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  1. M

    Prospective Universities

    check out the University of Arkansas you might be surprised at what this school has to offer
  2. M

    The 2 worst mistakes a man can make

    i agree with 1 and two...I dont give a ****, I'll stay with a woman as long as she can cook a good meal. If she can't cook, I probably would have left her ass a very long time before marriage
  3. M

    wanna get laid= Leroy Jenkins

    shoot yourself
  4. M

    I break "the rules" and succeed!

    yeah, thanks for the advice...great stuff Now I can save 50 cents if I ever feel the need for trailer park trash p*ssy
  5. M

    House, Ambient, Down tempo albums

    whoa i tried that but its too complicated to use
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    Who Decided That Models Are Attractive?

    I find women who dont look like cokeheads attractive. Healthy people.
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    Jim Belushi book review by pissed off woman

    jim belushi is the man period! Heil Heil Heil
  8. M

    House, Ambient, Down tempo albums is bad ass but their links keep on saying 'ed2k not a registered protocol'
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    what do you think? long or short?
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    Why do girls wear thongs and then put there hand back there?

    i think its a subconscious thing
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    House, Ambient, Down tempo albums

    I was wondering if anyone knew where i could find links to rapidshare type of files containing this kind of music./
  12. M

    Awesome Pickup Video !!

    while there was nothing to be learned from this...the whole thing was like a big long joke which ended with "**** OFF!"" ha ha! clever
  13. M

    Who do you actually respect here?

    I respect me and myself only. nah...Ace of Flames is a really down to earth dude who i've been chatting with on AIM lately..dudes wise as hell. I think I've chatted with Oakraiderz, and a few other dudes.. AC/DC is on my buddy list too and a few others.
  14. M

    what other forums do you visit?

    damn you really need a life
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    I start telemarketing training in an hour

    my trainer was talking about not sounding like you're reading a script. So we have to memorize our sh*t and improvise as long as we keep the person on the phone or something...err.
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    change back the forum color

    it kind of reminds me of the classic so suave layout
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    I start telemarketing training in an hour

    training was kind of fun because it was a joke. I kind of compared it to sarging and as they said not to take anyone's bad mouting personally and that it is a numbers game.
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    I start telemarketing training in an hour

    If you're fixing to post anything that says "oh its gonna be boring etc.." just don't post and go back to whacking off. Anyone ever done telemarketing? what can I do to make my training better?
  19. M

    Start Small

    dude you jack off to porn for an entire work shift. you're dumb