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  1. N

    older chicks

    Well, the problem sounds like you're getting hung up on her and that there could be the main sticking point. If she likes you, you might most likely hook up once or twice and let her see if she likes you, but if you come at an older woman based on logistics than naturally the whole idea could...
  2. N

    Is it even possible to change or Just accept being alone and lifelong celibacy...

    Dude, you say "I started getting negative feedback on my looks" like you were someone bought you off eBay or something, c'mon dawg, you say you are ugly well throw a picture up let's see if that is the case. There are men who are clinically obese, like 10 tons and that kind of thing and they can...
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    it wouldn't bother me if she was just honest about it

    sosilky you need to quite whining and man the fvck up. So this girl is going out with guys on MySpace behind your back. Why did you not spit your contract at the beginning of the relationship and make it very clear what you will and wont accept like a man does? The first time she said you got...
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    The D1CK Thory

    Yeah, he's more in tune with the spritual side of the game which is going to take you light years ahead of the rest of the social robots on this forum. I'll try your visualization technique and see how it helps. You'll get alot of flack for posting this but you are actually more on the right...
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    older chicks

    xGizmoz, you are the only one on this forum who is thinking with a clear hear. Going for older chicks is fine, and at your age, it's probably what you really should be doing. Older chicks as they get older begin to worry that their clock is ticking and that their looks are slipping. Also their...
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    Can I save my LTR

    The reason she is holding on to you is because women wait until they have their next man lined up, then they will do the breaking up. A woman will rarely go from a relationship to being completely single. There will always be some kind of man somewhere, somehow on their dating scene. I suggest...
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    A testament to eye contact, what next?

    Ask her why she keeps staring at you and tell her that it's freaking you out. Tell her if she want to keep looking at me you'll need at least a phone number as downpayment.
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    No response? How can I look at this positively?

    Date lots of women. Get lots of women around you. When you forget about her, then she'll call you. Then forget about her again. Then that's it.
  9. N

    she tells me she misses I just tell her I miss her too?

    When she tells you "I miss you" tell her "I know." When she says "Hey stud." you say "Yeah that's me." When she says "I don't want a relationship right now" just shrug. Remember for every 1 girl that sends you confusing messages like these, there's another 9 who are very clear about what...
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    Putting myself in friend zone with hb that has a bf

    Why go after a girl with a boyfriend in the first place? Why do all you guys on this forum do this? Is there a lack of women where you guys are? You are supposed to be SURROUNDED by women begging to be with you, and you're all cut up about one little attention wh0re who you CAN'T HAVE anyway...
  11. N

    Would it be AFC to do this?

    Yes but the typical jock, male ass hole, ****y with his friends b.s unfortunately gets women. It's not said in order to be sly or cool, it's said in order to WORK. to GET WHAT YOU ARE AFTER. You call such a comment 'lewd' but yet if 95% of women will actually respond to such behaviour in a...
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    What's keeping the Mike dog from getting a lay?

    What the fvck WesCott?? Post something constructive or don't post anything at all. Firstly ElStud, don't refer to yourself in the third person. Just... don't okay? Secondly in order to turn you fantasies into a reality, you have to take action action action. You see that girl over there and...
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    On Not Being Too Nice

    Don't help women. but DO be dominating. It's YOUR role as a man.
  14. N

    Would it be AFC to do this?

    Where did you get the impression that that was made up and I never tested it? Secondly I was trying to illustrate the kind of mentality you need to have if you want things to go your way, but from the sound it you're the kind of guy who things it would be better to go on 2 dates to 'establish a...
  15. N

    i got played

    You should feel like an ass. But only because you brought this upon yourself. What you ought to have done is, as soon as you realised something wasn't right here - pick up the phone or tell her to her face "Listen now, something just isn't right here. You're being overly nice to me and something...
  16. N

    Would it be AFC to do this?

    yeah the 'trust me' is part of the quotation lol. Imagine the girl who comes up to her slowly and timidly and asks "Would you like to come to the prom with me?" versus the guy whos walking past her in the hall with his buddies saying "oh yeah, and that's the girl who's coming with me to the...
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    stuck on a plateau - how to move ahead

    If you KNOW she's attracted, then you don't have to talk to her at all. Just do that Marlon Brando thing and sweep her off her feet, push her up against a wall and slip your hands up her top and then throw her down on the bed, or pick her up. She's attracted so why we feel the need to HAVE to...
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    Would it be AFC to do this?

    Tell her straight: "You're coming with me to the prom. Trust me." Simple.
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    I had an intense 20-30 minute makeout session then the girl said

    Sorry, that's a cop-out if I ever heard one. You wouldn't be on here asking how to react to this in the future if you were really that happy about the outcome. We all know you wanted more from the encounter, you didn't get it, and that's why you're on here asking what to do next. The girls...
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    I had an intense 20-30 minute makeout session then the girl said

    wtf? You were making out with the girl for 20 - 30 minutes then she tells you to GO AWAY and you ask WHY? She totally wanted to bang you but you wimped out by keeping it at the make out level. You make-out for like 5-10 minutes tops then you get her out of there and back to yours!!!