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  1. M


    errr....its like an Old Navy spin off. Just go to abercrombie or....Old Navy for that matter!
  2. M

    How kindergarten affects our chances at a successful social life

    I might have stated the header wrong but check this out
  3. M

    Who do you actually respect here?

    I really havent had a problem with people here so I dont think I have any favorite people
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    Get ready to live in a FEMA camp, sucker!

    ok ok ok.......the really really really weird thing is that I had a dream about a month was ultra scary and oppressive... I told it to the the singer of Styx and the one of the Beach Boys. and Well the dream went like this I was chilling and whatever and working on my accuracy with...
  5. M

    Better uses for MySpace

    funny you say that because I've noticed that my social network in real life and info on cool events happening around my town has skyrocketed. I love it.
  6. M

    Best Bodywash for College-Age Kid?

    The bodywash from Bath&Body Works is amazing stuff
  7. M

    How did they become guru's?

    through connection with NAMBLA
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    Why does having to approach women have to be so complicated?

    I totally understand where you're coming from but instead of blaming **** for your lack of girls why dont you stop focusing so much on this and just take everything in stride. See thats the paradox with women and having game. The harder you try when it comes to women the less of a real human...
  9. M

    Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin killed

    Holy ****!!!!!!!
  10. M

    Do you think most people in general dislike the police?

    come to Arkansas where the police don't have big drug dealers and pimps to arrest or any big time crime. So because they dont have anything special to do they become big bullies and take people downtown for really really dumb ass reasons just so they can meet their commison or quota or whatever...
  11. M

    Who decided nudity is "bad?"

    yeah if you know anything about anything you'd know it all dates back to when that hoebag Eve gave that dumbass Adam the apple. They weren't self conscious until they sinned...afterwards they were ashamed or shy or soemthing.
  12. M

    Anyone ever been to a girl's gone wild party?

    youre the queer for not reading everything. I said I ****ing went but when i got there, the party was over capacity and they werent letting no one in no matter what..hell I actually knew the guy whose property that **** was being thrown at but because GGW was there, it was their way or the...
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    Anyone ever been to a girl's gone wild party?

    well the thing was, they had an age limit thing, had to be born before 85 to get in or something..
  14. M

    Anyone ever been to a girl's gone wild party?

    holy **** that party was so huge that the space was too small to hold the other 500 or so people who couldnt get in including me. They were over capacity and so there was hundreds of people just kind of partying in the middle of the street in the middle of the night...I had a bottle of Capt...
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    Anyone ever been to a girl's gone wild party?

    There's gonna be one tonight in my town and I'm wondering if its really all that its hyped up to be.
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    Anyone else think blondes are overrated?

    DAAYUM!!!!! these girls obviously don't watch MTV, like 95 percent of these girls have got NO style
  17. M

    Anyone else think blondes are overrated?

    NIGGA DAAAYUM!!!! thats got a bunch of women in it and you can choose them! Hell yeah! My DJing days are over
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    High Quality Woman

    i had to stop reading, whatever I was viewing is giving me a big headache..
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    Princeton University!

    Hey USC, Your going down! GO HOGS!
  20. M

    Is there any good music nowadays?

    Keith Urban is cool :D