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  1. M

    Magic Social Proof Trick are really dumb
  2. M

    American Women - why so wacked??

    my theory on American women goes along with American people as a whole. We are all spoiled beyond belief. We have no sense of true pride, we're rude, we eat garbage, we use and abuse and want things quickly. Women are spoiled even more. They are taught to be princesses and that their ****...
  3. M

    What brand of Whey Protein do you use?

    yeah but I wanted to be genuine about my curiosity and in doing so I wanted genuine answers which I got. Now if someone asking what brand of protein you use puts your panties in a bunch and gets you *****ing and moaning then maybe YOU shouldnt completely ignore the thoight that maybe.......I...
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    What brand of Whey Protein do you use?

    well maybe i havent gotten a chance to look at your 400 threads
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    What brand of Whey Protein do you use?

    I use this stuff from a company called EAS. BTW, it seems like all whey protein has the same **** in it. Does it matter if you get your stuff from GNC or Wal Mart?
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    Top 10 songs of the 90's

    and nobody's mentioned California Love
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    College Football

    I think the Hogs are gonna put the gators in the dirt at the championship
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    So what's your halloween costume?

    I have a white suit jacket but dont know what else to do with it. I didnt exactly prepare for Halloween this year..
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    wrist problems when bench pressing

    but i dont feel any carpel tunnel **** on my wrists. My movement with my wrist is not limited, it just feels bad when I decline bench press or something. I tried chest press machines and the like and I didnt have any problems.
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    wrist problems when bench pressing

    I was gonna do some bench pressing the other day at the gym and as I tried to lift the bar, my right hand where my palm ended and my wrist started, it felt like it was about to rip or something. It felt like I was about to rip that or something. What can I do to get a proper chest workout...
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    Vector Marketing Corp. / Cutco Cutlery

    Anyone ever worked here? I got tipped to this place and i applied and got through a interview and tommorrow i have to go to a seminar from 3-8 which to me is a long ass time considering I'm not getting paid for it. And also, I've done some research on this company just so I can be ahead of...
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    Over-rated beauties

    I don't have a particular attraction to the black females but I shook hand with Tyra Banks during her show this summer and holy ****ing **** she made my heart flutter. She looks way hotter in person than on TV. I never thought it would be possible
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    My workout lately.

    I can understand how you would keep your sets at a minimum but I noticed today that I'm not as sore as I was the day after the 1st workout I had in which I was sooooooooooooo damn sore...I read about doing these sets on a and how it helps you push more than with just 2 or 3...
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    My workout lately.

    About 2 fridays ago I started working out and holy sh*t the next two days after my body was so sore I couldnt move it. Well this morning I went back at it, but this time with a different approach on my lifting. I started out with the treadmill for about 10 or 15 minutes, stretched my...
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    Who´s your idol when it comes to being a man?

    Walter Payton and **** Butkus hands down these guys were real men without a freaking doubt. Alexander The Great Charles Bronson
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    Naked Playboy Chick giving "relationship" advice

    she's is a passionate human being
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    PUA Pics

    Dude Gunwitch works at the Burger King inside the food court in the Student Union of the Univ of Ark. Killer, i'm gonna ask him for some quick tips while he's grilling my whopper.
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    PUA Pics

    they're in the latest porno sensation PUA gangbang 18
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    How can the human race survive the next hundred years?

    who cares, we're gonna be really old or dead.