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  1. S

    Would you guy's have sex with a stupid hot girl?????

    Over 1,000 posts and you still have THAT mentality? Damn, dude. In response, I wouldn't. Hit it and quit it isn't my cup of tea. There's always the risk of pregnancy, and if she doesn't meet my standards, then she could be "a universal 10" (which I know doesn't exist w/o personal preference)...
  2. S

    Why do I feel like I can't get nowhere?

    For that promise you made to yourself, throw it away. Meeting girls isn't simply about getting some. That's a perk. Simply put, you need to develop a better self-esteem and a sense of humor. It's a confidence issue, which people can sense. For the former, you can listen to Scot Mckay's Podcast...
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    Some sort of strange...incest thing... idunno

    Your cousin? Doesn't matter how she's related, I would not be the one to go after a relative. Imagine if she was your sister. Would you still be interested? I doubt it. There are plenty of other girls out there, so its unnecessary for you to look to your extended family. Take my advice or...
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    I agree with you on this one, save for one thing: it's good for "giving her the gift of missing you", as David DeAngelo might say. Leave her a reference to an inside joke. Except for that case, I don't like MySpace or IM for chicks. It takes the excitement out of it, really.
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    contacting people threw Facebook you hardly know

    I have to back GWA on that one. Real Life contact > Internet contact -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    advice with my one itis girl

    You want my advice? Forget her. Move on. It seems like you're unconfortable being around her. When you're uncomfortable around a girl oyu are infatuated with, it shows lack of self-confidence. Either build up your confidence or find another gal, my advice being the latter. HOwever, when thinking...
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    Post something contreversial you believe in but defies DJ Logic..

    Apparently, you haven't met my older sister. She goes CRAZY for Asian guys. In fact, she hasn't had a white boyfriend in almost a year and a half. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
  8. S

    Why do people use the term NICE?

    I see what you're getting at, but I think because being "nice" coincides with being a "people pleaser" and doing little favors for people. It's the interpretation of the word that counts. It's like the word @$$. It could mean a donkey, or your butt. See what I mean? All about interpretation.
  9. S

    Chick claims she 'doesn't remember'.

    I would be wary. I can't stress that enough. She seems like the type who would flake out on ya. Be VERY careful, but if you want, take her. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    The Seven Deadly Sins

    O_O Wow. Nomination for the DJ Bible, anyone?
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    Do DJ's respond to stupid sh*t?

    I would frivolize the situation so it looks like you are the funny guy. Make a joke out of people with poles up their @$$. I guarantee it'll work. -Sachiel, DJ In Training
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    Question 'bout Letting Go

    Thanks for your advice! I'll come to you guys again when I need to. -Sachiel, DJ In Training
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    Question 'bout Letting Go

    I see what you're trying to say but was ^this really necessary? It's really not necessary. To tell you the truth, I'm kinda ready to move on. I just didn't want to ignore this. Thanks to all those who contributed.
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    Question 'bout Letting Go

    I have a slight predicament. I need to know whether or not to move on from this one girl. Let's call her Mary for privacy'x sake. Back in Januzry, I switched from private to public school. I met this one girl, and we became fast friends. As you've heard many times before, I became infatuated...
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    Girl Dreamt about me

    She may be telling the truth or being playful. Either way, it's a good sign. I, personally, would take advantage of the situation. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
  16. S

    Need help breaking up with a nutjob

    Whoa, man. Don't jump to conclusions. I have a friend who had and has a f'ed up home life, but she's not emo. Granted, she IS unstable, though. I don't like the emo culture either, but I don't think all emos are suicidal or vice versa. I think its a waste of youth and it reinforces wuss/AFC...
  17. S

    looking then looking away

    Keep eye contact just a wee bit longer than she intends to. It's hard to gauge if you aren't in the moment, but it's much easier to see once you actually are in the position. Good luck! -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    2nd Chance?

    Great way of looking at it! Always better to move on in situations like that. You'll find another little lady to work your charm on soon enough. It's her loss. -Sachiel, DJ in Training
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    From less than nothing to something

    OK, to deal with your wuss friend, send him this site. Trust me, he'll thank you for it later. Is he your friend, just some kid, or an asswipe that attaches himself to you like a leech? -Sachiel, DJ in Training
  20. S

    Define : Girlfriend...

    Different strokes for different folks, I say. Some people want a longer relationship than others, while others simply want to get laid. Personally, I want to experiment with different gals. Not sexually, persay, but in a more social sense. At first, at least. I'm a Catholic, and I don't believe...