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  1. S

    2nd Chance?

    It seems to me that she looks pretty available. Approach, but with caution. She may be yanking yer chain for the hell of it. It's doubtful, but the possibility is always there. Keep flirting and using techniques such as the neg-hit and kino. Both are vital. Hope that helps! -Sachiel, DJ in...
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    AIM or whatever (chatting)

    I realized through the little amount of training I've had that it's MUCH harder to talk to a girl on AIM or online than it is in person. In person, you can see her reactions, place inflection in your voice, and most importantly, initiate KINO. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    guys what do u make of this...

    Let's call her Jessica to make things easy. Oftentimes, in high school, friends of girls are often skeptical. I wouldn't trust Jessica's friend, personally. They like to cover things up. As a guy, I don't always trust my best friend's girlfriends, but usually because they're not exactly...
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    i'm proud of myself

    Pretty damned good. I liked your use of an intro, the "didn't you go to my middle school..." part. Seems to me like it's a pretty solid opener. That's just my two cents. Go by yourself a gumball with it. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    used to be good wit the girls, now im gone to hell lol

    I would say it's an attitude adjustment problem. Stop listening to that anarchist music. If it's killing you socially, than drop it. Women don't like angry men. Seems like you need to have fun before you can begin to attract the ladies. In general, women would MUCH rather be with a guy that's...
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    Ignore him, he's another troll.
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    eye contact

    Don't explain. Next time she catches you, make a joke about it. I applaud you for trying to create eye contact. In fact, I have tried to apply that today, although it didn't work as well (since I was tired and felt like shiznit). It's a great technique, and should be used to it's fullest...
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    I see what you're saying, but you're reading too deep into it. It simply means to treat them as an equal, and not to exalt them as a goddess or a higher being. Quite simple logic, but I can see where one would get confused. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    Tired Days

    It seems to me that whenever I am tired, my confidence wavers more easily. I have no problem feeling exuberent escapes me, and therefore my "out ward" confidence. What I mean by "out ward" confidence is that I feel confident on the inside, but I don't show it, and this affects my performance...
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    What to talk to girls about during track meets.

    For starters, if you aren't in line for a field event/running event, you can ask what event she's doing. See where it goes from there. I'm not sure how helpful that was, so tell me if it works at all. After all, I'm still in training. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...

    FRIEND ALERT! From the first line, I could see this was going down the friend line instead of the girlfriend line. NEVER talk about other guys or let her whine to you about how "cruel" guys are. I have sympathy, for I was like this at one point. IM conversations were long and painful. She placed...
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    It seems that everyone here hit the nail right on the head. If you just tell them, I'm sure they would understand. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    Prom date showing amazingly low interest

    How close is prom? I had similar troubles with a girl. Apparently, she's been stressed. Sometimes it is stress. Othertimes, it's sheer *****iness. You'll have to see what her other actions portray. I can't help you too much. I'd have to be there to see. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    chick drives, i to get a date planned

    I think it's a typo. He prolly means Filipino.
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    Fat, but potential...

    It COULD be possible, if she's not overly self-conscious, to take her on a date to the gym. Risky, yes. But what's life without a good risk? -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    How do you deal with a girl who is hot and quiet?

    I say at first, be a bit ****y and Funny, but don't be as full-fledged as if you were talking to a more outgoing gal. Almost every woman has enough of a sense of humor to appreciate such humor, but some need it in smaller doses. As she warms up to you, turn up the dial on C+F slowly to keep her...
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    chick drives, i to get a date planned

    Re: I say wait it out. July is not far away at all. Physical things such as driving places is not as important as keeping your cool. If this is the only 1-Up he's got against you, than I say you've got a damn good chance of keeping her on your fishing line. As for planning, I haven't had...
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    need advice with a girl

    Ouch, man. Seems like the signs in the beginning were positive, but from what I can see, it seems like she was interested at first, but it waned over time. It seemed like "following the herd" may have made the experience more awkward. By following the herd, you seem submissive and a sheep...
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    chick drives, i to get a date planned

    OK, what is the problem that you can't get your license? Age? (Possibly, not implying) Lost License? -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    Tonight Sucked BAD but Its Motivation

    Use it as motivation, but don't let it be your only motivation. That's my input. Self-improvement in all areas of your life (not just women) should be your TRUE motivation. -Sachiel, DJ in Training