Tonight Sucked BAD but Its Motivation

Lil Magic

Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Nassau, Bahamas/ presently, Collegevill Minnesota
This is the third time im writing this post over because it wont go over for some reason. This is also the first post im writing since starting DJ bootcamp.
I read ahead a little because tonight was my school's fair and dance, for a little more preparation. I've noticed that a lot of the time ppl look away when u make direct eye contact with them. Some stare back but most just look away and ive also tried telling complete strangers hello and some respond and about half ignore you. Anyway i went to the dance with my friends and we made a bet with who could dance with the most girl. I started off. I live int the Bahamas and the girls dance to Dutty Wine and Hot Wuk. So whenever i went to dance with a girl they would be to preoccupied trying to dance with some of the other guys in the crowd. Anyway i went to one of the girls in the crowd and tried to dance with her and she just shrugged me off but as soon as i went she danced with my friend who was TWO GRDS LOWER THAN ME. I just chalked it up to experience and went for another girl. This girl was one i was ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED TO DANCE WITH. she started dancing with herself. I went behind her and she stopped and said she couldnt dance with me because her bf was somewhere in the dance. So i went to the OTHER GIRL I WAS ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED TO DANCE WITH. When i went behind her, her friend said "Ewwww!!!!"loudly in the crowd and was meaning me. A lot of ppl laughed and my cousin and friend had to hold me down from ringing the b*tch.:box: I was pissed. The only thing that calmed me down was listening to TI's song "Motivation". Im gonna make her pay. Any girl that has ever embarassed me is gonna pay. I'm gonna improve myself so much they would've wished they were kinder to me. They're gonna wish i was their's. They are gonna wish they were with me. Nice LIL MAGIC is gone now. Only the master DJ SHADOW is here now. Im gonna use all of this as motivation.
"Sucka N*ggas cant make me suffer just make me stronger and make me tougher."-T.I.'s Motivation


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Use it as motivation, but don't let it be your only motivation. That's my input. Self-improvement in all areas of your life (not just women) should be your TRUE motivation.

-Sachiel, DJ in Training


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
Dont be angry and lose your cool.......Keep your head...

Plus why did you follow her , you should focus on other girls....Think of it this ways , you weren't having fun while dancing with them were thinking something else....most importantly , from what I make out , never approach from behind...always from the front and with an angle.....

school is a small closed area, and people (esp girls) know you , and when they see you changing girls , it comes off as desperate.....(obviously they dont know about your bet....)

So dont try this at School , you'll deal with a bad rep unnecessarily