Is it even possible to change or Just accept being alone and lifelong celibacy...


New Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I'm not trying to create a pity party thread but I really think I am almost beyond help in this situation. I'm 22 years old, have NO experience with women and while I know the whole appearence isn't as important to girls as it is to guys theory...I am UGLY. I don't even know how I would start to reform myself appearence/confidence wise. Here are my main image problems...

Scrawny - First strike against me is I have Type 1 Diabetes and and Hyperthyroidism. I don't really feel like going into too much detail about either, but they run in my family and if you want to read up about it just check wikipedia. Here is the problem with both these, health wise I have them both under control but I literally CANNOT put on weight with both of these. I am about 135 lbs. I still work out a few times a week but I rarely see results or major gains, probably because I can't take certain supplements. When I was in highschool I attempted taking a muscle builder called NOXPLODE after a workout and it almost killed me...this is before I was diagnosed so I did not know anything was wrong with me. I can keep trying the old fashion way to get buff but its hard with no worthwhile gains ever coming. I also really don't want to put my health at risk, which I know is a double edged sword but I assume if a girl had to chose she would probably want a healthy guy over a muscular guy. But being skinny cannot be a total turnoff for some because I see scrawny pretty boys and emo/punker guys and they are always with gorgeous women.

Extremely Hairy - Being of Greek and Iranian decent I got the gene to be a bear in a humans body. My back, chest, legs and arms most likely more hairy then any man here. While in some countries this is normal, but in America women seem to hate men with alot of body hair. I have really thought about waxing/shaving my back, chest and arms to get rid of it, but I would have to keep up on this at the rate my hair grows.

Horrid Teeth - I needed parents couldnt afford them, I needed regular dentist parents couldnt afford them. My teeth are a wreck, I'm looking into Veneers but I probably can't afford them.

Acne - I have read the big post on here about it and have recently started the regimen with all the supplements I can take, not too much has improved yet but it has only been 2 weeks.

Height - I'm short, only 5'5"...being this height and skinny I look like a 13 year old boy.

Most of my low self esteem derives from my appearence, ever since middle school when I started getting negative feedback about my looks I have been like this. I just don't know where to begin to change my image (or if it can even be done). Usually alot of people here have some positives and decent traits they can bring out to cover their flaws...its hard when you are made up of all flaws. I Have read alot of posts here (including the bible) but I just can't seem to do much or apply the knowledge. Any help or comments at all would be GREATLY appreciated.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
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Make money...get rid of your acne...fix your teeth ( you can do it anytime in life). Once you got some finances...look at sponcoring some poor but hot girl from a poor country like Thailand or Cuba..or whatever. And there you go son, you'll have sex with a hottie every day!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
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Bro it's possible to be celibate and not die of being a virgin. Jesus and his apostles are the best example and there are many to this very day that live a celibate life, Kaka the Brazilian soccer star was a virgin till his mid 20s and millions of women would have loved to have sex with this guy. It's only our culture that exposes us to sex and brings out our perversion. I suggest you start reading up on the Bible and catholic literature, as the Bible we know today originated from the catholic church and is the oldest church in human history. 2000 yrs old, dates back to the original 12 apostles who started it. Go to and read writings from the pope and cardinals about the human condition and you'll find peace this way. Put your faith in the Lord first and accept your suffering. Carry your cross and follow his example. With this mind set you'll have the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Don Juanism. Peace be with you.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
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SharpOdyssey said:
I'm not trying to create a pity party thread but I really think I am almost beyond help in this situation. I'm 22 years old, have NO experience with women and while I know the whole appearence isn't as important to girls as it is to guys theory...I am UGLY. I don't even know how I would start to reform myself appearence/confidence wise. Here are my main image problems...

Believe in yourself and work to fix this stuff

Scrawny - First strike against me is I have Type 1 Diabetes and and Hyperthyroidism. I don't really feel like going into too much detail about either, but they run in my family and if you want to read up about it just check wikipedia. Here is the problem with both these, health wise I have them both under control but I literally CANNOT put on weight with both of these. I am about 135 lbs. I still work out a few times a week but I rarely see results or major gains, probably because I can't take certain supplements. When I was in highschool I attempted taking a muscle builder called NOXPLODE after a workout and it almost killed me...this is before I was diagnosed so I did not know anything was wrong with me. I can keep trying the old fashion way to get buff but its hard with no worthwhile gains ever coming. I also really don't want to put my health at risk, which I know is a double edged sword but I assume if a girl had to chose she would probably want a healthy guy over a muscular guy. But being skinny cannot be a total turnoff for some because I see scrawny pretty boys and emo/punker guys and they are always with gorgeous women.

