From less than nothing to something


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Long story, read it, give advice huh?
It took me a while to gain the confidence necessary to make me a little more successful. It's been about 18 months since I first visited here- and I've had my ups and downs. It was prom tonight. I thought of asking this girl out but really never had the guts to do it. I used to be a total loner but I've learned to talk with different people and have been talking to her a little bit. I've sent her flower a year ago February, which I know many people are totally against. I got no where except a period where things just got bad, you know? Blocking on msn, etc... I took some internet advice and did my best to not give a damn. Anyway, it's been a while and tonight was prom. I miraculously danced with several girls, one of them extraordinarily cute. A few weeks ago, I'd be about to vomit at the thought of it and would've just gone home disappointed. I've found out it isn't supposed to be torture. SHE should be having the torture of not dancing with me.

Tonight, I thought of asking for a dance- that same shy girl that i didnt have any luck with, but first, there was never an opportunity and if there was the slightest chance, I felt like I was about to piss in my pants. And then she just went into the room and stood there with her friends by the floor. And then, miraculously, I went to her little group of friends and said "anybody wanna dance?" and before any of them could do anything I targeted that girl and asked her to. Extremely shy, shaking her head, head down, but smiling. "Wanna hear a secret?" I said. Head nod. "The secret is this- you can dance" And we did. (this friend, who knows her a bit better than i do, turns wuss and actually says "she's mine" as I took her hand. I shoved the guy off) She was shy, yeah, but everything was definately goin positive. She was in fact so shy, and everybody knew it, the surrounding people cheered and clapped as she looked down and giggled. After she left, I danced with more girls than I'd hope to touch in a million years. Right now, my legs are sore. I feel that there's a big chance I can get somewhere with this girl if I make a few right moves yeah? If not, I think I've changed my reputation dramatically anyway. What the hell- I'm smart, strong, multi-talented, and to some people pretty goodlooking. Things should've gone this direction a lot earlier. How bout some advice? Don't forget my frickin wuss friend who hangs around and who is beginning to look like a little obstacle.
thanks for reading- I knew you were good, dude.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Good job, it's nice to see people improving

As for that girl, I would only pursue it very casually, she's very shy and might reject you just based on that, even if she really likes you. Spin plates, try to avoid one-itis.

Oh and if your friends being a ****block call him out on it, if he doesn't change then you don't need him


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
OK, to deal with your wuss friend, send him this site. Trust me, he'll thank you for it later. Is he your friend, just some kid, or an asswipe that attaches himself to you like a leech?

-Sachiel, DJ in Training


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Sachiel said:
OK, to deal with your wuss friend, send him this site. Trust me, he'll thank you for it later. Is he your friend, just some kid, or an asswipe that attaches himself to you like a leech?

-Sachiel, DJ in Training
Lol... which one is he? more like all of the above. thanks for the advice, people

Venusian Artist

Don Juan
May 13, 2007
Reaction score
Shy girls take one hell of a lot of rapport... They need comfort... Ever heard of M3 from Mystery? The middle stage is the comfort building, you may want to spend some time on this one...