To the true DJ's here, help me out a little


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Normally i don't start threads like this; i'm finding things out on my own by trying, failing, and trying again. This time it's a little different though.

My journal is here.

If you start from the start of the 3rd page you can see where I am at this moment in terms of progress.

There is a girl at my work. I posted about her in these posts (but really, you really should read from page 3 so you'll get a much better idea):

According to the material i read and the stuff i read on here, i'm in a pretty sweet position. But i know from experience that such a position doesn't last long. So, what should i do? I asked her out, and she didn't have time and a very good reason for it. Infact i had a mini-exchange with her in the hallways where she told me she'll get the key to her new house tomorrow (read my sh*t if you wanna know what i'm talking about). ANYWAY, i would like some tips from the more experienced DJ's here.

I'm walking into her every now and then, max 2 times a day, and sometimes i don't even see her. Really, please gimme some advice on how to handle this cause i like this one.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Your links are so confusing. I read this post of yours, yet it has no info as to what and who are you dealing with.

On the links, all it has are chicks you met, yet you don't mention which one you are talking about, or any follow up, etc.

If you want help, you have to make it easy for the guys here to want to help you. Don't have us to all the work, even if we want to do all the work, there just insn't even enough info to make any sense of this. I am speaking for myself, at least.

Help me help you!!!


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know how many times I have to type this on this forum. Stop GOING AFTER WOMEN AT WORK!!!! You'll just get yourself in trouble, lose your job, get your boss in trouble, get embroiled in a lawsuit if it all goes wrong. Girls go to work to earn money, not to meet people, so just let her earn her money and you do the same!!! Leave dating and hooking up to OUTSIDE the workplace, please!?!