Prom date showing amazingly low interest


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
This is annoying the crap out of me.

she was a lot more enthusiastic before and during the day i asked her, now she seems very uninterested, doesn't even make eye contact with me, whereas before she would come up and give high 5s and hugs :confused:, she also seemed pretty happy when i asked her to prom

when i try to talk to her she gives uninterested responses. this is freaking annoying, i can't make her laugh (this is a kind of big thing, my friends and i consider me a pretty funny guy)

i'm about this far | | from just dropping her and trying to find someone else to take to prom, the biggest reason stopping me is that it's getting close to prom and everyone except the fat and weird chicks have dates already.

i'm thinking she might be stressed or something (because she's also going to junior prom which was last night) and she's low on cash but i don't know, her low interest is pissing me off.

any suggestions? (besides just dropping her, i have literally NO clue who else i can ask, though not going to prom at all is not going to stop me from dropping an uninterested girl, so if it comes to that i'll just not go to prom, or go with a group of friends)


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
How close is prom? I had similar troubles with a girl. Apparently, she's been stressed. Sometimes it is stress. Othertimes, it's sheer *****iness. You'll have to see what her other actions portray. I can't help you too much. I'd have to be there to see.

-Sachiel, DJ in Training

Local Celebrity

Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
You're being way too nice about it.

Tell her she's boring you and she needs to fix it or you'll go to the prom with somebody else.

If she doesn't fix it, just move on to the next chick.

You're saving yourself with this move, or you'll spend your whole prom having a ****ty time trying to get this chick to respond.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
She's definitely being shy now... it's a big deal to her that you asked her to prom, she's probably one of those girls who gets really shy around the person she likes (their the best imo:rockon: )

Call her up and tell her you want to meet up to talk about prom details, she pretty much has no choice but to accept, she doesn't want to appear like a *****.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
i've went through all 3 of those scenarios already.

she might be stressed (junior prom was this weekend so lets see if anything changes)

i HAVE thought about finding someoen else

and yeah i thought she might actaully be shy around people she likes (she used to try to get my attention all the time before i was interested in her)


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
hmm u can't ask a girl then ask someone else sorry. That's just not right. I was thinking about doing it too, but u really can't just do that.

same thing happened to me. There was this girl I liked and asked her. She got kinda shy around me and I was sorta the same way... I just couldn't get a reaction out of her that was the problem. She doesn't think I'm funny and pretty much everyone else does. She has no personality to me. Then I completely stopped talking to her. I hardly say hi in the hallways anymore. Hooked up with 2 other girls since I asked her... hopefully she found out just so I can spite her. I heard she used to like me too. She probably would hate me haha :rock: She ditched her date last year at prom (I don't blame her though. Her date lost an eye right before. poor dude)

But want an easy solution to this? Bring a flask to prom.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
eko said:
But want an easy solution to this? Bring a flask to prom.

Pretty sure that's a given :up:

Anyway I kind of have the same problem, I think it's a combination of shyness because she likes you and nervousness because, lets face it, prom is a big night. She probably feels pressured to do something that she isn't exactly comfortable with doing (yet!).

I still think you should call her and hang out a few times on some low-pressure dates, just to show her your a good guy. That's what I'm doing.:up:


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Well see im in somewhat of the same situation dude and I can't tell her to get right or **** off because its my best friends G/F's best friend, and shes been pretty uninterested but what ive done is have me some back up girls to hang out wit at prom who don't really have dates and are just going with someone to go, so if my date ****s up i have like 3 back up girls now and thats what many of my friends did last year hook up with girls there that wasnt even there date.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
im gona take her swimming this friday, will update.

i also got her to open up a bit today, can't believe that all it took was some drama (my friend had drama with a girl and i was giving him advice and ig et pretty loud when i give advice, she just scurried over and tried to find out everything, and i just started busting jokes)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
If you asked her to prom and she then showed you lower interest but still acts enthused with others, then ignore her don't give her any validation, In her mind there is no challenge so way waste time on a guy she already has. The Solution be (or act if you must) Extremely busy have no time for her for the next two days. If she calls answer but end the convo quickly, If she initiates convo cut her off say something funny or dramatic that happened to you that day then laugh and walk away. If a female does not show you respect than she deserves a takeaway. If you really wanna get her interest up cancel that swimming date of yours cause you have to do something else i swear to you shell began to show more enthusiasm when she see you.