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  1. N

    Eye contact with Women Co Workers

    That's the scary thing. You don't even have to harass them anymore that you can get into trouble. You can hit on her even just once, as long as she claims to feel 'unsafe' or 'uncomfortable' by anything you do you can get into a lawsuit. It's crazy but the laws are more in favour of women these...
  2. N

    My problem with woman, I'm confident, but attraction is a hit or miss.

    Yes I do understand where you're coming from with that, of course there are all kinds of subtleties to this whole eye contact thing that we couldn't really show through just writing, but there is a kind of shy eye contact where even though she's not looking at you, you kind of know she is sort...
  3. N

    Eye contact with Women Co Workers

    Yeah you'll get sued for sexual harassment and they'll all gang up on you if it goes wrong, it's just not worth it. Make money at work, but leave the hitting on girls to outside office hours.
  4. N

    If this is a test, what do I say?

    Sigh... You're probably just friends, and when she said "She's thinking how much she loves you" she most likely meant as a friend. When you said you loved her too, you totally wierded her out. Girls call me 'babe' all the time, it's just something they say- the reason she felt wierd about using...
  5. N

    Eye contact with Women Co Workers

    Stop Going After Women At Work!!!
  6. N

    Funny female behaviour

    I wouldn't dwell on it. It was just a passing comment. She was just being friendly and creating a nice atmosphere for he colleagues and customers. If she was into you, she's have given you that eye contact or something, either way you'd know.
  7. N

    tired after 21 approaches since mid-january,live in Madrid

    Well, RE Cold Approaching, Mr_Elor has made a good point which i failed to point out. You can approach consistantly and hit, and I didn't mean to imply that cold approaching means failure every time. Some people CAN approach 15 girls and get 15 hits. In this instance, it is probably down to the...
  8. N

    mixed signals no idea how to interpret (quite long)

    Well my friend. I would say go by how you FEEL. Not by what you think you should do, according to these PUA rules, which by they way a large majority are wrong. By this i mean, I noticed in your post you refer to 'taking the frame back' and that she was 'trying to prevent this conversation to...
  9. N

    Vid proves that looks make it ALOT easier (at least in clubs)

    Okay, for a start guys, STOP watching Key's To The VIP. I saw a couple of clips and then forwarded it to my friend. It destroyed him. Firstly, recognize that it is a TV show. The girls in there KNOW they are being filmed for a show about Players and that they are GOING to be approached, because...
  10. N

    My problem with woman, I'm confident, but attraction is a hit or miss.

    Well... it's not for you to say if they will or will not be attracted. If she's holding eye contact with you, then she's attracted. I know it can be hard to think it's really that simple, but you don't need any of this PUA stuff or A1 to B3 to D3 etc. It really is as simple as, if you hold...
  11. N

    Girl with a boyfriend

    What you need to do is STOP cupcaking and obsessing over a girl with a boyfriend and then get out there and get yourself a girl who doesn't have a boyfriend. How would you like it if there was some guy sniffing and lingering around your girl, plotting and scheming, asking around on the internet...
  12. N

    tired after 21 approaches since mid-january,live in Madrid

    I think it was Einstein who said that the surest sign of madness was to keep doing the same thing and getting the same result. Well... lets look at the facts. 21 approaches. 21 flakes. That is a 100% failure rate. To top it off, you were stood up. These are all not good things. Now, allow me to...
  13. N

    FR: Went out on a date with this beautiful girl....

    Well yeah the date was blown. The whole reason for the date was to get closer to her and to start kissing her. She gave you multiple opportunities and you missed them at each turn. I can't beat you up about it too much because I have been there and done exactly the same things, but you have to...
  14. N

    lol Banter lines you can use to tease

    True, but then such guys would have come up with stuff like this on the fly as a result of their personality, not because they read it on a forum?
  15. N

    My problem with woman, I'm confident, but attraction is a hit or miss.

    If a girl is interested, you'll know by the way she looks at you. Eye contact is the key, and a girl who likes you as a friend and a girl who is interested in you as something more, you can tell the difference. If a girl was really 'insanely attracted' to you, you wouldn't be here on the SoSuave...
  16. N

    help w/ flakiness

    She's not really sick. She's blown you off. You ran into a freak. Freaks don't do "Day Two's" or meetingup for coffee. She wanted you to take her home that night. Also never call to confrim. That's a total AFC move. You tell her when you meet her, "We're gonna go here, here and here, on such and...
  17. N

    Is her Interst level dropping??

    It's done. Your girl is onto the next guy. I hate that short "Have plans" kinda response girls give. Just don't contact her any more. The text was also really 'AFC' as I think you guys call it. Don't ever tell a girl "Have fun" after she has disrespected you with such a short response like "Have...
  18. N

    lol Banter lines you can use to tease

    Guys you've got to be kidding? This doesn't work. Don't use any of this stuff. Can't you just go over and say hello to her? You can't tease with canned lines? You have to tease using your natural sense of humour and a response to the situation. Getting girls isn't an RPG. You can't just go...
  19. N

    My girl is FRIGID as F*CK!

    Let her go, and find a woman who responds to you. Maybe she's not that attracted to you, maybe she's inexperienced, but there's nothing that's more annoying than an unresponsive woman. Tell her it's pissing you off and then move on.
  20. N

    mixed signals no idea how to interpret (quite long)

    Yeah her interest level fell way off after you confronted her. Never do that again, to any girl EVER, it just puts the nail in your coffin. Your stuck in friend zone. Let it go. Billions of other women in the world. Don't waste your time my friend.