrating

    I went to the mall yesterday and today and did a bunch of approaches and half of these girls were not very approachable. Is the mall a bad idea or am i taking a bad approach to it?
  2. M

    is school truly worth the money?

    I'd give college a try anyways. If you've got a passion for something try to get as knowledgable about and accredited for such a passion or hobby so you can in turn make it a career...if you're going to school for a passion it makes your time and money more useful....i dont know, i'm probably...
  3. M

    How much money do you spend on groceries?

    My parents paid anywhere from 15o-200/week but with coupons its more like 75-120 dollars. a week
  4. M

    best beer 4 party

    PABST!! For the past year all my buddies have stayed true to buying cases of Keystone Light tall boys. Its only like 17 bucks for a case of these tall cans of take that and a beer bong and down those damn things and wanna know a little trick so you dont have to wait for the foam...
  5. M

    "The Secret" (Free Google Video)

    can anyone gimme a link to the actual movie,...or any other means of getting it. all those links are either confusing or dead
  6. M

    "The Secret" (Free Google Video)

    hey can someone help me get download this movie? bit torrents and all that stuff is not my field of work...sorry...please you guys are making it sound really good and Im really interested in watching it.
  7. M

    failing to appear

    Oh god I went to court today and I ahd to go to court in a different town.....a way different town. ARKANSAS INBRED STEREOTYPICAL ppl all in this courtroom. I was the only person decent enough to wear appropriate attire for court. Everyone else either came in their pajamas, work clothes, or...
  8. M

    30 seconds is all it takes

    hey man, you're either smoking crack or you're smoking bakin soda ya know. This guy's site shows that he's smokin crack. as in he's succeding. yeah, say no to drugs
  9. M

    30 seconds is all it takes

    I like this
  10. M

    MySpace pick-up-lines/intoductions/conversation starters?

    I use myspace to start conversations with girls by dissing them and saying crue things. Disgusting no, distasteful maybe, ballsy, you bet.
  11. M

    Mall Approaches Are Tough ....

    the last chick I banged was from a PU at Dillards, she was working in the bed accessories part of the store and I ran game, invited her over for drinking the next week, she came over, I saw my first encounter with pierced nipples and we hit it of like.BAM. During my graduation ceremony from...
  12. M

    Backpack Across Europe

    do hostels have prostitutes?
  13. M

    failing to appear

    whats financial probation
  14. M

    failing to appear

    at a court date, and they've already got a warrant out for you and so you show up to court anyways. Do you still go to jail? Because ****ing, I didnt appear at court but they rescheduled for 7/11/06 and on that date i called in to make sure and they said they didnt have it scheduled and a...
  15. M

    Style is a HACK!!

    that bald guy is like a pussifyed version of Bruce Willis or Phillip Anselmo from pantera, now that guy banged lots of sluts
  16. M

    Style is a HACK!!

    Isnt Style the guy from 106 and park on BET? He's a PUA? thats awesome
  17. M

    Let's put the Alpha argument to bed

    you say I'm self absorbed and self centered, well bingo after being in such denial over it I recently have had to come to terms that I am conceited and I've gone through so much crazy sh*t in my life that i like myself a lot. i love myself but although in that post earlier I might have come...
  18. M

    Social masks, seduction gurus and becoming a man that women desire

    actually yes! i'm not at all dissing your ideas. I totally agree with it but I notice that SOOOOO many people post the same sh*t in the tips forums that you've stated but I have a feeling you actually have some weight with what you posted rather than having read it somewhere else and...