NO-Explode is not a muscle builder. It's for Pre-Workout first of all; it's absolutely useless after lifting. Buy a weight gainer and eat a **** load and work out and you can get bigger

Extremely Hairy - Being of Greek and Iranian decent I got the gene to be a bear in a humans body. My back, chest, legs and arms most likely more hairy then any man here. While in some countries this is normal, but in America women seem to hate men with alot of body hair. I have really thought about waxing/shaving my back, chest and arms to get rid of it, but I would have to keep up on this at the rate my hair grows.


Horrid Teeth - I needed parents couldnt afford them, I needed regular dentist parents couldnt afford them. My teeth are a wreck, I'm looking into Veneers but I probably can't afford them.

Get Veneers or braces. Do what you can to fix them. It's worth it.

Acne - I have read the big post on here about it and have recently started the regimen with all the supplements I can take, not too much has improved yet but it has only been 2 weeks.

Use Benzoyle Peroxide

Height - I'm short, only 5'5"...being this height and skinny I look like a 13 year old boy.

Get over it, accept who you are if you can't change it

Most of my low self esteem derives from my appearence, ever since middle school when I started getting negative feedback about my looks I have been like this. I just don't know where to begin to change my image (or if it can even be done). Usually alot of people here have some positives and decent traits they can bring out to cover their flaws...its hard when you are made up of all flaws. I Have read alot of posts here (including the bible) but I just can't seem to do much or apply the knowledge. Any help or comments at all would be GREATLY appreciated.

DO WHAT I SUGGEST. Don't sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to fix these things. It's up to you. DO IT NOW!
Message in bold

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
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jacob said:
Bro it's possible to be celibate and not die of being a virgin. Jesus and his apostles are the best example and there are many to this very day that live a celibate life, Kaka the Brazilian soccer star was a virgin till his mid 20s and millions of women would have loved to have sex with this guy. It's only our culture that exposes us to sex and brings out our perversion. I suggest you start reading up on the Bible and catholic literature, as the Bible we know today originated from the catholic church and is the oldest church in human history. 2000 yrs old, dates back to the original 12 apostles who started it. Go to and read writings from the pope and cardinals about the human condition and you'll find peace this way. Put your faith in the Lord first and accept your suffering. Carry your cross and follow his example. With this mind set you'll have the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Don Juanism. Peace be with you. is over that way ---->


1. Work out and eat like a sonofab1tch

2. Save up money and get laser hair removal

3. Save up money and get your teeth fixed

4. Get on accutane or something. Or try a regimen of salicylic acid body washes and benzoyl peroxide creams.

5. Save up money and by lifts, lol. Or move to an asian country where you'd be just slightly below average height.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
SharpOdyssey said:
I'm not trying to create a pity party thread but I really think I am almost beyond help in this situation. I'm 22 years old, have NO experience with women

So what

and while I know the whole appearence isn't as important to girls as it is to guys theory...I am UGLY. I don't even know how I would start to reform myself appearence/confidence wise.

So what. You have to work with what you have if you want to get laid.

Here are my main image problems...

Scrawny - First strike against me is I have Type 1 Diabetes and and Hyperthyroidism. I don't really feel like going into too much detail about either, but they run in my family and if you want to read up about it just check wikipedia. Here is the problem with both these, health wise I have them both under control but I literally CANNOT put on weight with both of these. I am about 135 lbs. I still work out a few times a week but I rarely see results or major gains, probably because I can't take certain supplements. When I was in highschool I attempted taking a muscle builder called NOXPLODE after a workout and it almost killed me...this is before I was diagnosed so I did not know anything was wrong with me. I can keep trying the old fashion way to get buff but its hard with no worthwhile gains ever coming. I also really don't want to put my health at risk, which I know is a double edged sword but I assume if a girl had to chose she would probably want a healthy guy over a muscular guy. But being skinny cannot be a total turnoff for some because I see scrawny pretty boys and emo/punker guys and they are always with gorgeous women.

See your doctor.

