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  1. M

    Two Dates and I get this...

    you probably have a moustache
  2. M

    Anal Sex?

    whoa! where did you read about that? I always wondered how it is that they butt f*ck and do all that nasty stuff without getting like some f*cked infections.
  3. M

    Anal Sex?

    ever jizzed in her bum?
  4. M

    Being happy BEFORE you get a woman

    You're probably a homosexual with breast implants and amazon type of women are actually really really sexy when they take care of themselves, no joke! In my infamous weekend of rejections at the mall, I saw a few 8s who probably would beat my ass at a moments notice. I was too scared to...
  5. M

    Education and Income (US, fairly recent)

    college is overrated
  6. M

    FR: College Orientation

    that was inspiring.
  7. M

    Red Stripe

    GODDAMN IT! this is the 15th time I heard people mention the red stripe commercial this weekend...hell I wasted 10 dollars on a 6 pack of that sh*t...the first few sips are good but then its downhill..I'm sticking to Coors Light.
  8. M

    I need help on this one chick from my facebook

    alright so this AIM conversation is starting to get kinda dull...she gives one, two or three word answers and thats pissing me off. Should I just stop talking to her?
  9. M

    I need help on this one chick from my facebook

    cool I'm officialy in business up in this hoe..thanks Ace of Flames.
  10. M

    I need help on this one chick from my facebook goes stomach is turning HA HA HA check back with you in a few
  11. M

    Mall approaches are frustrating

    I wasnt confident at all...I was tired, whiny from my previous **** ups that day, and not in the right mindset. and plus my wingmen were nagging at me forever to talk to this girl and that girl, and all these girls..I didnt know which one to hit on. I definately need to stop being afraid of...
  12. M

    I need help on this one chick from my facebook

    well one night I was gonna talk to her, and I added her name on my sn list but I chickened out.... lol..sorry for being such a jackass. I acknowlege it. She's on right now(AIM). So you think I should just IM her?
  13. M

    Mall approaches are frustrating

    but they brought up giving me their numbers right as i got to them. I didnt even get to know their ****ing names...that made me suspicious.
  14. M

    I need help on this one chick from my facebook

    along with learning how to pick up chicks I dont know..heres another problem I have About 2 or 3 weeks ago I went to the park to go smoke some weed with some friends and when we got there I noticed that there was two girls with my friends and they weren't getting intimate with them but since...
  15. M

    Mall approaches are frustrating

    it hasnt started yet
  16. M

    Mall approaches are frustrating

    im taking a break. I cant take anymore women for a minute. I talked to sooo many chicks at the mall, ****son street(a strip of town with tons of bars and chicks on saturdays), we hit wal mart like 4 times, a few music stores, a hotel, a park, My friend was good motivation but his way of...
  17. M

    Post your picture ONLY

    I'll post a few my most suave one my most suave one after the other one me with the great Emmitt Smith!
  18. M

    Mall approaches are frustrating

    yeah...i felt like giving up at times but just because i really like women I kept trying. I only got one number at the mall from this girl i went to school with but only got to talk to her like once. Saw her working at Sears and so i talked to her and I didnt want to freak her out or annoy her...
  19. M

    At Department Stores

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