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  1. N

    kiss close - buyers remorse?

    But that whole exchange was totally pointless though because if she said "I gotta go say hi to a friend real quick" then she was already trying to get away from you. So to ask for her number was tooootally pointless because she is just going to flake anyway.
  2. N

    If this is a test, what do I say?

    Yeah Stoner1129 i'm pretty sure it IS like that. While you're getting confused by every little thing this little girly does, there's some guy on her speed dial waiting to take her from behind. Why not harden the **** up?
  3. N

    One night stands gone wrong.

    Slow Fade? How about NO FADE? just don't call her back!
  4. N

    SHOCK and AWE: The Apocalypse Opener

    The apocalypse opener is just how its supposed to be, Unfortunately too many of us have lost out balls to even fathom trying it. But I guarantee this to work.
  5. N

    stuck on a plateau - how to move ahead

    Why do you want a girl with low self-esteem anyway? she'll just mess up your energy and cause you problems in the long term. But if you find yourself going for or meeting alot of girls with low self esteem, then this quite likely is a reflection of how you think of yourself. It's possible that...
  6. N

    does she like me?

    TWO things. Firstly, your mind is going on overdrive to find out if this girl is into you or not. It's really not that difficult. If she's into you she'll let you know. Freud said sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. In this case she probably was just applying lipstick. Don't spend so much time...
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    LTR: Lack of sex

    Relationships just kind of go like that after a while... If she's cooking you stunning meals, then she wants to keep you sweet because obviously that will keep a roof over her head. But there is a possibility that she is going elsewhere to get some on the side.
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    kiss close - buyers remorse?

    She WAS WORKING!!! Cash first, ass last- you really think she would come back and dance with you and risk losing her job?
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    On Not Being Too Nice

    why has the forum blanked out the word o-u-t-w-a-r-d? o-u-t-w-a-r-d-l-y focusing is a swear word?
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    On Not Being Too Nice

    How about, STOP reading all this information on HOW YOU THINK YOU SHOULD BE, and rather just BE HOW YOU ARE? The reason for alot of problems is we don't know if we have been TOO NICE... e.g hmm, maybe I should have been less nice, hmmm maybe i should have used more ****y + funny, hmmm maybe I...
  11. N

    To the true DJ's here, help me out a little

    I don't know how many times I have to type this on this forum. Stop GOING AFTER WOMEN AT WORK!!!! You'll just get yourself in trouble, lose your job, get your boss in trouble, get embroiled in a lawsuit if it all goes wrong. Girls go to work to earn money, not to meet people, so just let her...
  12. N

    One night stands gone wrong.

    Being a Don Juan means owning a womans mind, body and soul through your words, your actions, your presence and your masculinity. It has nothing to do with being a jerk. The fact that you percieve the 'jerk' as something outside yourself, something negative to be in opposition to means that you...
  13. N

    Why do I have SO MANY female friends?

    Thanks ZenGodMod. There's also the possibility that you're too scared to make a move and that's why you're not getting them. Let's look at the figures. 20 female friends, and NOT ONE are you getting any action from. This means your approach is causing them to react like this. Women respond...
  14. N

    Why do I have SO MANY female friends?

    The problem is that women don't feel attraction for guys who make them feel too comfortable. You are too SAFE. You might need to find a way to throw in an element of unpredictabilty into your dealings with these girls, do things you normally wouldn't - don't be available all the time. My advice...
  15. N

    My confession....Every man here should strive to be like stuka1939...

    You guys are all a massive embarassment. Grown men on the internet trading insults like five year olds and you wonder why you can't get women. Grow up all of you why don't you?
  16. N

    The DJ Bible doesn't work for me

    You have to work at these things. You cannot read the DJ Bible and think it's going to suddenly give you god-like powers over women. If you believe that then you are being sold a lie. Secondly DO THE WORK. I know SO many people who read and read and read but don't put what they've learnt into...
  17. N

    I keep thinking that women are the ones who initiate sex

    Yes because women are actually several times more sexual that guys. It's a myth that they are sweet and timid and sugar and spice etc. Girls usually initiate everything in the game, women do the choosing so to speak. They just try to find a way of doing it so that you feel like you're doing...
  18. N

    I love all of you guys!!!

    Well the thing that you have to realize is that loooooong before this whole PUA thing came along, people must have been finding a way to hook up somehow right? So then ChrisZ is just preaching this natural kind of game - you know, the way it's SUPPOSED to be... He's talking about personality not...
  19. N

    Fr: Rutgers again

    Well, I wouldn't say it's the GIRLS who are asexual, sounds to me like you haven't got your game together bro. Don't go after girls on MySpace, I mean that is bound to happen. Don't get laggered (too drunk) because that is the quickest way to lose the game. If a girl invites you somewhere, and...
  20. N

    Eye contact with Women Co Workers

    Well its up to you guys, I mean, it doesn't have to be in the place of work for you to get into trouble, so even if you get her number and call her and she doesn't like it you can get into trouble, but hey it's not MY problem, im just offering advice, but when your boss comes to and tells you...