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  1. M

    Where to find fashion ideas?

    I'm looking to redo my wardrobe. Think along the lines of the more causal and conservative styles featured in GQ. Also keep in mind that I'm 21. So does anyone know a good website to get fashion ideas?
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    How do you respond when stood up?

    Hey it happens. Keep your head up and don't worry about what people unworthy of your time do or don't do. In the end you can look at it from the perspective of, well if this person made a concious decision to stand me up why would I want to be with them? Clearly they're not a person worthy of...
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    Girl Embarrasses Herself Chasing Me. What To Do Now?

    Flood her. Send her roses, emails, call her 12 times a day. Tell her you love her the next time you see her and you want to get married. Who knows, it might be fun. Oh wait, your actually attracted to her. Someone else want to take this one? Bump***
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    I cant pick in clubs (but i can everywhere else)

    Exceptions to every rule. Look I was just speaking from my personal experience, heck even friends I've got that I've known to hook up with two attractive women in the same night have trouble at the clubs. However if your Aunt and Uncle met in a bar and are happy then more power to them...
  5. M

    I cant pick in clubs (but i can everywhere else)

    Exactly. If your getting them in other places than you shouldn't even be touching the club imo. Personally I find seduction is more fun when you can take your time and not nail some random stranger with a one night stand (unless your up for it). BTW heres a post I made concerning girls in...
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    Social Proof

    I just saw a great, but extreme example, of social proof. If you watch the movie 'Goodfellas' theres a scene where Ray Liotta takes Lorraine Bracco on their first date to some presegious comedy club. During this scene they go in through the back door and as a result see a lot of people Ray...
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    Confident BL = Disintrested

    My bad. bl means Body Language
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    Confident BL = Disintrested

    Alright maybe I'm just pointing out the obvious but I just wanted to get the thought of some of the people on the forum. Most of the dating gurus have advised us to adjust our bl to project confidence. Ironically a lot of the things they tell us to create this projection (leaning back, not...
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    I need reasons to say no to this girl!

    Ironically by asking yourself questions like that your preventing yourself from getting attached. But this is more of an observation than advice. Consider this response a bump.
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    Mike Dmitrz - Can I Kiss You?

    Good point its not always an exact science (especially when it comes to analyzing women) but I think that applys more to the tease option I pointed out. The fact of the matter is that she might like you and send you these signals b/c shes getting off on you being attracted to her. Plus a...
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    trying to get over my ex... plz help

    Agreed. I'd like to summerize by saying that the best DJ's find the balance between the nice guy and jerk persona. for example: you don't kiss her ass but your also there to comfort her when she needs you (try not to become a dumping ground). This applys when someone important to her dies...
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    trying to get over my ex... plz help

    Listen to these guys they got good advice. I'd just like to point out that your hypnotizing yourself and letting the emotional part of your brain take over, and trust me you are letting the emotional part take over. In the end you'll have to realize she was bad news and your better off...
  13. M

    Mike Dmitrz - Can I Kiss You?

    If she gets mad 1 of 2 things probably happened 1. You didn't read her body language and forced the kiss b/c she was there and you two happened to be on a date 2. Shes a ***** and a tease.
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    Oral Sex

    If a girl doesn't give or recieve oral than I don't want any part of her. Oral sex is one of the best parts about getting intimate with someone. Leave this girl. Have some standards. As BadLittlePixie said shes probably not going to change her ways.
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    ****ing about with their heads

    LMAO yeah agreed. Hey that takes a lot of balls to do. Hey if shes worth half her salt then she'll be back.
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    Does this make me a bad guy?

    KillaCam saved you from having me put a full court press on you with his logic so..thats pretty messed up man. I know this is duh duh duh da (think Carlos Mencia) but you should have never slept with her. Plus think about this she cheated on your friend with you, his best friend i assume...
  17. M

    DON'T drink TOO MUCH to get story!

    I joined that club last September (through different means but we ended up at the same place). Anyway I gotta warn you its weird at first but when you get your body right, man sh!t goes right.
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    Do most 9's and tens suck in bed???

    Alright Everybody we have a new theory. If a girl is a 9 or a 10 and is... A socialite and a tease (with a naturally gifted metabolism) she will be horrible in bed. An Athlete she will be awesome in bed b/c she can help you invent new kama sutra positions or you are drunk and you are...
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    Young girl risk

    Look out man. My guess is she lost her father and shes looking for you to replace him. This girl could have some wire problems and you might not be the guy who should be getting involved with her. With that said I hope both of you find what your looking for.
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    How Long Until You "Ask Out" A Girl

    I agree with the not kissing her ass but heres my take. I do it randomly but at the same time I don't make a big deal out of it. If she gets her hair done I notice it (sometimes with a ****y comment like "Wow you got your hair done. I hope you got your money back." doesn't look so good on...