Extremely Hairy - Being of Greek and Iranian decent I got the gene to be a bear in a humans body. My back, chest, legs and arms most likely more hairy then any man here. While in some countries this is normal, but in America women seem to hate men with alot of body hair. I have really thought about waxing/shaving my back, chest and arms to get rid of it, but I would have to keep up on this at the rate my hair grows.

Don't shave your chest unless you are Hollywood. Make sure you don't lose your hair.

Horrid Teeth - I needed parents couldnt afford them, I needed regular dentist parents couldnt afford them. My teeth are a wreck, I'm looking into Veneers but I probably can't afford them.

Major problem. Teeth is very important for women. Figure something out here ASAP

Acne - I have read the big post on here about it and have recently started the regimen with all the supplements I can take, not too much has improved yet but it has only been 2 weeks.

See a doctor.

Height - I'm short, only 5'5"...being this height and skinny I look like a 13 year old boy.

Major problem dude. This is the biggest problem you have that you can't change and no amount of money can change or make a girl sleep with you because of this. Don't know what I can say here to help you.

Any help or comments at all would be GREATLY appreciated.

Everything can be fixed except the height. Guess just try to date below your height.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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And stop pitying yourself. That is not going to make girls want to sleep with you.


New Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Man i didnt read the responses to your original post but dude, seriously why would you accept celibacy? Seriously you might as well crash and burn a zillion times than accept something you think you have no control over. To me it seems like your suffering from a negative placebo affect, think and you shall become i think pook said, and what you currently thinking is what you have become. Just for fun make yourself believe you are the coolest cat on the block and go talk to random chicks, hell ask them about fake surveys or something whatever just get some experience interacting with women, they really are not all that judgmental. Girls love guys that will just go up to them, look them in the eye and have a good genuine conversation. Trust me get out there, get some thick skin and eventually you'll have a blast the initiation does kind of suck but its worth it when you can walk up projecting the most awesome body language because your so damn comfortable talking to people. HAVE fun you make your life seem so damn horrible and its NOT, you just think its horrible. Life rocks! :up:


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
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Dude, you say "I started getting negative feedback on my looks" like you were someone bought you off eBay or something, c'mon dawg, you say you are ugly well throw a picture up let's see if that is the case. There are men who are clinically obese, like 10 tons and that kind of thing and they can find a woman. There are guys who have severe and i mean SEVER facial disfigurements and terrible diseases such as Neurofibrometois and they managed to meet women and have children? There are men with no limbs, no hands, blind guys they can all find hot women. So what makes you think a few issues like these can stop you? Do all of the above posters advice, i think it will help. Also stop focusing so much on the problem. When you zero in on an issue, it makes it appear much bigger than it actually is.

Good luck pal,


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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Man, Stephen Hawking gets laid. You know what he looks like? He looks like ET in a wheelchair on a bad hair day. He cannot even speak. He has to talke through a Speak N Spell. And he has *children*. His wife is not even ugly.

You think looks matter? Look at the Rolling Stones. Ugliest mother****ers alive. Look at Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. Women have told me they licked his sweat off the floor. He looks like a white ape.

So I'd say, think of what you are good at. What are you good at? Whatever it is, DO THAT. A lot. You can be the shortest, hairiest, skinniest, ugliest and BEST whatever it is. That confidence will be more valuable than any DJ skill. Gain some local fame for whatever you're good at and the women will follow. You won't even need DJ skills.

Speaking from personal experience, it is really fun to be the ugly dude with the hot chick. Makes other guys crazy. It is also fun to be richer than they are, smarter than they are, and better at something than they are -- b/c when they were chasing girls, and playing with themselves, you were working your azz off, and getting ahead. Go for it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
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The question put forth was: "Is it even possible to change?" Ah, some have argued the point that: "The greatest ability a man has is the ability to change."

Imagine you are a mountain that is still molding from the tectonic plates below to the very peak itself. Realize that the mountain will change its shape all the way up the winding trail to the top. A brilliant entrepreneur told the world one day: "There is always room at the top." With that said, he left himself room to work with doubt, a fear of the vague unknown and unhindered amount of leeway.

If you choose to take what you are given now and do nothing but run, it will not discriminate the time nor the place you allow it to roam into. These are your steeply-inscribed personal demons. If you allow yourself to liberate your mind from the past, you will give these personal demons a brick wall to run into. They will travel back down the road to the hell they came from and never be allowed to return because you chose to make that road burn for good.

So, can you forget the past-pressures and allow yourself to witness the liberty that awaits you in the form of change?